“You can’t? Why can’t you? Don’t you love me anymore?”
“Gary, I do love you. I love you a lot, but not like that. I’m in a relationship. I’m with my life-partner, and there is no way I’m ever going to screw around and stuff that up. Not with you, not with anyone. Sorry.”
“Sorry? Yeah, I’m sorry too, but good for you if you’ve got someone who loves you.”
“Oh, I have!”
“Good. Who is it, Joel? Is it that girl you met?”
“Cyn? No, not her. I was with Cyn for a while and that was the worst mistake of my life. I’m not ever going there again.”
“Is it that Virgil with the long hair?”
“Yes, it’s Virgil, but he hasn’t got the long hair, he cut that off ages ago.”
“Ages ago. We are out of touch, aren’t we?”
“We are, and that’s not good. What’s been going on in your life?”
“What hasn’t?” Gary sighed. “How much time have we got?”
“We’ve got all the time you need. Start at the beginning and tell me how we came to be sitting here now.”
“Okay then. Don’t talk until I’ve finished, some of this is not pretty.”
“I’m all ears.”
They sat in the car and Joel listened quietly while Gary poured out his story. Joel was not the first boy he’d had sex with, but he was the best by far, and he was the first one he’d gone all the way with. They’d done everything there was to do and he’d loved it.
After their holiday was over and they’d gone home to their separate lives many kilometers apart, he was keen to continue with what they’d been doing, and he went to the two boys that he’d done stuff with. Neither of them wanted to know and they both told him to fuck off and leave them alone.
So, he lost 2 friends and, when word got around, he lost all the rest. No-one wanted to be seen with the gayboy, they weren’t faggots. He was alone. Friendless and lonely for the first time in his life. He still wanted to do stuff, but had nobody to do it with. No-one wanted to know him.
By now he was an outcast and a reject in his school and in the town. Even the girls shunned him. He still didn’t understand that; it was not like he was serious competition for them. Now he knew what a loser felt like. It got worse.
After a couple of weeks of rejection and abuse he was still hungering for some loving; even more now. He couldn’t stop looking at, and dreaming about, the choice-looking boys around the town.
One day, he thought his dreams had come true. Walking home, alone of course, after school, a car pulled up next to him. The driver stood up and smiled across the roof at him. It was Wayne Bell!
Wayne was just about his no.1 fantasy figure. Gary had often admired him from a distance. One day Wayne caught him at it and their eyes met. He smiled.
He was in year 13, 17 years old, tall, blond and built like a brick-house. He had short blond hair and blue eyes. He reminded Gary of Joel, he had that same air of muscular sexuality about him. He was one of the sports-heroes, of course. He was good at everything he did and he did them all.
“Hey Gary. Everyone’s saying that you’re gay.”
“I know.”
“Well, are you?”
“I dunno. Maybe – with the right person.”
“Could I be the right person?”
“You? I dunno. Could you?”
“Possibly. Want to go out with me tonight and find out?”
“Yes, really. You want to or not?”
“Well, yeah! I’d love to.”
“Cool. Be right here at 9 o’clock tonight and I’ll pick you up. Okay?”
“Yes, very okay. I’ll be here. Where are we going?”
“You’ll see. Just be here and waiting and I’ll worry about the rest. See ya, bye.”
He slid back into the car and left.
Gary went home, ate, showered, dressed in his best, and he was back there well before 9 o’clock. Wayne was a few minutes late. It was only a few minutes, but it was enough that Gary was starting to worry and think he wasn’t coming. So he was very relieved to see him when he showed up.
Wayne drove up the street and stopped and waited for him to get into the car. Warning bells started ringing in his head right then, but he didn’t listen. He wished that he did.
They drove for miles, away out of town and up a back-country road. They stopped outside a dark, old, and slightly derelict house in the middle of nowhere.
“What is this place, Wayne?”
“It’s just an empty house. It belongs to some old friend of my dad’s. I use it to camp-out sometimes. Good place to party, there’s no neighbours. C’mon in.”
Wayne led the way, around to the back and in through the unlocked kitchen door. The house smelled old, musty and empty. There were no lights working and there was no moon that night, it was very dark. However, he knew where he was going and he showed the way with flashes on his cigarette lighter.
“Watch your step. There’s a hole in the floor there.”
They went in to a back room and he lit a couple of candles.
“Here we go. This is better, eh?” He lit some more candles.
Gary stood looking around the room, it was a bit odd. It was big, but there was only the one door, the one they’d come in through, and there were no windows. Or, maybe there was, but they weren’t visible. The walls were all covered with white bed-sheets.
There was loose carpet on the floor and there were stacks of junk at one end. The other half of the room was empty, apart from a bed made-up on an old opened-out couch, and the boxes that the candles were on. It looked like a porn movie set. He was not comfortable.
“Home away from home,” Wayne announced. “Sit down, kick your shoes off and let’s get comfortable.”
“Wayne, I don’t know about this. Maybe some other time?”
