Peter walked away, thinking, ‘Dammit. I do love you, Carl, but you can be such a wimp! How are you ever going to stand up to your father? Well, if I can do something about these two, maybe it’ll inspire you to do something about us.’
He found JH sitting on the steps near the gym. He was alone, thankfully, so Peter went over and sat down next to him.
“Hey, JH Williamson. I’m Peter Reynolds. Welcome to Westpoint High.”
JH looked at him, suspiciously. “Thanks, I guess.”
“What do you think of it so far?”
“It’s okay, I suppose. I just don’t know hardly anyone here yet.”
“That won’t last long. There’s a boy, a cousin of mine, and he’d very much like to get to know you.”
“He would? I’m not gay you know. Who are we talking about?”
“I said nothing about gay. But, I’m talking about Billy T Carver. Do you want to meet him?”
“Really? Billy T Carver wants to meet me? Really?”
“Yes really. Billy T would like to know you. Are you interested?”
It took JH an age to answer. He sat looking down at his feet. Finally, he lifted his head and looked Peter in the eye. “Yes,” he whispered. “Yes I am very interested. If he wants to, I’d love to know him.”
“Cool. He wants to – he likes the look of you.”
“He does?”
“Yeah, he does.”
“I like the look of him too.”
“That’s great. Right then, meet us out back of the library after school.”
“I’ll be there. Thanks, Peter Reynolds.”
“You’re welcome, my friend. Now I’ll go and find him. See you then.”
“Yeah, later. Thanks.”
JH could not believe his luck. Reynolds wasn’t putting him on, was he? No, why would he? He seemed serious enough. Well, he’d be there anyway. What did he have to lose? Not a lot, but there could be so much to gain. There probably wouldn’t be, but, if Billy T wanted to, he’d be happy to be his friend – more than happy. And, he smiled at him! He’d be there, behind the library, after school. Oh, yes!
Billy T was very excited about Peter’s news, and he was grateful for his help, but he was nervous too. By the time school finished, he’d all-but decided that he wasn’t going. He couldn’t go through with this meeting. Peter gave him no choice. It was about time someone was assertive around here and he was not going to let him back out of it. He made him go. Billy T was quite easy to push around really, he was on wheels after all.
They enlisted Doris’ help and she and Kathy O’Brien helped Carl to keep everyone else away and give the kid some privacy. Peter rolled Billy T around to the back of the library and JH was already there. He stood up as they approached.
“Hey, JH. Good to see you made it.”
“Hey, Peter. I said I’d be here.”
“And you are! Good for you. JH Williamson, this is Billy T Carver. Billy T, JH.”
“Hey, Billy.”
They smiled at each other and Peter decided that they’d be fine. It was obvious that they liked each other already.
“Cool. Well, you don’t need me, I’ll leave you alone. Don’t mess this up. You both want to know each other – talk!”
Peter left them alone. They looked at each other and grinned.
“Bossy Beggar, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, he is,” Billy T nodded. “I think it’s a Reynolds thing.”
“Bossy lot are they? But you’re a Reynolds.”
“No, I’m not. I’m a Carver, but we’re all related anyway.”
“You are. You’ve got a huge family.”
“We have, and so have you.”
“Me? No, I haven’t got much family at all.”
“You have you know. If you’re descended from James Hargreaves, then you’re one of us. We’re all his offspring too.”
“Right. I am James Hargreaves Williamson.”
“Yeah, and I’m Billy T Carver. Hello, Cousin.”
“Hey cousin. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too – really nice. I, umm, I’m gay you know.”
“Cool. So am I, I think. I never thought I was, but now – well, I think I am.”
“Yeah? What changed your mind then?”
“I didn’t change my mind, I just opened my eyes.”
“Oh? What did you see?”
“I saw a beautiful boy with fire in his hair.”
“Beautiful? There’s only one beautiful boy around here, and that’s you.”
“Rubbish,” JH smiled.
“Not,” Billy T smiled back. “I’ve got to get home, to the Adelphi, before the granddads start organizing a search party. Do you want to come with me? Please?”
