(Just a short story - written as another experiment - no dialogue!
"Steatopygous" means having protuding buttocks. It's the coolest word & i've been wanting to use it forever. Now we have.
Linc was new in town, and he was not happy about it. He told everyone who would listen that he wasn’t, but he had no choice. You don’t when you’re a kid, bloody whanau think they own you.
He wasn’t a kid anyway, and he wished that they’d stop treating him like one. He was 16 years old already! And he was a father. He was not a child.
The baby was nearly 2 years old. He’d been whangaied and was being raised by his grandparents. Linc never had a lot to do with him, but he was his father; it said so on the birth certificate.
They were only 13 years old when his dumb girlfriend got knocked up. He thought the stupid cow was on the pill, she told him she was, but she wasn’t. Obviously. She thought that she was too young to get pregnant. How dumb is that?
Anyway, they got in SO much trouble! Well, she did. Linc, not so much, as long as he stayed away from her family. His father put on a stern face, but really, he didn’t care. Privately, he was quite proud of his son the stud.
That was a first. Usually, he didn’t give a shit about him. They got on okay, as long as Linc stayed out of his face and didn’t get in the way of his hard-drinking life. Suited Linc, he never had a lot of time for his drunken father anyway.
They lived in a gang house and there was usually someone around to feed him. Kids are survivors, they learn how to cope in any environment.
His mother didn’t think so. She came up north for his kuia’s tangi, (grandmother’s funeral), and she was horrified to see how he was living, so she took her first-born home to live with her. He had no choice.
Really though, he wouldn’t admit it, but he was pleased to get out of there. Now that Kuia was dead, he had no safe refuge to turn to when he needed it.
Who knew when he’d see the kid, or its mother, again? It was no great loss. They were never in love or anything, she was just a chick to screw. He’d had several others since her, he didn’t love them either.
He’d never loved anyone, except maybe his Uncle Ricki, and that had turned out all wrong. The bastard had raped him when he was 11.
Linc’s father, and the bros, beat the snot out of Ricki when they found out. They put him the hospital and promised him more when he came out, but they never did. As soon as he could, Ricki ran away from the hospital, and he’d never been heard of since. Who knew where he was?
Pity they never dobbed him in to the cops. At least they would’ve locked him up and everyone knew what happen to Kiddie-fuckers inside.
So, he recovered from the rape, kind of. The worst thing about it was the betrayal. His kind and cuddly uncle had turned into a monster. And it fucking hurt! It felt like he was being ripped in half.
Weird though, until Ricki actually shoved that thing up him, he was enjoying it. It was kind of exciting and naughty. He never told anyone that; he tried not to think about it.
After the rape, his father’s woman of the month felt sorry for him and she took him to bed and fucked him so that he knew he was still a man. That was a bit of all right.
She’d never done it again, but he soon found others who would. He hadn’t been keeping score, but there’d been quite a few. Sometimes the woman was so out of it she didn’t know, or care, who it was fucking her.
He was growing up, taking what he needed, hiding in the shadows when he had to, putting on a staunch face, pretending he was a man, and hiding the frightened little boy inside.
Then, his mother came and took him away. It was a relief really, but he couldn’t tell anyone that.
His mother had grown up in the same culture. She was only 15 when she had him and he was about 4 or 5 when she ran away to escape from it. Kuia had refused to let her take him then, and she’d gone without him.
She’d had several other men since then and she had 2 other boys, his little brothers with a different father. She had no partner now and didn’t want one. Over the last couple of years, she’d cleaned her act up and was now totally drug and alcohol free, except for cigarettes. But, as everyone knows an alcoholic is only one drink away from being a drunk.
So far, she was doing okay. She had a good support system around her and she worked at it. Her life was on-track and she wanted to do the same for him so that he didn’t go down the same path that his parents, and generations before them, had.
He was far from stupid, and he knew that he should be grateful, but it’ not easy for a city boy to be transplanted into a small town. Whatever.
