Bright lights came on and there was another one there! Buck Thomas was leering at him and stripping his clothes off as well.
The three of them used him and abused him for hours. They all fucked him, separately and together, over and over again. At one point he had a dick in his mouth, he didn’t know whose, while 2 dicks tried, but failed, to get up his arse at the same time. It wasn’t rape, not quite, he wanted sex but not like this. There was no loving or affection involved, they just fucked him.
Finally, they’d all had enough. They all piled into Wayne’s car and he drove them back into town. He dropped Gary off at the corner where he’d picked him up and drove away without a word – not even a fucking thank-you.
Gary walked home, sore, stretched, used and tired. He was exhausted, but he still had to have a long shower before he crawled into bed. He felt dirty all over.
“The Bastards!” Joel couldn’t contain himself any longer. “The dirty bastards! I’ll kill them.”
“Shut up, Joel. You will not. That wouldn’t fix anything, it’d just get you in trouble too. Anyway, be quiet. I told you not to talk and I haven’t finished yet. It gets worse.”
“Worse? How could it? Did they give you the clap or something?”
“No, nothing like that. I’ve been tested and I’m clean, in that way anyway.”
“What happened then?”
That was Friday night. He went nowhere in the weekend, just stayed at his dad’s place as usual and didn’t put his nose out of the door. On Monday, he went back to school and was largely ignored, as usual. As the day went on, something was going on. Everyone was staying away from him and the only attention he got was sneers and abuse thrown from a distance. Apparently, he was a faggot and a cock-sucker and all the rest of it.
Apart from that, no-one wanted to talk to him, not even his so-called friends. They all stayed well away. By the end of the day, without being told, he figured that, somehow, they all knew what had happened to him on Friday night. He had confirmation of that on the way home.
(He lived with his mother on weekdays and his father on the weekends). His phone rang in his pocket and it was a message from Kathy Gilbertson, a ‘friend’ – one of the ones who wouldn’t talk to him. The message read, “Don’t reply 2 this. U shld no – Theres more.”
There were 3 video clips attached. He looked at them and stood stunned! They were all of him, stark naked, getting fucked and sucking dick. There were no other faces shown, just his, and there was plenty of that. One clip finished with a link to an internet site.
The bastards had taped him and clips were all over the school. Who could understand that? They’d all gotten into it and it was all their idea and now – this. Bastards!
It wasn’t just the school where they were doing the rounds, they were all over the town. He got to his mother’s house and she wouldn’t let him in the door. She didn’t want to know him anymore. She met him with a mouthful of abuse, worse than any he’d heard all day, and finally told hi to fuck off and don’t ever come back. She slammed the door in his face.
“Oh, well,” he shrugged. There was never much love lost there anyway; she only wanted him for the maintenance money from his dad. He picked up his bags and walked across town to his father’s house.
There was no-one there when he arrived, they were still at work. He let himself in and went on the net to check-out the link. It was more of the same stuff, still with only his face showing. He still didn’t know how they’d done it. He hadn’t seen the cameras, but he was kind of busy at the time.
His father and his new partner came home from work and screamed at him. It was worse than he’d got from his mother, and it was in stereo. He took their suggestion and fucked off out of their house, never to return there. They were just bastards too.
“They are,” Joel agreed. “They all are. You should’ve come to me right then.”
“I couldn’t. I did think about it, but you couldn’t have helped me. You were still living with Uncle Dick and your father is as big a prick as my one is.”
“Maybe not quite as much. What did you do then?”
“If you’d be quiet, I’d tell you. I went to our Granny Stafford. I didn’t know what else to do and she’d always told me that she loved me. So I cleaned-out my bank account and spent my last dollar on a bus ticket to Granny’s. The bus didn’t leave until the following morning so I had to spend the night in a park, sleeping under a tree. It was friggin’ cold too!”
“How did you get on at Granny’s?”
“Well, I’m not living there am I? Turns out, she likes gayboys even less than her sons do.”
“So what happened?”
“Joel! I’m trying to tell you. I figured that honesty is the best policy, so we sat in her kitchen, with a drink, and I told her the whole story – everything that happened. She went ballistic and she hit the roof! I didn’t know that Granny even knew language like that.
She had visitors, in the other room. They couldn’t hear me but they certainly heard her – every screaming word of it. She said that I was going to burn in hell and I deserved everything I got. She told me to get the fuck out of her house and her family and don’t ever come back. Witch!”
