(just because)
When he went to school, Riley walked around there with the girls he’d met on the Esplanade when Peter was asleep on the beach. They were just passing the café when he walked out of the front and he fell into step beside them. He’d seen them around town a few times. They were always friendly, but he had trouble remembering their names. He was terrible with names.
“Hello again, Riley. Where are you off to on this lovely day?”
“Dressed like this? Where d’you think I’m off to?” he grinned.
“Prison, perhaps?” one of them smiled back.
“Yeah. Pretty close, I guess. You’re Sally and you’re Fern, right?”
“Other was around actually, but it was a good try. What year are you in?”
“Year 11. How about you?”
“We’re year 11 too. That’s cool. If they give you a ‘buddy’ to show you around for the day, ask for us. We’ll look after you.”
“Yeah, we’ll look after you. Got a girlfriend?”
“No I haven’t.”
“Oh?” Sally said. “Got a boyfriend?”
“No I have not!”
“Oh, so no Jafas are crying because they’ve lost you?”
“Probably all of them are, but I’m here now.”
“Yeah. Their loss and our gain. Want a girlfriend?”
“Why, are you offering?”
“Not really. Just curious.”
“Just nosy! Take no notice of her, Riley. Fern’s always gotta know everything.”
“No worse than you Sally – Pallie,” Fern laughed.
Riley grinned. He liked these two. They went to school together.
School was okay. It was much smaller than what he was used to, of course, but everyone seemed friendly enough, even the teachers. He wasn’t used to that either.
He ate lunch in the quad outside. Sally and Fern joined him and he met some of their friends.
After school, he walked home with a small crowd, had a drink and a snack, changed his clothes and worked in the café until closing time. The deal he’d struck with his mother involved working for 20 hours a week, mostly cleaning but also serving customers when it was busy.
It was going to be a bit of a tie, but, hey, he was getting paid, so that was all good. Also, he enjoyed meeting the people. They were mostly just passing through and he’d never see them again, but everyone’s interesting. Some of them were pretty cute too.
They ate, in the café, after closing at 7pm, cleaned up and went up to the house. He did think of going around to see what Peter was doing, but decided not to. It was a school-night and, strangely enough, he was tired already. H had a long, hot, shower to get rid of the stink of the fish, and checked his emails. There weren’t any. His friends were forgetting him already.
After that, he lay, boxer-clad, on his bed and read some Harry Potter. 10 o’clock was late enough, so he turned off the light and climbed into bed. He needed a social 1ife!
If there were no suitable boys around, maybe he should get a girlfriend? No. He’d rather have a boy. There must be someone. Peter would’ve been great. Who was this Ashton kid that he was so infatuated with anyway?
He found out when they arrived at school next day. There was a growing crowd in the street outside where a kid was proudly showing-off his new wheels. Everyone was admiring them enviously.
“What’s going on here?” Riley asked.
“That’s Ashton Woods,” Sally replied. “He’s got his new car. I heard he was getting one as soon as he got his licence.”
“Come on,” Fern said. “Let’s see what he’s got.”
They pushed through to the front and Fern exclaimed, “Ohmigosh! Ashton’s got himself a bloody Beamer! Classic.”
“Yeah, classic car,” Sally agreed. “He couldn’t have a common old Mitsubishi, or whatever. Oh no, only the best for our Ashton. The coolest kid in town has to have the coolest car. Damm. Is there another BMW in Kaimoana?”
“Well, yeah,” Fern said. “You see tourists with them sometimes, but there is one other person – Kevin Woods, Ashton’s old man, has got one, of course. So, it’s like father, like son. I wish my last name was Woods. Maybe it will be, one day. Mrs. Woods sounds good to me.”
“Fern Woods?” Riley grinned. “Sounds a bit much like a jungle story to me.”
“Oh yeah. Him Tarzan, me Jane!”
“In your dreams, Fern. Yours and everyone else’s.”
“Well, someone’s got to get him. It might as well be me. Smile, he’s looking at us. Ohmigosh, here he comes!”
Riley stood quietly studying the tall, smiling boy approaching them. So, this was the local ‘Ritchie Rich’, the coolest, richest kid in town who everybody was in love with – including Peter? Damm his eyes!
He was prepared to hate him, he should have hated him, but he found that he couldn’t. This was one fine-looking boy; he was gorgeous! Life was so not fair. Not only did this kid have everything, he looked like every gayboy’s fantasy ideal. Tall and smooth with broad, strong, shoulders tapering down to oh-so-slender hips. He had long arms with big hands and long, long, slender and shapely legs.