His little brothers were not going to be a problem, he made sure of that. They were only half his age, 6 and 8 years old, and he let them know who was boss. Oddly enough, they took it really well, they liked having a big brother. He’d never been hero-worshipped before. Quite nice really, but he wasn’t telling anyone that either.
Being boys, they were very physical, and they wanted to wrestle, play-fight and cuddle all the time. He had to put a stop to that and keep them at a distance. They were beautiful boys, but they were his brothers and far too young to do what his dick was thinking. He was NOT going there, so he cuffed them and kept them away.
He’d been there for a couple of weeks, settling down and starting to enjoy the peace and quiet when, to his horror, his mother’s sponsor decided that he needed to be in school and not spending his life moping around at home. Interfering old bag!
He fought it, of course. He hadn’t been to school regularly for a couple of years and thought that he was finished with all of that. But, he lost. He had to go to school.
They enrolled him and bought him books, pens, a calculator, a bag and a smart new uniform. He told no-one, but he thought he looked good in the uniform. He liked the long dark-grey trousers that seniors wore.
So, nervous and excited, he went to school and got the shock of his life – he liked it there. It was a small school in a small town, he was the new boy, exotic and exciting, and everyone there was friendly and welcoming – even the teachers! It took less than an hour before he decided that he liked it. He could stare-down any of the boys he’d seen and the girls were lining up to ogle him. Some of them were hot too!
One of the boys was bothering him, a bit. Lance Wilson was a year younger than him, he was in year 11. He was quite a nice-looking kid, but there was something soft and girly about him. He giggled like a girl. He was always smiling and always looking at him. Every time he turned around, he was there, grinning, and with that same hungry look he saw in some of the girls. This Lance kid was weird.
Apart from the weird boy, Linc liked the kids there, especially the girls, they were like fruit ripe for the plucking. He could do all right there. It was an effort not to smile too much. He had a bad-boy image to maintain and a scowl made people back-off and not get too close.
In the afternoon, when school was over, he walked home with a group of kids. Things were looking up, he’d never been popular before, but he could get used to it.
It’s surprisingly easy to get yourself a reputation when you’re new in a small town. Okay, maybe he did over-play it, a bit, but it was what they wanted to believe and it was mostly true. He did grow up in a gang culture and survived it. They didn’t need to know how relieved he was to be away from it all.
Within a couple of days, everyone knew that he was a bad-boy, a big-city hard man washed-up in their quiet town. Quite exciting and fascinating to think how dangerous he could be.
Yeah, that was over the top, it was all a load of rubbish. He was a big softie really, but he wasn’t telling them that. He didn’t mind the image they had of him, he could hide inside it like a snail inside its shell.
The other advantage of the image was the ladies. The girls were falling over themselves in their rush to get at him. This handsome boy, with a hint of danger, was a wild beast that had to be tamed.
He was a handsome boy, despite the scowls. He had a great smile and when he smiled it was like the sun breaking through on a cloudy day. So he scowled at, and frightened off the boys, but he smiled at the girls and melted their hearts.
In the days that followed he dated one girl after another and was never without a companion. Oddly though, he didn’t have sex with them. Well, not many. He knew that he could, he just didn’t want to.
There’s no challenge in chasing star-struck girls who are throwing themselves at you. There was only one girl who he really wanted – the one, of course, that he couldn’t have.
Lyndal Wilson was easily the best-looking girl in the school. Tall, willowy and blonde, she was hot! But, there was a problem, Lyndal was a virgin, no doubt about that. The guys called the Ice Queen and no-one even tried to get in her pants, they knew it was hopeless.
Really though, the Ice queen name didn’t fit her. She was a warm and friendly girl, she just didn’t put out at all. She didn’t come across like she was frigid or anything, she just wasn’t interested.
That was a pity because Linc was interested. Very, very interested. Maybe it was because of the challenge, but she interested him far more than any of the others.
