“You’ve got your own chooks here?” Dylan asked.
“Yes, dozens of them. They roam around everywhere and sometimes the eggs are old when we find them. There’s no way of telling until you crack them open.”
“Nice surprises then?”
“Yeah, sometimes.”
Christian and Roman went out and returned with Robert and plates of eggs & chips for everyone.”
“Here you go. Hot, fast and easy – like me! Eat it before it’s cold.”
And, they did. There was no conversation while the meals were demolished. Roman took the empty plates away and they sat back with their drinks.
“So,” Robert began. “How did you put your car off the road and where did it happen?”
“We had a nut behind the steering wheel,” William grinned.
“Shut it, Wills. We did not! We were coming around that place called Windy Point and a gust of wind caught the car. I was fighting to control it and there was a bloody great cow on the road! I braked and swerved to miss it, skidded off the road, into the scrub and into a ditch, and here we are. Damm. I hope it wasn’t your cow? It took off like greased lightning.”
“Yeah,” William agreed. It’s a wonder it didn’t jump over the moon. It’s probably in Westpoint by now.”
“No, it’s not ours. We haven’t got any cows, just chooks, ducks, goats and pigs. It’s probably from Van der Geest’s, down the road a bit. Their fences are pretty shoddy. Long way from home though.”
“Yeah? So are we.”
“Where are you from?”
“Kaimoana. Heard of it?”
“Course. Little town up the east coast – whales, seals, fish and stuff.”
“That’s us. It’s a pretty cool town.”
“Yeah? So’s Westpoint”
They sat around talking. Christian flicked the radio on.
“What’s on the news?”
“Probably just more car crashes.”
The track playing finished and the announcer came on.
“Oh, yeah! Way cool. Local music for local people. That was for Bruce who’s got a huge crush on Loretta, but that’s a secret, so don’t tell anyone. You’re tuned to the Seeker, on West FM, the Voice of the Coast. Go Westpoint. Now, it’s news time.”
“The Seeker is the voice of the Coast?” William nodded at the radio.
“No, West FM is the Voice of the Coast,” Christian replied. “The Seeker is the new early-night DJ, Conrad Keenan. He’s really cool.”
“And Christian’s got a huge crush on him,” Roman grinned.
“Shut up, Roman! I have not. I just think he’s cool. How many teens have got their own radio show?”
“Not a lot. Probably just the one’s who’ve got an uncle who owns the station.”
“Robbie’s got nothing to do with it. Anyway, the Seeker’s way better than he ever was.”
“I wouldn’t know. I don’t remember when Robbie was a kid, he’s been there forever. And, you have got a crush.”
“I’ll crush you!”
“Anytime, Kid.”
Robert frowned. “Behave yourselves! We’ve got company here.”
“Yes, Mum. Sorry, Mum.”
“Shove it, Dallas.”
“Behave. If you guys are finished there, come and I’ll show you where you’re sleeping. Bug’s room is right next to the toilet, so that’s handy. Do you want some boxers, or are you happy to sleep naked?”
“We don’t need boxers, we always sleep in the buff,” William replied.
“Yeah? I’ll bet you do. Come on.”
“Hey, Guys,” Roman said. “Before you go, do you want to phone your parents and tell them what’s happened?”
“Hell no,” Dylan replied. “They’re not expecting to hear from us and what they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
“Yeah,” William agreed. “We’re not ringing them until we know what’s going on. They’d only worry and Dills’ mother would have all night to think up a list of punishments for him. It’s her car y’know.”
“You’re going to be in trouble?”
“Majorly! With a bit of luck she might throw me out and I’ll go and live with Aunt Sarah.”
“Aunt Sarah?”
“Yeah, Wills’ mum.”
“I don’t think you’d mind that a bit.”
“He wouldn’t!” William grinned. “And neither would I.”
“Oh well. Get some sleep, and then we’ll go and see what we can do in the morning. With a bit of luck, I might be able to pull you out with my car.”
“It’d be great if it’s that easy. Thanks, Guys. G’night and we’ll see you in the morning.”
“Okay. Not too early, the first one up has to light the kitchen fire.”
“And it’s never you, Roman Dallas.”
“Not often. I don’t see you rushing out to do it either, Mr. Mathieson.”
“Shut up. Goodnight.”
“’Nite all.”
Christian and Roman went to their room in the small cottage across the backyard.
Robert said, “If you need me, I’ll be in my room, over there in that cottage.”
“So, no-one’s sleeping in the house? You didn’t lock the doors.”
“Mum sleeps in the house, but she’s not here. We never lock anything, there’s no need. No-one’s going to break into a Carver house, unless they’re sick of living.”
William said, “A Carver house? I thought you said your name was Mathieson?”
“Yeah, it is, but we’re still Carvers. Mum was a Carver and Ma Carver is our gran. Nobody, but nobody, messes with Ma. She’s a scary lady and she’s got her own army. Toilet’s in there and you’re sleeping in here, off the back verandah. If you’re up first in the morning, help yourself to coffee, or whatever, but you’ve got to light the fire. See you in the morning.”
“Yeah, g’night, Robert and thanks again. You’re a lifesaver and our hero.”
“Pah!” he said, walking away. “Everyone’s a hero in Superboy’s town.”
“Superboy’s town?” William mused. “He must be something else, this Superboy. Shame we’re not going to meet him.”
“Yeah, shame. Boo-hoo. Come on, Wills. Let’s go to bed.”
There was no sex that night, they just got into bed, cuddled-up together and went to sleep. The next day started with a bang though. Dylan woke in the morning to find his hard dick in William’s mouth and the most beautiful boy in the world going down on him.
