“I don’t think that Virgil likes me.”
“Of course he’ll like you. Why wouldn’t he? Virgil’s a good guy; he’s a nice kid. Why would you think that he doesn’t like you – have you met him again?”
“No, I’ve only ever met him once, at that carnival thing in Timaru. I was with you and if looks could kill, he’d be doing time by now.”
“No way,” Joel laughed.
“Way,” Gary insisted.
“I didn’t see that. He was with someone else then, now he’s with me and he’s got no reason not to like you. We’d better go around and see him and tell him what’s what before some big-mouth tells him that I picked-up a good-looking boy in the street and took him out to the beach.”
“Why would anyone do that?”
“It’s a small town and people love to gossip. Everyone knows what everyone’s doing, but sometimes they get the wrong idea.”
Joel drove back into town, along the Esplanade, up the main street and up the hill to Virgil’s house. He pulled-up in the driveway outside, the front door burst opened and Virgil came running out.
He stopped, looked at the pair getting out of the Chevy, and the welcoming smile fell off his face.
“Again?” he said. “You bastard, Stafford. You absolute bloody bastard! I’m not going through this again. Fuck off and take your boyfriend with you.”
He turned, went back inside and the door slammed. It was a wonder that the glass didn’t shatter at the impact.
“Damm!” said Joel. “Trust Virgil to get the wrong idea. He’s right about one thing, we’re not going through that again. Stay here, wait by the car and I’ll go and sort this out.”
“Maybe it’s best if I just leave.”
“No, it’s not! Don’t you run out on me too. You just wait here, I’ll be back. I love the Little Shit. I always will – but, sometimes!”
He went to the door. It was locked. He knocked, and then he hammered on it.
“Virgil! Virgil Cain, you open this door!” There was no reply.
He looked at Gary and shrugged, “I’ll go around the back then. Stay there.”
Joel went around the side of the house, heading for the back door. Gary stood, waiting, leaning on the Chevy and feeling really bad. This was all his fault. He should’ve stayed away from Joel. They didn’t need him messing up their lives.
A kid, in a school uniform, came in from the street and stood next to him. He dropped his bag on the ground and leaned against the car. “Trouble in paradise, is it?” He nodded towards the house.
“Looks like it,” Gary replied, miserably.
He looked at the boy. He was over-weight, had sticking-out ears and blond stubble for hair, but he seemed nice enough.
“Hey, don’t blame yourself,” the boy grinned. “Those two are always fighting about something, but they’ll sort it out. They love each other and they both know it.”
“I hope you’re right. It’s me that they’re fighting about.”
“I’m always right. I’m Lachlan. I’m Virgil’s welfare case. Who would you be?”
“I’m Gary – Gary Stafford. I’m Joel’s cousin and, yeah, I guess that I’m his welfare case too.”
“So we’re two of a kind then. Nice to meet you, Gary. Where are you from?”
“I’m from up North, but I’m going to be living here now, I think.”
“You think? Well, in case you do, welcome to Kaimoana. It’s a pretty cool town – best place I’ve ever lived.”
“It is? Where else have you lived?”
“I was hoping you’d ask that,” Lachlan grinned. “I’ve never lived anywhere else, I was born here.”
“So it’s definitely the best place you’ve lived then.”
“It is. The best and the worst.”
They exchanged smiles. Gary liked this kid, he was all right.
Lachlan asked, “Where exactly, up North did you live?”
“It’s a little town, you’ve probably never heard of it. It’s called Auckland.”
“I’ve heard of Auckland. It’s north of Wellington, isn’t it?”
“Everything’s north of Wellington, you Dork!” Gary laughed.
“Dork? That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“Give me time, I’ll think of better.”
“Have they been at it long?” Lachlan nodded towards the house.
“No, just a couple of minutes. We arrived here, Virgil came out and exploded at him and ran back inside. Joel’s gone around to the back to see if he can get in there.”
“He’s a good guy, Joel.”
“He is. He’s the best.”
“Why’s Virgil upset with him?”
“Because I’m here. I was with Joel before he was with Virgil. I think he thinks he’s lost him again.”
“Oh, yeah, rite! Like that’s going to happen? Joel loves Virgil, end of story. Are you gay then?”
“A little bit, yeah.”
“Cool. Me too!”
There were smiles all around.
Joel tried the back door. It was locked, as usual, but that didn’t stop him, he knew where the spare key was hidden. He walked into the kitchen and Virgil’s gran was in there, sitting at the table, with her head in her hands and staring at the coffee before her. She looked up.
“Hello, Handsome. Tell the boy to keep the noise down. I’ve got a splitting headache!”
“Hey, Gran. Brewer’s asthma, is it? I don’t know why you do that to yourself.”
“I’m sure I don’t either. There should be a warning label on the bottle.”
“Would you take any notice if there was?”
“Probably not. Don’t slam the door on your way through.”
There was no lock on Virgil’s bedroom door, but he had trouble opening it. Something, several somethings, had been thrown against the inside and were blocking the way. He put his shoulder into it and pushed until it was open enough for him to slip through.