“What’re you talking about? This is a great place, warm and dry and all the privacy we’ll ever need. C’mon, Kid, relax. I’ll get us a drink.”
He pushed him down to the bed and started pouring drinks from a spirits bottle. Gary sat and watched.
“Oh, well,” he shrugged. He was there, alone with Wayne Bell! That was what he wanted. How bad could it be?
“There you go, Good-Looking.” Wayne handed him a full glass and sat down next to him with another. “Get that down you. That’s a man’s drink. It’ll put some fire in your belly.”
He took a sip. He didn’t know what it is. It tasted like liquid fire.
“Good stuff, eh?” Wayne grinned. “Drink up, Kid. Take it like a man, it’ll make you feel better. Lots more where that came from. We’ll have a joint, and then you’ll really feel good.”
He produced a ready-made joint from somewhere and lit up. It was huge, Gary had never seen a bigger one. Not that he’d seen a lot, but he’d seen a few and tried it a few times. Wayne took a drag, filled his lungs and held it while he passed the joint to Gary. He inhaled and held and passed the joint back.
“Oh, yeah!” Wayne grinned. “Good shit. First of this year’s crop. It’s going to be a good year.”
“Every year is a good year,” Gary grinned back.
The joint passed backwards and forwards until they’d finished it. He didn’t bother with a roach-clip, just pinched the butt and dropped it on the candles’ box. They had another drink.
Gary was starting to feel good, relaxed and mellow. It felt good too when he pushed him back across the bed and they kissed – wetly, tongues and everything.
All too soon, the kissing stopped and Wayne’s hands were opening his clothes and exploring his flesh. He flinched and tried to slow him down.
“C’mon Gary. Play the game. This is what we came here for, isn’t it? Relax and you’re going to have the best sex of your life. Let’s get naked and then we can get down to it.”
Wayne got up off the bed and stripped his clothes off. He stood displaying his naked body and his stiff dick in the candlelight. He looked good, and he knew it. He looked as good as Joel did.
Gary shed his own clothes and they stroked each other and kissed again. That was good, but then Wayne pushed back to the bed.
“Enough of that. Suck my dick”, he growled.
He did. He was on his hands and knees on the low bed while Wayne stood beside it, his knees leaning against the edge and both hands holding Gary’s head while he fucked his face.
The hands let go and he felt something cold and wet. He stopped what he was doing and looked around. Wayne was leaning right over him and greasing up his arse with some goop from a jar.
One finger, then two, opened him up and greased his hole.
“C’mon, Hot Lips! Don’t stop now, we’re just getting started.”
He pressed his dick back at Gary’s mouth. He opened and took him back in, sucking him and being finger-fucked at the same time.
Wayne pulled out and crawled around behind him. Big hands held his hips and the dick lined-up with his hole. “Tell me that you want it,” he teased him.
“Yes! I want it. I. . ah!”
He got it. Wayne shoved forward and totally impaled him in one thrust. Wow. It felt good. Big, hot and good. His arms folded and he dropped his head to the bed, groaning in pleasure while the big dick fucked him from behind.
Hands enfolded his head and lifted it up. A stiff dick pressed against his lips. Another dick! He looked up at Bruce Abelson, one of Wayne’s jock friends.
“Come on, Bitch. I want some of that too!”
Whatever. There was nothing he could do. He opened up and took him in. Now he was being spitted – forcibly fucked at both ends at the same time.
And it was filmed, word got out and his parents threw him out?????
Something like that??
Just read a story on a German site about two boys whom were very much in love in the early nineties, yet the homophobic father of one of them disagreed and threw the lover of his son out of the house, the boy blinded with tears crashed into a passing car killing him. The author says that it´s a true story and it makes me sick.
So I don´t like what I think is happening to Gary in this stage of the story.
Greetings to all,
Greetings to you, and all, Joah. That's a sad story you speak of, but they do happen, i'm sure, and these kinds of things rarely end well, do they?
I trust you too much for you to do anything more than surprise me, David, but i'll thank you kindly for a short wait on seeing how this comes out.
The cousin from the carnival! Priceless!!
As always, thank you for your effort.
Two straight guys without an easy girl, so just abuse the local gay.
It's a fact that most rapist of men are professed hetrosexuals. I can see why Gary stopped at Kaimoana, hoping for love. It's a cruel world at times and David's stories are not always 'happy ever after'.
Hey Tracy , did you start at IOMFATS?
I'm with Tracey, except that we know it's not exactly worked out fine for Gary. But David won't let us down - he never has yet. He'll pull something out of the hat.
A difficult chapter, though.
Hey Guys; I see chapter 4 there now, much to my relief.
Tom, thanks for asking about IOMFATS, I was never able to get a confirmation back for my ID, and let it go for another day. David worked hard to help me. Let me say that anyone who wants to try to set up an account for me and send me the info is welcome to do so, and undersytand that though folks have done such things for me before I have no real idea what it is to ask someone to do it. :-)
My email address is no secret anywhere so i'll put it up here in case tnag48@hotmail.com
I'm off to chapter 4 with my fingers crossed.
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