“Yeah, that too. I had no money left and nowhere else to go, so I was going to top myself. I headed across town to find a rope and a tree. I was going to hang myself and show them all what I thought of them.”
“Yeah. Anyway, it was raining too, just to make it more fun. It was persisting down and cold with it. That was the lowest point of my life. Then it got better. Ron saved me.”
“Ron Clarke. Didn’t you know him? He was an old family friend, went to school with Granddad, or something. He was one of the visitors in the other room. He heard everything and came out looking for me.
He pulled-up in the street beside me, opened the door and called out. I got in – best thing I ever did – and he took me home. Well, back to his motel actually.
He told me to shower and get some dry clothes on while he got us some food. I did that and then I told him my story. We stayed the night there, in separate rooms, and next day and next day he took me back home to live with him.
I think he might have been gay, but he never actually said that. He lived alone, in a big old house on a huge, over-grown section, on the outskirts of Auckland. It was in a country area when he bought it but the city had grown around it.
Ron’s place was a real eye-sore, sitting there by the nice new suburbs. It wasn’t worth much, but the site was. He’d been offered big money for it, but wouldn’t sell. He liked sitting there pissing everyone off.
So, I lived there with Ron for almost a year. I went back to school up there, because he said I had to, but never made any friends. I did offer to sleep in his bed, I had no other way to repay him. He just laughed at me and told me to stay in my own bed where I belonged. He was too old and I didn’t have to repay him anything. He liked having me there and I was the son he never had.
I tried to help him around the house and made a start on clearing the section. Damm, it was a jungle out there! It’s probably all been bulldozed by now. Some good stuff happened. I liked living there.
Ron had a win in the lottery. He bought a ticket every week, but this was the first win he’d ever had. It was a big one too, but he never got to spend it, he died.”
“He died? Shit, Gary, that’s awful!”
“It was. But he did the best way he could and he’s still looking after me. Ron was always an old man, old beyond his years. He was always short of breath and lacking energy. He knew that something was wrong, but wouldn’t go to a doctor. When he finally did, it was too late, he was riddled with cancer and he only had months to live.
He tidied everything up, with a lawyer. He sold his house and everything he owned and put all the money, and the lottery money, into bank accounts in my name. He sorted everything and, when I was at school one day, left me a long letter, and then he hung himself.
He told me that he loved me and that he was sorry but he couldn’t face the months of pain ahead of him when he was going to die anyway. There was a long list of instructions and details of arrangements he’d made. He’d even arranged for me to go and board at his cousin’s, because the house had been sold.
They all came to the funeral – the loving mother, father, step-mother, step-father and Granny. I don’t know how, but they all knew that I had money now and they all wanted me to come home with them.
I stuck close to the lawyer and, as soon as I could, I was out of there. I’m 16 now and they can’t make me go with them, but they all tried. Fuck ‘em.
I’ve been bouncing around the country, just moving on when I felt like it. I was on the train, heading south. It stopped here and something about the place appealed to me, so I got off and stayed here. I’m staying in the Blue Pacific Hotel, and now I know what it was about Kaimoana that appealed to me – it was you. So, I found you and here we are.”
“Here we are. It’s great to see you too,” Joel smiled. “You won’t have money for long if you keep staying hotels. You could come and live with me if you like. I’ve just got a caravan, but there’d be room enough for two.”
“Thanks. But what about Virgil?”
“What about him? He doesn’t live there, he lives with his mum.”
“But you’re with him?”
“Of course I’m with him, I’ll be with him forever, but, so far, we don’t live together.”
“We could do better than a caravan. I could rent us a house, or buy one.”
“You could buy a house? Gary, how much money have you got anyway?”
“About 6 million.”
“Six million dollars! Fucking hell, that’s a lot of money! No wonder that your family want you back.”
“Yeah, but I’m not going. I’d rather be with you.”
“That’s cool. But never forget, I’m with Virgil. I don’t do sex with anyone else, not even you.”
“But, you love me anyway?”
“I do. Just not like that, it’s different. We can be brothers.”
“Sounds good to me, Brother.”
“Oh yes. Give me a hug.”
They hugged, chastely, and then broke apart and looked at each other.
“What are you going to do now?”