Virgil sat up on the bed and yelled at him. “Aargh! I told you to fuck off! Get out of my house and don’t ever come back.”
“Shut up, Virgil. We have to talk.”
“We do not. I’m not talking to you ever again. Never, ever, ever! Fuck off!”
He grabbed a pillow and wrapped it around his head, holding it with his clenched fists over his ears. He lay, face-down, kicking his feet and yelling.
“Aah! Aah, Aargh!!”
Joel sighed and sat patiently, on the end of the bed, and waited for the tantrum to finish. Virgil finally shut up, lay quietly for a minute, and then peeked around at him.
“Oh. You’re still here.”
“I’m still here”, Joel replied. “Have you finished?”
“Well, maybe.” Virgil sat up and glared at him.
“So help me,” Joel sighed. “Why did I have to fall in love with a bitch?”
“I’m not a bitch!”
“Stop acting like one then.”
“Well, what do you expect? What do you fucking expect when you come around here with your boyfriend?”
“You are my boyfriend, no-one else.”
“What is that little faggot out there then? Just your bit on the side, is he?”
“You’re better than this, Virgil. Did I throw a fit when you turned-up with Lachlan in tow?”
“Well, no. But that’s different.”
“Why is it different?”
“I was never in love with Lachlan, was I? I never loved him and I never fucked him.”
“No. Yes, it’s true that I had sex with Gary, a long time ago, but I never loved him. Not like I loved you. He’s my cousin, for fuck’s sake. He’s my cousin, he’s all alone and he needs me.”
“I hope you’ll be very happy together!”
“I very much doubt it. Goodbye, Virgil. I do love you and I always will. Have a good life.”
Joel got up and moved towards the door. Before he got there, Virgil flew across the room and slammed it shut. He stood leaning against it.
“What do you mean, goodbye? Don’t you walk out on me, Joel Stafford. Don’t you dare!”
“Why the hell shouldn’t I? You don’t love me; you never did.”
“I don’t love you?” Virgil grabbed his head and kissed him, savagely. “Don’t you tell me that I don’t love you. I fucking love you more than you’ll ever know!”
“Yeah, you do. I love you, Virgil. I love you, heaps, but you’ve got to learn to trust me. I’d never betray you, never again. Okay?”
“Yeah. I will, I do. I do know really, that you’re mine and I’m yours. It’s just that – well, you’re too bloody good to be true, you know!”
“I’m not, but you can keep on thinking that if you want to.”
“Shut it, Dork!”
They kissed again, and it was Joel who broke away first. “”Okay, we’re cool. Come outside now and meet Gary – properly this time.”
“Do I have to?” Virgil pouted.
“Yes, you have to. He’s going to be living around here now and he’s going to be my brother.”
“He’s not your brother, he’s your cousin.”
“Not any more, he’s not. We’re brothers now. He’s got no-one else.”
“No-one at all. His family, my family, kicked him out because he’s gay.’
“They did? Bastards! I don’t understand how anyone can do that to their kids.”
“Neither do I, but some do. Not everyone’s as lucky as you are, Virgil.”
“No-one’s as lucky as I am – nobody! Let’s go out and meet your brother then.”
“Yeah. Come on. The kid’s probably feeling rotten out there.”
“Yeah. Got caught in the cross-fire, didn’t he? I owe him an apology.”
“Only if you want to, but it would be nice if you did.”
“I’m always nice, Joel.”
“Yeah, right! I’ve always said that you can be an awesome kid, as well as being a bitch sometimes. It’s time to be awesome again.”
“All right, all right. Don’t rub it in.”
They went back outside to make peace with Joel’s upset cousin, but he didn’t look like he was upset at all. Gary and Lachlan were in the drive, with their backs to them, laughing and joking together. They looked like they were having a great time.
“Looks like Lachlan’s found a friend,” Virgil smiled.
Joel replied, “It does. I think Gary’s found one too.”
Gosh, they're coming thick and fast this week!
That's not a complaint, by the way - you keep them coming as thick and as fast as you want.
I love the interaction between Virgil and Joel - they're so in love. It looks as if Lachlan and Gary are getting on too.
now that´s the way, now that we have everybody a boyfriend we could continue with the Riley saga....
sun´s out!!
Haha, i'm with you, Joah! Like that will influence David...but he'll get back to it when he gets good and ready for sure.
Hi David, Hi Guys!
"It’s time to be awesome again.”
Don't we all wish someone would say that to us?
It's all a squaredance (hehe) with you, David, everybody gets a partner. It's a fine vision for the world, and there certainly are enough to go around. Sometimes I think all the problems come from having too many choices, and perhaps we should never have gotten away from small towns as a way of living for everybody. Just a thought...
The usual thanks to you, Cowboy, and cheers to the rest of you Cowboys too.
p.s. As I told David in an earlier email, I saw Bruce Willis with blonde hair in an anupcoming film clip yesterday, and the shock of it has someone creeped into the day with me. Yippee Kiyi Ya, he looks atrocious!
lol Thanks Guys,
i liked that chapter & don't care if that sounds big-headed. I love it when different strings come together.
And, someone's in a country & western mood today?
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