Not only was Lyndal all wholesome and virginal and everything, she lived on a farm, away out of town. One of her parents, usually the mother, drove her to and from school each day. She was rarely seen around town, when she was, there was always a parent with her and her father was a scary man, big, dark and gruff. Linc was rarely intimidated, he’d known plenty of hard men, but this guy was something else, and he guarded his daughter like she as a precious jewel. (Which she was!)
The parents were not around during school hours, but there was a problem there too – her brother always was. Lyndal had a twin brother and they stuck together like they were glued or something. The twin, of course, was the soft and giggly Lance Wilson who was always grinning at him.
It didn’t take long to figure out that he could use that. Lance was not someone he’d normally want to be mates with, but if he was, he’d be able to get closer to the sister, and then who knew what could happen?
That seemed like a plan, so, for the first time ever, he decided to court a boy’s friendship. That shouldn’t be hard to do. Turned out to be even easier than he thought it would.
Waiting to go into class one day, one of the few classes that he didn’t have with his sister, Lance was being hassled by a bunch of bullies. Two of them, working together, knocked him down. One shoved him backwards and the other’s foot flashed out, tripped him and sent the boy, and his arm-load of books, sprawling on the ground. Everyone broke into mocking laughter which was cut off suddenly when Linc stepped in.
He stood between the crying boy and his tormentors and glowered at them. Like every bully everywhere, when faced with a threat, they backed-off in a hurry. Linc helped the kid to his feet, they picked up his scattered books, they went to class together and they were friends from then on. It was that simple.
His plan was working fine. Lance was grateful and Lyndal was too. She liked her brother and anyone who was good to him was okay by her. Their close twosome was now a threesome and they were getting on great.
His only problem now was how to ditch the brother? Maybe if he found him another friend to hang with? Trouble was, Lance only wanted to be with him.
Lance was way too soft and girly, he needed to harden up. Seemed like it was his sister protecting him from the world, not the other way around. Linc told the pair of them that he was going to toughen Lance up. Lyndal thought it was a good idea, Lance giggled and wished him luck.
They went to the movies one night, the 3 of them together. It was a cheap date, he met them there and they all bought their own tickets. He sat between the twins and they had a great time – just good clean fun, nothing romantic happened with the stern parents sitting behind them. Still, he had a good night.
The parents were suspicious of him for a start, but they soon warmed when he was introduced as Lance’s best friend. So that was good.
Lance was telling everyone that Linc was his best friend, which he didn’t mind, but it wasn’t the point of the exercise, was it? Still, whatever got him in with the sister had to be good.
He found that he was liking Lance more and more, he was a nice kid and innocent with it. That was a breath of fresh air in Linc’s dark world. He liked him and was glad to have him for a friend, even without the sister.
Lance was still giggly, smiley and girly, but it didn’t bother him anymore. There was more to him than that. He was warm, caring and attentive and he had a wicked wit. Linc had never laughed so much. He was also very, very bright, but quiet and modest with it. He’d never had a friend like Lance. He wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the world Linc came from, but he liked him.
They came to town one Saturday morning when their mother came in to do her weekly shopping. When they went home, Linc went with them. They spent the day showing around the farm where they’d grown up. It was a whole new world to him, he’d never set foot on a farm before. It was a good day.
He spent the night there, sleeping in the guest room, alone unfortunately, but it was a step forward in his plan.
The following Saturday, Lance came in to spend the day, and the night, with him. Another step forward. One day, with luck, Lyndal might stay as well.
There was a slight problem and Linc almost cancelled, but he decided not to. The thing was, his little brothers usually spent the weekend at their father’s place, sleeping there on Saturday nights. Linc had planned for Lance to have his room and he’d sleep in the brothers’ one. They didn’t have a spare room, he could put up with their smelly room for one night.
But the useless, lazy lump of a father cancelled at the last minute. He’d had a hard week and he was too tired to have them for the weekend. Their mother didn’t mind, she was never happy about them going anyway.
