His father replied, “No, I’m not throwing you out. I wouldn’t do that. Sit down, Carl. Relax.”
He sat down but he couldn’t relax.
“Dad, I’m confused. Are you saying that I can be with Peter? I thought that you hated gayboys.”
Carl Senior sighed, went back to the computer and opened a personal file. “No, I don’t hate gayboys. How could I? Look, who is this?”
He brought up a photo on the screen.
“Umm, Uncle Billy and Uncle Justin? Or, it could be Jonathan, but I suppose that it is Justin if he’s with Billy.”
“Yes, of course it’s Justin – Justin and Billy. Our bosses, by the way, I started working for them before I left school and I still do. And who is this?”
Another pic appeared.
“Uncle Brian and Uncle John.”
“And this?”
“Marty and Andy.”
“And who is this?”
“Daniel and Tony.”
“And this?”
“Uncle Peter and Jay. Dad?”
“One more, who is this?”
“Christian and Roman. I do know all of these guys.”
“Of course you do. They’re our family – friends and family. What have they all got in common?”
“Lots. They’re all gay and they’re all couples. They’ve been together for years, some of them.”
“Right! And, they all stood up for what they wanted and did what they had to do get it. There are others that I could point to, but that’s enough for now. These guys are heroes, all of them are. I don’t hate them, what makes you think that I could hate you?
You’re my oldest son and I love you. Also, I’ve never been prouder of you than I am right now.”
“You are? Dad, I’m getting more and more confused. You said that I was to stay away from Peter. You said that I couldn’t be with him, and now you’re telling me that you’re proud of me because I said that I will be with him?”
“Yes, exactly! It’s time that you stood up for yourself and what you believe in. If Peter is that important to you that you’ll defy me to be with him – well, he’s important.”
And it’s all right with you? Were you testing me?”
“I was testing you. You and Peter have been mates since you were babies, but lately it has gone beyond friendship. Lots of kids mess around, but I had to be sure that you weren’t going to hurt each other. I love Peter too, Carl. I always have.”
“And you still love me?”
“More than ever.”
“Oh, shit, Dad! Thank you.”
They stood up and hugged – hard.
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, Son. Act like a man and I’ll treat you like a man. Act like a boy and I’ll keep on kicking your butt.”
“Wow. Thanks. Really thank you. Now I’ve gotta go.”
“Yes, you do. Go and find Peter. Tell him too, I’m sorry if I upset him. I had to be sure that you were serious and that you both knew what you were doing.”
“Cool. Thanks. I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too. ‘Bye Son.”
He should have stopped and put his ‘blades on. Hover-blades were the fastest way of getting around town, way faster than running – which was why they were banned at school. But, he didn’t. He was way too excited and in too much of a hurry to tell Peter the news. He didn’t even think of his ‘blades until he was halfway across town.
Time was drawing on. The sun had set and the sunset had faded but there was still no sign of Billy T and JH. They were taking no calls, all of their phones were off. Kathleen wanted Justin to go down to Billy T’s room, over-ride the locks and open the door, but he refused.
“Sometimes kids need privacy more than anything else.”
“To hell with privacy! I want to know what the boy is doing, Justin.”
“Grandmother, I think that we all know what they are doing. They don’t need us barging in on them.”
The old lady was not happy, but she let it drop. She knew stubborn when she saw it. Justin always was immovable once his mind was made up.
Shortly after that, Billy received a call from Jon. He put it up on the big screen on the living-room wall so that they could all see it.
“Okay Jon. You’re on the vid-screen now. Just repeat that for Grandmother and Justin’s benefit would you?”
“Hey guys,” Jon image waved from the wall. “I just wanted to know if you know where JH is? I had a message from him, ages ago, saying that he was at the Adelphi with Billy T. I asked him to be back here by 7 because Bobby’s coming home tonight. He’s over an hour late now and I’m starting to get worried. Have you seen him?”
“Yes, he’s here,” Billy replied. “Well, as far as we know he is. They went down to Billy T’s room.”
“And they have been for hours!” Kathleen said. “I told you, Boys. It’s time someone checked-up on them.”
“Okay, Grandmother, we’ll have a quick look,” Justin replied. “Sunny, can I have the controller, please?”
Billy handed the controller to Justin. He took it and turned back to the screen. “I’ll put you on ‘hold’, Jon. Just wait a minute.”
Jon’s image was replaced by a list of programmes which Justin screened through, and then an off-white picture appeared.
Billy peered at the screen. “What you got here, Justin?”
“That’s the ceiling in Billy t’s room. His camera is pointing up at it.”
“This is from Billy T’s camera? Woo-hoo, I didn’t know you could do that. His phones are turned off.”
“Were turned off. There’s ways to over-ride the system if you know how to. Andy showed me. Now, if we can turn the camera.”
The picture scrolled down, scanned around the room and stopped on the two naked boys lying entwined together on the big bed.
“And, there they are. No problems, they’re just sleeping.”
He flicked back to Jon’s image. “Still there, Jon? You can stop worrying, they’re fine. Have a look at this.”
He put the image through to Jon’s phone and then changed back. “Okay, we’re not perving on them. Did you see that? They’re sleeping.”
“Wow!” Jon was amazed. “I saw it but I don’t believe it. My son the homophobe. JH hates gayboys!”
“Not all of them, apparently,” Justin grinned. “Looks to me like he quite likes our boy.”