Gary grinned, “I guess I could kiss you.”
“Oh no, you could not! I love you, Gary, and I’m glad you’re here, but I love you like a brother and that’s all. Virgil is my boy. I love him very much. I fooled around once and I’m not ever going to do that again – no way!”
“Fair enough, I guess. You really do love him, don’t you?”
“You’re lucky; I wish that I had someone like that, seems like I never will, but I’m happy to be your brother. I’ve got no-one else.”
“You will. I’m sure that you will. A great kid like you is not going to be alone for long; you’ll find someone to love.”
“I hope you’re right, Joel, I really do. Ron was old and he was just my friend, but since he’s been gone, I’ve got nobody – no-one at all.”
“Damm! That’s not right, it’s just not right. What about your family? Can’t you patch things up there?”
“No, I can’t. Oh, they’d take me back, but it’s Ron’s money that they want, not me. When I had no money they didn’t want to know me, none of them.”
“They are. They’re no great loss anyway. You’ll be my family, won’t you?”
“Course I will. We’ll make a family together.”
“Together. Yeah, thanks. What about you? How did Uncle Dick take the news that you’re gay? I don’t imagine that he’d be happy about that.”
“No, he didn’t really. He didn’t go all anti or anything; he just doesn’t want to talk about it. I think he thinks that if he ignores it, it’ll go away.”
“That’s not going to happen though, is it?”
“Not in my lifetime. So, again, what are your plans now?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t got any plans. I’ve just been drifting around and taking each day as it comes, but I’m sick of that. I’m lonely.”
“Oh, Gary! Give me a hug!”
Gary slid across the seat and they hugged, long and hard. Neither of them said a word, but their bodies said a lot. They broke apart and grinned. Gary kissed him on the cheek.
“Thanks, Joel. You’re the greatest!”
“That’s what Virgil tells me. From now on, you’re my brother. I need a brother too. Are you going to stay in Kaimoana?”
“I think I will. Yeah, I’d like that. I’m staying if I can be with you.”
“Of course you can, that’ll be great. You need to stay put somewhere so you can meet people. You’re never going to do that while you’re drifting around. You can stay with me, the caravan is not huge, but we’ll manage.”
“That’d be good, but not in a poky little caravan. There’s no need for that; I’ll buy us a house and we can live there.”
“Damm. You could, couldn’t you? I was forgetting. But, no. Don’t do that. You shouldn’t rush into a commitment like that. You need to look after your money.”
“Joel, I’m rich. I’ve got pots of money; I could buy a whole street of houses if I wanted to.”
“Well, don’t. You won’t be rich for long if you throw your money around.”
“I’m not throwing it around. Buying a house wouldn’t be wasting money, it’d be an investment. A better investment than living in hotels. That’s an idea, why don’t I buy the hotel and you could come and live there?”
“Gary, I can’t afford to live in a hotel.”
“It wouldn’t cost you anything. You could live there for free if I owned the place.”
“I could not. You’re not spending your money on me; I pay my own way.”
“That’s just pride, Joel.”
“Maybe it is. I’m proud to be me and I’m not a bludger.”
“Is that why you live in a caravan and not with Virgil?”
“Part of it, yeah. Virgil! He’ll be wondering where I am.”
He patted his pockets and grimaced. “Damm. I’ve left my phone at work. We’d better go around and see him. He needs to know about you.”
Gosh! That was some tale. It would seem that NZ isn't perfect after all...
BUT, things are looking up at last for Gary. Will Virgil be OK, though, with his boyfriend sharing a little caravan with this hot guy?
Almost perfect, though Alastair! Isn't it just the loveliest place you've ever seen? My daughter thinks she wants to go to Alaska, i'm trying to steer here toward the other side of the earth from where we are...
So glad that's over David! Can't wait to see what Virgil says when he sees Gary, though, hehe, he didn't take to him on the last go round...
Thanks, as always,
Glad Ron came along and saved Gary, yet the rents and granny are asses in my book.
Now let´s see if he finds a neat guy to be with....
(Now this is Kiwi land so of course he´ll find a neat boy and perhaps he could ask Justin and Billy how to invest this money wisely.......)
Almost the loveliest place, Tracy - I come from Scotland after all! :-)
I've thought for years that David is a secret agent for the NZ Tourist Board. He denies it, but sometimes I think he doth protest too much.
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