“I’d love to, if you really want me to.”
“I do. I don’t think I’ll be playing football today anyway.”
“I suppose not. Do you want me to push you?”
“Not necessary.” Billy T pushed buttons, reversed the chair and turned it around. “The chair’s motorized. Stand on the platform at the back and I’ll give you a ride.”
“Very cool. Thanks.”
They rolled along Derby Street, heading for the towering building up ahead of them. JH could not believe his luck. He LIKED this kid. Billy T was delighted. If he could, he’d lock him in his room and keep him there forever.
‘Ah, if only!’
“Umm,” JH cleared his throat. “This is way cool, Bill. But, can you walk at all?”
“No. Not a step. I can stand up, with support, something to hold on to. The legs are all there, they just don’t work.”
“That’s too bad. What happened?”
“I got smashed up in a car crash when I was just a little kid.”
“Ouch! I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry too. It could’ve been worse, at least I’m alive. My Dad and my little brother were killed, but I survived.”
“I’m glad that you did.”
“Yeah, so am I – now. For a long time I wished that I didn’t. Granddad Justin says that my mind got smashed up too, but it’s coming right.”
“Pleased to hear it. Where’s your mum?”
“She’s dead too, her and my sisters. They were killed in a plane crash.”
“Bugger! You’ve had a hard life. My mum’s dead too – drug overdose. I was raised my my grandparents, but now they’ve gone too, so I’m living with my Dad.”
“So many deaths! Let’s hope that nothing happens to your dad.”
“I do. I really like him. He’s a good guy.”
“He must be. He’s a friend of my granddads and they only have the best. They’re good guys too. I really hope that nothing happens to them. I think I’d just give up if it did.”
“Shoot! You can’t do that! You shouldn’t even think like that. You’re a great kid and you’ve got your whole life ahead of you.”
“I guess. I don’t want to live my life alone though.”
“Can’t see that happening. You’ll always have someone. Lots of people are going to love you.”
“Doubt it. Anyway, I don’t want lots of people. I just want one special someone.”
“That’s cool. Me too. Billy, ummm, I hope that, one day, well, you might think about me.”
There was no reply. Billy T looked straight ahead. JH thought, ‘Fuck! What did I have to go and sat that for?’
“Sorry. I, umm, I’ll leave you alone”
He stepped off the chair, stumbled, fell over and sat on the ground feeling like the world’s biggest idiot. He felt like crying.
“Oh wow!” Billy T stopped and turned around. “What happened, JH. Are you hurt?”
“Just my pride,” he shrugged. “I’m sorry, Billy. I’m just a dork” He got back to his feet.
“I’m a nothing and a nobody and you are – well, you’re Billy T Carver. You wouldn’t want to know me.”
“Yeah, you’re a dork all right. You’re a beautiful person, a super guy and I’m just a wreck in a wheelchair, but I do want to know you. I very much want to. JH, I think I love you.”
“You do?” JH whispered, and he started crying. Copious tears flowed and Billy T answered with tears of his own.
“I don’t think, I know it. I love you, Billy. I do.”
“Yeah so do I.” Billy T pulled himself together. “All right, JH Williamson, it’s up to you. You can walk away and break my heart or you can come down here and kiss me.”
JH bent down and kissed him, briefly. They broke apart and grinned.
“Thank you,” Billy T said. “Please get back on the chair and we’ll go home. I want to be alone with you, if you want to.”
“I want to. I want that more than anything.”
“Cool!” Billy T smiled that smile and JH smiled back. He stood on the chair and they went to the Adelphi. Life was great!
They went straight up the ramp at the side of the main entrance, across the lobby and into an elevator. Billy T fished a card out of his shirt pocket, inserted it in the slot, and they went up to the top floor.
“We’ll have to get a granddad to get you one of these cards.”
In the top-floor living room, Grandmother Kathleen was asleep in front of the television, and Justin sat at a table with a mountain of papers. Granddad Billy came out of the kitchen.
“There you are, at last. Is everything all right? You’re late.”
“Everything’s all right, Granddad. Everything is great actually. This is JH Williamson, he’s my friend.”