Linc did mind, they were stuffing up his plans, but nobody cared about him. There was no spare bed, Lance would have to come another time.
Then he decided, no, dammit, they weren’t stuffing up his weekend. Lance could come anyway. He’d have to sleep in Linc’s bed and Linc would sleep on the floor. His mother had an old sleeping-bag that he could use.
He was real glad he didn’t cancel. When he arrived with his father, Lance was all excited, like a little kid. He’d never, ever, spent the night away from home on his own before. Linc thought it was cool that he could make the kid so happy.
Mr. Wilson came in to meet Linc’s mother. He was obviously checking them out, but he must’ve been happy because he went off and left his boy there. He’d be back for him, late on Sunday.
They spent the day doing not a lot. The weather had crapped-out and it was cold and wet out there. It stayed that way all day. They just hung around inside. Lance baked a batch of cookies. That was fun – fun eating them.
Linc’s little brothers were being a pain. They hung around like blowflies and wouldn’t leave them alone. So he commandeered the PS3 and took it, and Lance, to his room and locked the door.
They spent the rest of the day, sitting on the floor together, talking and battling on the Playstation. Lance was good at it too, they were evenly matched.
He surprised him in other ways too. He told him things that he didn’t know. Lyndal was not a virgin at all. Lance was but she wasn’t, she’d done it years ago. She had a serious boyfriend and they intended getting married as soon as she turned 16.
Her parents, and his, all knew about it and approved. He was the son of the guy who used to pastor their church. They’d moved away but he was in daily contact with Lyndal on line. Lance liked the boyfriend, Lyndal loved him, so that was cool.
It was not cool at all! That stuffed that plan up then. He was so pissed, he, briefly, thought of telling Lance to go home. He decided against that. He did like the kid even if his sister was not available. They could still be mates.
Lance had a shower before they went to bed, so Linc did too. He didn’t usually. He couldn’t see the point of cleaning-up when he was only going to bed, but, for once, he did. They got some supper, took it to his room, ate it in there, and then got ready for bed.
Lance surprised him again. He’d expected that the kid would sleep in modest pj’s, but he didn’t. He stood, shucked all of his clothes off and slid into bed naked. Apparently he always did. Linc shrugged a whatever, unrolled the sleeping-bag, stripped to his boxers, turned off the light and got into the bag.
What was that line about the best-laid plans of mice and men? It was not going to be a good night. Sleeping on the floor was a dumb idea and he was never going to get comfortable. Who knew that a carpeted floor could be so hard? Also, the sleeping-bag was a cheap and nasty summer-weight one. He was cold!
He tried to be staunch, but it was not going to work. He got out and felt around for his clothes in the dark. At least they’d keep him a bit warmer. Lance sat up and asked him what he was doing? When told that he was bloody freezing, Lance said he could share the bed if he wanted to.
Did he want to? Hell, yes. So he climbed in with him. Lance moved across and left a delicious warm spot for him to lie in. That was much better. Their bodies touched. He was cold and Lance was so warm, he snuggled up against his back and draped an arm across to steal some of his body heat.
He was not into sex with a guy, and never had been, but, apparently, his dick had ideas of its own. It sprung to attention, nestled between the cheeks of Lance’s steatopyogous bum. It felt good in there, all warm and soft yet firm. Weird. It felt like his dick had come home.
Lance pushed back against him and wriggled, which snapped him out of the trance he was drifting into. What was he doing? No way in hell was he interested in sex with a boy! He pulled away but Lance moved back against him and put a hand on his back to pull him into him.
He wriggled again and Linc, with a mouthful of angry abuse and his choicest swearing, let him know that he was NOT interested. He climbed out of the bed and got back into the bag on the floor.
He lay there, fuming, cold and uncomfortable. He knew that he’d hurt his friend, but he didn’t care. The kid was a bloody queer! Then, as he calmed down, he heard Lance crying quietly and he felt bad.
