JH moved a chair out of the way for Billy T and sat down, grinning. They sat making short work of the meal. Before they’d finished, Peter and Jay with Claire and Dee arrived and Jonathan, Claudette and ‘Tine came through from next door.
Billy T watched JH across the table and as soon as he’d finished, asked, “Want to get out of here?”
“Sounds good. Where shall we go?”
“Back to my room.”
“Sounds even better. Let’s go.”
“You go down, I’ll get us some drinks and I’ll be there.”
“I could do that.”
“So could I. I’m not useless, JH.”
“I didn’t think that you were, Billy.”
“Sorry. I get a bit touchy. Too often, people see the chair and think that I’m totally helpless.”
“I know that you’re not. You’re a pretty together person really.”
“I am now – together with you. Let’s go before someone wants to question us.”
“I’m gone.”
Back in his room, Billy T checked the time.
“Whoah. It’s late already. I can’t believe how long we slept before.”
“Yeah. It’s late already. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night so I must’ve been making up for lost time.”
“You were awake all night? So was I. I didn’t sleep much either.”
“Really? I know why I couldn’t sleep. Why couldn’t you?”
“Well, because, I started in my new school yesterday. I met this boy there, a really, really beautiful boy. He was the most beautiful person that I’ve ever seen – just totally gorgeous - and I was upset and frustrated because I thought that someone like him would never want to know a wreck like me.”
“You’re not a wreck, Billy, You’re not and you shouldn’t think like that.”
“But I do. I know who I am. Why couldn’t you sleep, JH?”
“Well, you won’t believe this. I started in my new school yesterday and I met this boy there, the most beautiful boy ever! I thought that he was a red-haired angel in a wheelchair.”
“No way!”
“Way. I’ve never been attracted to a boy before, I’ve never even thought about it; but I saw this boy, saw the sunshine in his smile, and I fell in love with him.”
“Are you serious?”
“Very serious. I love you, Billy T. I loved you then and I love you now. I was so upset, last night, because I didn’t see how I’d ever get to talk to you let alone get to know you.
I know who I am too. I’m a pauper and you’re a prince – a beautiful prince surrounded by all your family. I didn’t think I’d ever get close to you, but I wanted to – so much!”
“Oh, JH. You can get as close to me as you want, the closer the better.”
"Oh yah!” JH kissed him.
“Yeah.” Billy T kissed him back. “Thank goodness for the Family,” he grinned.
“Your family?”
“OUR family. I knew that Carl and Peter are boyfriends.”
“Are they?”
“They are. So I thought that Carl would understand, so I told him my problem. He talked to Peter and he went and got you. I owe them a lot.”
“We owe them, especially me, I owe them the most.”
“You don’t, I do. Let’s go to bed.”
“Oh yah.”
Billy T climbed onto the bed and lay back, smiling widely, while JH slowly peeled his clothes off him. He hadn’t allowed anyone to undress him for years, but this was different and it was way better. His nurses had never grinned and kissed every inch of skin as it was exposed.
“Billy, oh Billy! You’re so, so, beautiful. You’re better than perfect. I love you, Billy T Carver.”
They kissed.
Just a couple of minutes later, they were interrupted by a disembodied voice. Justin was calling on the intercom. “Billy T, are you awake, Sunshine?”
“Hey Granddad, I’m awake.”
“Hey Boy. Turn your phone on, would you? Someone wants to talk to you.”
“I’m a bit busy. Who wants to talk to me?”
“You’ve got all night to get busy. Turn the phone on and you’ll see who it is. ‘Bye Sunshine. Oh, and JH?”
“Yes Sir?”
“Yes, Justin! Your dad expects you at home after school tomorrow. Take Billy T with you if you like – if he wants to, okay? Be good, Boys. See you in the morning and turn that phone on!”
“I’m doing it. ‘Bye Granddad.”
“Justin’s a nice guy.”
“He is. He’s the best granddad ever. Well, first equal anyway. Let’s see who we’ve got here and get it over with. It can’t be your dad, or he wouldn’t have left a message.”
Billy T stretched across JH and got his phone from the bedside cabinet. “Hello, who’s this?”
“Hey Cousin. It’s me – Peter. Is JH still there with you?”