He said nothing, just responded with a grunt and, very soon, let go. A grinning William crawled up and kissed him, and then kept going up until he presented his dick to Dylan’s welcoming mouth. Dylan’s hands slid around the boy’s beautiful body as he returned the favour. William was soon doing all the work though. When he was drained as well, he came back down and they kissed again.
“Good morning, My Dills.”
“Good morning, Gorgeous, and, yeah, so far it’s very good.”
“Plenty more where that came from! Come and have a coffee and we’ll find our clothes.”
They got out of bed, wrapped in the blankets and went to the kitchen. The open fire was blazing merrily, but there was no-one there. Dylan switched on the electric kettle to make 2 instant coffees while William went back to the other room next to the toilet out the back.
It was, as he suspected, the laundry and the clothes dryer was in there. He recovered their clothes and took them to the kitchen.
He and Dylan both dressed quickly and they were sitting drinking the coffee when Robert came stumbling in. He went straight to the bench and picked up the coffee pot.
“Damm! This thing’s empty.”
“Good morning to you,” Dylan grinned. “We didn’t use the percolator, I just made instant coffees.”
“Better than nothing, I s’pose.”
Robert made himself an instant coffee and stood by the fire to drink it. He drained the cup, and then said, “Yeah, good morning. Good you got the fire going.”
“It wasn’t us,” William said. “It was already going when we came in.”
“It was? I thought I heard a car.”
He looked out of the window, and then took out his cell, tapped-out a number and held it to his ear. After a minute, he closed the phone and returned it to his pocket.
“No reply, so they’re not heading into town. They must’ve gone the other way – up to where your car is. We’ll just have to wait and see. I’ll make us a proper coffee. I don’t eat breakfast, do you want anything?”
William said, “No breakfast? Oh well, we’ll survive, I guess.”
“Not keen are you? Have a look in the fridge. Make yourself a sandwich or something.”
“Cool. Thanks, I will.”
“Wills will,” Dylan said. “Sorry about this. He’s always hungry. Claims he’s growing.”
“Yeah? Doesn’t look like it. It’s okay, there’s plenty there. I’m always hungry too, just not in the mornings.”
William found cold, sliced, roast beef in the fridge, so he made sandwiches for himself and Dylan. Robert didn’t want any, coffee was quite enough. They were sitting at the table, eating, when a car pulled-up outside. Robert stood up and looked out of the window.
“It’s Christian and Roman,” he said. “They’ve got a surprise for you.”
“They have?” William stood and looked out. “Dills, they’ve got the car! Very cool. That’s great!”
William rushed out of the door, closely followed by the others. Roman was in his own car and had towed Dylan’s one, steered by Christian. They stood next to the cars, grinning proudly.
“Good morning, Guys,” Christian beamed. “Sleep well?”
“Yes, very well,” Dylan grinned back. “Wow, Guys! This is great. We never expected this. Thanks!”
Roman said, “No problems, Mate. We never expected it either. We just went out to find it and see what we’d need. The rain’s stopped and it looked easy enough, so we slung a rope on it and the sucker popped right out of there. No trouble at all.”
“Yeah,’ Christian agreed. “It’s only a little car, Roman’s one moved it easy. Doesn’t seem to be much damage. You were lucky.”
“They were,” Roman said. “If you had’ve hit that tree, it would’ve been a different story – you just missed it. We probably could’ve driven it back, but we didn’t have the keys. Have you got them?”
“Yeah, I have.” Dylan pulled the keys from his pocket. “I don’t remember taking them. Force of habit I guess.”
“Phaw!” Robert huffed. “You don’t need keys to start a car. Why didn’t you hot-wire it?”
“Spoken like a true Carver,” Roman replied. “We wouldn’t know how to hot-wire a car.”
“It’s easy. I’ll show you sometime. Dylan, why don’t you get in and try it?”
“Yeah, no trouble.”
He got into the driver’s seat and tried the car. And tried, and tried – it wasn’t happening. He gave up before he flattened the battery, popped the hood and got out again. They all stood around the engine, looking at it cluelessly. There was nothing obviously wrong, no obvious damage, it just wasn’t going.
“Robert?” They all looked to him. “Any ideas?”
“Not a bloody clue,” he shrugged. “Sorry, but I’m probably the only Carver who knows nothing about cars.”
Dylan said, “Oh well, can’t win them all. I’ll ring the AA and get someone to come out and have a look.”
“No, stuff that. That’ll cost you money,” Robert said. “I want to go to town anyway. We’ll all go. Roman can tow you in and we’ll go to Ma’s. There’ll be someone there who can fix it. They’re all good with cars, except me.”
“That’s a plan,” Roman agreed. “We’re going to town too. We’ll clean-up, have something to eat, and then we’ll go and see the Carvers.”
“Brilliant! Thanks. You’re lifesavers.”
“Yeah well. You have to really. It’s good to help.”
(Actually, no-one had any intentions of going into town, it was just easier to pretend that they did.)
"Shame we’re not going to meet him."
Certainly is! Still, the boys are getting a good old Westpoint welcome and discovering what an amazing place it is.
Yet are they going to Westpoint or not, now that´s the question here.
I was hoping that meeting ma perhaps the twin mystery would be solved, but I guess that David is fooling us to believe he will rejoin the boys with their lost family but is planning to leave that a mystery. Just like the two hitch hikers..
Still nice how open the Carvers are now Superboy has turned them from being outcast in to Westpoint nobility.
Almost back in Westpoint but do we get to see the place??
Hey Guys,
Thanks. That last sentence was a bit ambiguous - sorry about that.
But, as you see, they're in Westpoint now.
So am I!! Going to Westport for the day, today :) :) :)
I'm taking the camera but, i dunno - it's raining (again!)
Waaaahhhh, I wanna go to Westport too.... :-(
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