He did care for him, just not like that. That was wrong. But, it felt good. Why was it wrong? It just was, that’s all. He didn’t want to hurt the kid, but he didn’t want to do that. Did he?
Old memories, long forgotten and suppressed memories, came flooding back. Memories of how it was with Ricki before he’d hurt him. They were good times. He used to like the cuddles and the closeness. Was that what Lance wanted with him?
The boy’s crying was cutting him up. He was about to get up and apologise to him when he heard him getting out of bed and searching around for his clothes. When asked what he was doing, Lance told him that he was sorry and that he was going home. He’d walk there.
Now he was really, really sorry for hurting him like he had and he didn’t want him to leave like this. He stood up and stopped him by grabbing and holding him. Lance was sobbing in his arms, so he did something he’d never done before. He kissed him.
Whoah! What was he doing? It wasn’t that bad actually, so he kissed him again.
Damm! He liked this. It didn’t feel wrong at all now; it felt good. He stood quietly trying to sort his swirling emotions.
Lance kissed him and he was surprised – surprised by the joy he felt inside. This was not wrong. His heart knew that this was very, very right.
He wanted this boy, he wanted all of him. He wanted to love and be loved by him. He lowered him back down to the bed and lay down with him.
He kissed him.
The end.
Oha you did it, gonna write a much needed mail to you...
It's interesting that you provided a definition for steatopygous, which surely everyone knew, but you drop whanau and whangaied in as if they were everyday speech...
A good tale, David, with that trademark fluffy ending. And the usual wonderful kiwis. Truly it must be God's own country as King Dick called it.
Thanks Guys,
Yes, Joah, it's a real story about real people - but names & some details changed to protect the guilty.
Well, they are everyday speech, aren't they Alastair?
whanau ('far now') is (extended) family.
whangai ('farn eye') is a wonderful custom where the grandparents take and raise the first-born grandchild as their own.
I think it's a great idea, my kids don't agree.
Sounds like a great plan to me, David.
They're not everyday speech in Amsterdam...
This is where I meant to ask what the picture was...
I'm Dutch on my Mother's side Alistair, isn't Amsterdam in Holland? And where they sell pot in shops? Haha, funny what sticks in a young person's head--geography, or legal marijuana....
Considering your life, David, it's easy to understand why you don't give bad parents an ounce of sympathy...can't say I disagree or blame you.
Give up Reta to my Mother? Are you out of your mind? I love my Mother, but that's MY kid, she had hers. It's interesting the Grandparents would want to do it, but if the age of the parent is as young as you describe, it might be a good idea after all.
Did someone mention "fluffy ending"? That's our David alright. Ya gotta love 'im!!!
I do, David.
Hugs to all,
Yes, Amsterdam is in Holland - North Holland to be precise. It's also the capital of The Netherlands.
And, yes, you can buy pot semi-legally here in so-called 'coffee shops'. They're a curious business - it's legal to buy up to 5g, and the shops are allowed a certain amount of stock. But, there's no legal way to grow the stuff to supply the shops. It's fairly common for there to be an article on the news about a cannabis plantation being raided by the police.
Strictly speaking, cannabis is illegal, but it's tolerated in moderation.
Cheers Guys.
The pic is just a boy doing the maori haka/war dance thing - because Linc is a very good dancer! (Hip-hop).
Been away for a couple of days & now got nothing ready to post. There's stories in my head, but not written out yet - time to pull the finger out now. we'll get there.
'Fluffy ending' lol - bunny tails?
And, i forgot - there's been some major busts of dope plantations here recently. Not sure if that's a good thing. all it does is drive the prices up and sends kids to try other crap.
Be better if it was semi-legalised IMHO.
I tend to agree, David. Criminalising drugs seems to have led mainly to huge profits for criminals, and huge uncertainty over the purity of supply.
Your head must be a strange place to be in, with all those stories swirling round! ;-)
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