“JH Williamson!” Billy smiled and offered his hand. “Great to meet you at last. Welcome to our home.”
“Thank you, Sir. Umm, at last?”
“Yes, at last. We’ve been hearing all about you. We remember you when you were a baby.”
“We certainly do!” Justin spoke up. “I’ll never forget you. You were lying on the floor with no pants on, I picked you up and you peed all over me.”
“Ohmigod. Did I really? Sorry about that.”
Justin laughed. “Yeah, you did. Don’t worry about it, Lad. It was my fault. I should’ve put a nappy on you first. You were just a baby. Don’t do it again though.”
“Leave the boy alone, Justin,” Kathleen growled. “Come over here where I can have a look at you, JH.”
“Grandmother,” said Billy T. “Be nice. This is my friend.”
“I’m always nice,” she snapped. “Well? I can’t see you, Boy.”
“Stand up close, JH,” Billy T said. “Grandmother is getting as blind as a bat but she won’t wear her glasses.”
“Stupid things make me look like an old lady.”
“But you are an old lady, Grandmother.”
“Shut up, Justin. You don’t have to tell everybody. Ah yes, there you are. What a fine-looking boy you are too. You’re a Williamson all right. You look like my cousin, John. I don’t think he looked as good as you though.”
“You people are impossible!” Billy T laughed. “Come on, JH. We’ll go down to my room now.”
The two boys crowded on to Billy T’s personal elevator and they sank down, out of sight, to the floor below.
“What a gorgeous boy!” Justin said.
“Justin!” Billy protested.
“Well he is. Billy T thinks so too.”
“Do you think?”
“He does. We haven’t heard him giggle like that for years. JH may be just what our boy needs.”
“Yes, he might. I think that’s what Billy T is thinking too.”
His granddads were right, that is exactly what Billy T was thinking. He’d never known anyone who he’d liked so much so quickly. If there really was someone for everyone, maybe this was his someone.
“Here we go. This is my room. All set up for the wheels.”
“Yeah? It’s a great room and, wow! Awesome.”
JH crossed the room to look out at the dramatic seascape through the big windows. “What a view!”
“It is that” Billy T agreed. “But you get used to it.”
“Now I see why the Adelphi is so high. I don’t think I’d ever get used to a view like this.”
“I hope you do. I hope you’re around so long that you don’t even see the view.”
“Oh, Billy.” JH turned and looked at him. “I hope so too.”
He came back, stood in front of the chair and bent down with his hands on the arm-rests. “I know that I’ll never get tired of this view.” He kissed him.
Billy T put his hands around his face and he kissed him back.
JH pulled away. “It doesn’t matter if you can’t, but can you? Well – you know?”
“Oh, I can you know, all right!” Billy T laughed. “Ask my poor abused pillows, they’ll tell you.”
“Lucky pillows!”
“I think that, maybe, they’re out of luck now.”
“I hope so. Can I help you?”
“No, it’s okay. I can do this.” Billy T pulled himself upright, lowered onto the bed and, using his hands, lifted his legs around.
“Come and lie with me, please?”
“Oh yes. You’ll never have to ask twice.”
JH kicked his sneakers off, stretched out on the bed and they kissed and cuddled. ‘Awesome!’
There was one sour note when Billy T picked up the remote and the floor-to-ceiling drapes closed the world out.
Why was that a sour note?
Mind you, it's probably just as well you stopped where you did - I think it was about to get rude!
It's so lovely to be back in Westpoint, David.
Rude? Alistair it was getting very romantic, we need that in the winter months to keep us warm!
Great chapter as always, David! It´s always fun to learn more about my most favourite fictional Kiwi boys although there´s more reality in the story than you would think, isn´t it David?
At least I´m looking forward to the next 25 chapters and I hope you won´t forget the other 45 chapters of Virgil and Joel´s life!
About to get rude? lol. well, maybe a lil bit.
This is what Joah means by reality - http://www.greystar.co.nz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2851&Itemid=1 (Flight of the Toucan?)
Thanks guys
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