His hair was just brown, but it looked good. It was a bit long(ish), full and bouncy and neatly styled. His eyes were a stunning blue and his face looked – well – nice. Warm, friendly and nice.
“Hey Sally, hey Fern,” he beamed a smile. “Like my wheels?”
“Oh yes!” Fern gushed. “Great car. How did you score a bloody Beamer?”
“From my dad, of course. He is a dealer and he got a good deal on it. Not a biggie really.”
“Oh, but it is!” Sally said. “This is Riley; have you guys met?”
“No. Hello Riley,” he offered a hand. “I’m Ashton. I’ve heard about you, you’re the new kid in town, at the Craypot Café, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right.” Riley took the hand and shook. He had a firm grip. “I’m from Auckland. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too. We won’t hold Auckland against you. Welcome to the best town in the country.”
“Doesn’t everyone think that about their own town?”
“Probably. But we don’t just think it; we know it’s the best. I’ve gotta move, busy impressing the locals here. See you later, Guys.” He went back to his car.
“Isn’t he dreamy?” Fern sighed. “He’s like the perfect kid!”
“Put your tongue away,” Sally shoved her, playfully. “Ashton’s way out of your class. So Riley, what did you think?”
“I dunno. I think I see what everyone’s raving about, but I never expected that. He’s actually a nice guy.”
“Of course he is! Ashton’s the best,” Fern enthused.
“Takes more than just being rich and good-looking to get where he is,” Sally said. “Ashton’s got, what do you call it, charisma. Mind you, people said that about Hitler and he turned out to be not so nice really.”
“You think?” Riley grinned.
“Shut up, Griffin,” Fern shoved her back. “Ashton is no Hitler. That’s ridiculous! He’s perfect. Ohmigosh, bloody Belinda’s talking to him. I’ll shove her out of the way. I want that boy!”
Fern rushed away and Riley looked at Sally. “You’re not in love with Ashton Woods then?”
“No way. We’ve got more in common than you think, Riley.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I’m gay, aren’t I? Just like you.”
“Like me? You think I’m gay?”
“I know you are. I know when I’m with a gayboy. My cousin’s gay and I love him, so does his boyfriend.”
“You’ve got a gay cousin? What’s his name? Is he here? And, you are too?”
“I am. Joel’s not here, he works for my dad. Don’t get your hopes up, he’s very taken and totally in love with his boy.”
“Lucky sod. I wish that I had a boy.”
“Yeah, I knew it. Don’t worry, you will. A boy like you, young and beautiful and very available, you won’t be single for long.”
“Do you think?”
“Do I know!”
“What about you then? Got a girlfriend?”
“That’s for me to know. Come on, time for school.”
Riley saw Ashton a few times during the day, of course, it was a small school, but he didn’t get to speak to him again. He was constantly surrounded by his admirers. There were way more girls than boys too.
Peter was right, Ashton was Mr. Cool, but he was not gay.
‘Oh Peter. You’re wasting your heart, giving it to that one.’
Riley needed to have a long and serious talk with Peter.
The girls had netball practice after school, so Riley walked home alone. He could’ve found someone to walk with, there were a few groups that he could’ve insinuated himself into, but he couldn’t be bothered. It wasn’t far to walk anyway.
It was quite nice to be alone, in a way. All day long he’d felt like he was on display. He was constantly catching glimpses of people looking at him, checking him out. He’d be glad when they found some other new novelty. He was sick of being the new kid in school already.
Anyway, while he was on his own, he had a lot of checking-out to do himself. It was easier without someone chattering away to him.
Small-town kids; there were a lot of them. This must be a good area for breeding. Something in the water around here, maybe? Some of them were fine-looking kids too.
Another boring evening, he worked in the café until it closed at 7pm, and then went around to see Peter, but there was no-one there. The house was all shut-up and there was no-one at home. Where would he be? Peter said that he never went anywhere.
He wandered around for a while and then went home and spent the evening alone. Even his mother was out somewhere. He didn’t know where she’d gone either. None of his old friends were on line and he had no new addys yet. So, there was only one thing for it – he played computer games until far too late. What an exciting life!
Great, now I worry about Peter as we don´t know where he is or what caused the family to be away when Riley wants to visit, so I hope the next chapter is out soon!!!!
And David, there´s more too it than just longer chapters!!
Didn't we have a Joel before somewhere? Is this the same one?
Good chapter again, David.
This is getting confusing, how does Peter know rich kid, straight Ashton, is Riley still wanting to be in Peter's life?
These questions, and many more, will be answered in the next episode of Kaimoana Tales. (Well maybe not)
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