“It certainly does! What happened?”
“Your guess is as good as ours. I think that we’ll have to wait until they’re ready to tell us.”
“You don’t mind JH being with your boy?”
“Of course we don’t mind – as long as it’s mutual. Billy T has been lonely in the crowd. If they’ve found each other, then that’s good. JH is a nice-enough boy and he comes from good breeding stock.”
“JH comes from the same stock as we all do. You know that, Cousin,” Jon grinned widely.
“I meant his parents not his ancestors,” Justin replied. “But, you’re right, Cousin. Of course, if he ever hurts our boy, I’ll cut his nuts off!”
“I’m sure that you would. But I don’t think that will be happening. He is a decent person despite the attitudes that he’s got from his upbringing.”
Billy said, “Those attitudes have gone out the window by the looks of things. Do you want us to wake them up and send him home now?”
“No, just leave them in peace I think. He can meet Bobby tomorrow. We’re not going anywhere and if they’ve found love that’s much more important.”
“Good call, Jon. Nothing is more important than that. We’ll let you know when they surface. Meanwhile, go get ready for Bobby. I’m sure that you’re cleaning everything in sight.”
“Thanks Superboy. You know me too well. See you all tomorrow, if not sooner. And Justin, if he ever does hurt Billy T, I’ll sharpen the knife for you.”
“’Bye Jon,’ Justin smiled. He cut the connection and turned back to Billy. “Sorry, Sunny. Are you happy with this?”
“Sure I am, Sweetcheeks. If Billy T has found a Superboy, I’m delighted for him. Of course, if he hasn’t, I’ll hold JH down while Jon sharpens the knife for you.”
“You can all mind your own business,” Kathleen grumbled. “Give the boys a chance. They don’t need you all worrying over them.”
“Grandmother!” Justin grinned. “Listen to yourself. You’re the biggest worrier ever. Sunny might not be here now if you hadn’t sent Jonathan to bring him to me.”
“Someone had to do something. You weren’t going to.”
“I wasn’t. Thank you, Grandmother.”
“Amen to that,” Billy agreed. “Thank you, Grandmother.”
“You’re welcome, Boys. About time you said thanks. Are you going to wake those two up?”
“No, we’re going to leave them alone.”
It was only a few minutes later when they emerged anyway. The elevator came up from the room below and two grinning boys came into the room.
“Hello Grandmother. Hey Granddads. Sorry, we fell asleep. Is there any dinner left and have you got some for JH?
“Of course there is,” Billy replied. “It’s just macaroni cheese, but there’s plenty of it. I’ll reheat some for you. It will take a couple of minutes.”
“Cool. Thanks, Granddad. JH come and see the view out the front.”
“JH?” Justin interrupted. “Have you phoned your dad? He’s getting worried about you.”
“Oh, no. I should’ve called him. Sorry.”
“Hey, don’t tell me, tell him.”
“I will, sorry.”
“Come on out here,” Billy T opened the doors. “You can call him while we’re outside.”
“Sure I can.” JH followed him outdoors. “Oh, wow! This is fantastic.”
“It is. Wait until you see it in the daytime. We like to look down at the peasants from here.”
“Peasants like me.”
“Oops, sorry – sore point. I was joking. I never know when to keep my big mouth shut.”
The door closed behind them and Billy grinned at Justin. “The boy’s happy”
“He is. Both of them are, I think.”
“So does he spend the night here or shall we pack him off home to his father?”
“We do nothing. It’s not up to us. JH can work it out with Jon, and with Billy T of course. Jon might like some time alone with Bobby and I’m sure that Billy T won’t mind.
When the boys returned, Billy T asked, “Can JH stay the night here with me? Please, please, please. We won’t stay up too late and we’ll go to school tomorrow.”
“Of course he can, if he wants to,” Billy answered.
“Oh I do, I really do. Thank you, Sir.”
“Just see that you get some sleep,” Kathleen grumbled.
“JH.” Justin stood up. “Let’s get one thing straight. This is Grandmother, he is called Billy and I’m Justin. There are no ‘sirs’ here, okay?”
“Leave the boy alone, Justin” Kathleen said. “I remember another boy who insisted on calling his grandfather ‘Sir’.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Justin grinned.
“I’ll try, Mr. Reynolds,” JH blushed.
“None of that either. I hate being called Mr. Reynolds, especially by family members. Call me ‘Granddad’ if you like – we’ll adopt you.”
“I think I’ll try ‘Justin’, for now.”
“Good for you, Boy.” Billy put their food on the table. “Justin and Billy it is. Come and eat. What do you think of our view out there?”
“It’s great, umm. . . Billy. Really great. You must be literally over the rainbow up here.”
Wow! Two Superboys and Sunnys! And a third couple on the way! Life is grand in NZ!
Great job, David! Loving every minute of this great story! Thank you for all you do!
Wow nice!!
Love to read about Kiwi boys it never ever gets boring!
Hope there´s more to come!!!!!
No wonder Westpoint is the most beautiful town in NZ - it's full of the most beaustiful people in the world.
It's so nice to back with Superboy and his Sunny. And not to forget their grandmother!
Just noticed the little mention of "over the rainbow" at the end. Things have gone in a pretty full circle since Justin used to sing that to himself...
Thanks Guys,
Much appreciated - always.
Alastair - yeah, it's all about circles really.
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