“He’s here. Do you want to talk to him?”
“Yes and no. we want to talk to both of you. Look, put us up on the big screen, would you?”
“Okay, here you go.” Billy T switched the call over to the big vid-screen on the wall. “And there you are. Hey Guys.”
Peter and Carl grinned at them from the screen.
“Hey Peter. Hey Carl. You know JH don’t you?”
“Of course we do. JH Williamson, what are you doing naked in our cousin’s bed?
“I, umm. None of you business, Peter Reynolds!” JH blushed and stammered.
“It’s okay,” Peter laughed. “We haven’t got a lot of clothes on either.”
“We can see that,” Billy T grinned. “What did you want, Peter?”
Carl replied. “We want to say congratulations and thank you. You guys are our heroes.”
“Heroes? Why? We’ve done nothing.”
“Yes you have. You knew what you wanted and you did what you had to do to get it.”
“Well, you’re kind-of right,” Billy T replied. “But it’s you two who are our heroes. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. Thanks Guys.”
“You’re very welcome and thank you to you too. You inspired us. We had a problem too. I put the hard word on Carl and he went and confronted his father for the first time in his life.”
“And now?”
“And now,” Carl grinned, “no more problem. Everything’s sweet.”
“Very cool. Well done, Carl.”
“Oh yeah! Do you guys want to do something; all of us together?”
“That’d be great. Sometime but not now. We’re kinda busy here,” JH grinned widely.
“Okay, cool.. We’re kinda busy too. See you tomorrow, guys.”
“Okay. ‘Bye Carl. ‘Bye Peter. Sleep well.”
“Oh we will! ‘Bye Cousins.”
Next morning, as they climbed out of bed, JH said, “Do you shower, Billy? Or do you have to have a bath?”
“I have both – either, or. But I prefer a shower, it’s quicker.”
“How do you manage that?”
“There’s a big frame thing that I stand in. Come and see. You can help me if you like.”
“Oh yes. I’d like that; that sounds like fun.”
“It could be, but we’d better not take too long. Granddad Billy will be getting breakfast for us by now.”
“Breakfast? Oh no. All I have for breakfast is coffee.”
“Good luck with that! Even Grandmother doesn’t get away with just coffee for breakfast, much as she’d like to. My granddads are great but they can be bossy, especially Billy. Even Justin does what he’s told – usually.”
“Oh. Okay. Maybe we could work-up an appetite?”
“Maybe we could!” Billy T grinned.
“How are we going to go about this? Shall I carry you into the shower?”
JH reached out a hand to him. Billy T’s smile switched off as he pushed the hand away.
“I can do it myself!” He snapped. “I shower myself everyday. You said that I’m not a cripple. Don’t treat me like one.”
“Whoah! Sorry. I was only asking. You said that I could help.”
Billy T sat glaring at him, and then his eyes widened as he lost the attitude. “No. I’m sorry, JH. Really sorry. I told you that I get touchy, but I don’t want to do that with you. Sorry.”
“’S’okay,” JH grinned. “Forget it. I’d get pissed too if I was you. Everything is such an effort for you to do what comes easy to everyone else. I want to help you out of love, not because I don’t think that you can do it yourself.”
“You’re right and I’m wrong. Be patient with me, JH. I’ve got a lot to learn.”
“We both have, Gorgeous Boy. We’ll get there ‘cos I love you.”
“Ah, you’re too sweet. Yes, you can help me, I’d love it if you do. Help me up and then you’ll have to carry me into the shower.”
“Cool.” JH pulled him to his feet. Billy T wrapped his arm around JH’s neck, he lifted him up and carried him into the shower cubicle. The bathroom door opened automatically as they approached it.
Billy T kissed his ear. “You’re not only beautiful, you’re strong too.”
“Strong enough,” JH nodded. “It’s not a problem; there’s nothing of you – skinny little thing that you are.”
“Gee thanks. Make a guy feel good why don’t you?”
“Nothing I want to do more than that!”
“’Oh, yeah.”
Billy T’s ‘disability shower’ was like nothing that JH had ever seen. Billy T told him that his Uncle Jonathan had designed it, so it was probably unique.
For a start, there was no separate shower cubicle, instead the rubber-coated floor in the back of the bathroom sloped down to the drain-holes in the back corners. The shower area contained a contraption like a pair of under-shoulder crutches with heavily padded tops. They were mounted on a small turntable on the floor and there was also a fold-away seat.
The back wall of the shower had moulded shelves for the soap, shampoo and wash-cloths etc. There was a panel with large touch-buttons – the controls for the shower-heads, temperature and what-not.
JH maneuvered Billy T onto the supports and slid his arms over the padded tops. He stood back and looked at him standing there. The boy was shorter than he was and so, so, beautiful. He wished that he had a camera.
“Oops. Sorry, I messed up.”
“I’m fine, JH. What have you messed up?”
“You’re facing the wrong way, aren’t you? You can’t reach the soap and stuff behind you. I’ll turn you around.”
“No need,” Billy T grinned. “I can turn myself.”
He touched a button on the right-hand upright and the turntable revolved, clockwise, so that he faced the back wall. A touch of the button on the left-hand upright turned him back, anti-clockwise.
“See? No problems.”
“Yeah. That’s awesome. Your Uncle Jonathan thought of everything when he designed it.”
“He did. He’s a bright guy. He’d have to be, he is Justin’s twin.”
“I had a twin too, he was still-born. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to have a brother.”
“Yeah, me too. I had a younger brother, but I lost him. Still.” The smile came back. “I think maybe I’ve got a brother now – a better than a brother.”
“Oh yah. Me too! I could stand here all day admiring you, but we’d better not. Shall we shower?”
“Shall we – yes!’
Billy T turned back to the controls and started the water flowing from the ceiling-mounted shower heads, and then from the wall-mounted ones as well. They both stood enjoying the fine, pulsing, spray coming at them from all directions.
He stopped the water and they soaped each other up. JH did Billy T from head to toes. Billy T couldn’t reach further than JH’s crotch, but that was far enough.
He started the water again to rinse off. They knew that they didn’t have much time, but JH could not resist. This beautiful boy was naked and in the ideal position for what he had in mind.
He kissed him lustfully, and then his mouth worked its way down Billy T’s body. He licked and sucked on his balls and ran his tongue up the underside of his dick. He clamped his mouth around the head.
Billy T gasped and giggled and slid his dick into JH’s mouth. This was nothing that they hadn’t done the night before, but that was different, lying down and dry. Now they were upright, hot and wet. It was great! Lotsafun.
JH had never wanted to do this to any boy, until now. Until this boy. He could not believe how much he liked doing it. Billy T was obviously liking it as well. He was gasping and gurgling as his climax approached – bucking and thrusting wildly. JH cupped his hands around his slender thighs, holding him and trying to slow him down a little.
“I’m come. . .I’m come. . .I’m coming! Oh, Fuck JH. So good. So good!”
His whole body went rigid as he pumped his seed into JH’s mouth, and then he relaxed.
JH stood up and grinned at him. “All right then?”
“Oh yes. Very all right! Come and kiss me.”
He did.
Hey David,
three spelling missers but whom am I to complain when the story is so romantic and sweet??
Even the sexual scene is well written, most of the time in other stories I tend to not read them as the get so boring and I don´t want to fall asleep whilst counting the pubic hair of the characters. But here´s it´s quit entertaining and fun to read.
Just onr thing crossed my mind just minutes before I found this update Justin, Billy and Jonathan have used this cream preventing their bodies to grow old, I wonder how the strangers react when Billy T calls Justin and Billy granddad, or does their hair still grows grey??
This is a very romantic story for a change and beautifully written. BTW who cares about spelling mistakes when the words are so good. Joah always preview you comments before publishing to avoid spelling mistakes (orn!!).
lol. Hey Guys,
Yeah, spelling mistakes, or typos. I must love them - i always seem to put a few in. Dammit.I think i've fixed them - i found 4.
The sex - yeah. I don't usually do that, prefer to leave it to the imagination, but this time there was a reason for it.
And, tom - burn!
Sorry to have missed the update with the holiday and all! Great chapter as always!
I agree with Joah and Tom - the sex scene was well written. But, then again, every thing you write about our favorite little town is well written.
Loving every minute of being back in the land of the kiwis! Thanks again, David!
Thank you, Mark!
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