Mrs. de Groot, Peter, Jacob and Colin went around to the back of the house and Riley started walking with the handsome stranger. He kept glancing back over his shoulder and Joel commented, “I’m sure they’ll be all right. They’re used to looking after themselves, aren’t they?”
“Well, yeah, but they didn’t do a very good job of it. I know they’re okay, Peter and his mum are good people.”
“What are you worried about then?”
“Oh, nothing.” He shrugged it off, but he was, sort-of, worried, a bit. It’d be good if Peter and Jake hit it off, but, damm! There’d be nothing left for him. Colin was not gay.
“You’d be Riley Sullivan, the new kid in the Craypot Café.”
“Yes, that’s me. It’s a small town, right?”
“You’ve got it. It’s bigger than what I’m used to, but it’s still a small town. I’m Joel, I’m new in town too, only been here a couple of weeks.”
“You have? What do you think of it so far?”
“It’s not bad, I suppose. In a way, I’d rather be back at home, but I’m working on something.”
“Oh? Leave your best girl behind, did you?”
“Nearly right, but it wasn’t a girl. I had to leave my best boy actually.”
“Your best boy? Damm. Are you gay, Joel?”
“Yes, I’m gay, I think. I’m not hitting on you, there’s only one person I’m interested in.”
“And you had to leave him behind? That’s a bugger. I’m gay too and I’m not hitting on you either.”
“I didn’t think you were. It’s pretty obvious who you like and I think he likes you too.”
“You what? Who do you think likes me? Peter?”
“No, not him. The boy on the crutches. Jacob, isn’t it?”
“Jacob! You think he likes me? I don’t, not like that.”
“Oh, come on! I saw the way you two were looking at each other. Surely you can see that too.”
“No, I don’t see that. He wouldn’t like me like that. I mean, he’s Jacob! I’m just me.”
“Talk to him, Riley. I think you’ll be surprised.”
“No, I think you’re full of it. He wouldn’t. I mean, damm! You really think so?”
“I think so. Talk to him.”
“Well, I, umm. Yeah, thanks, I’ll try to.”
This had to be the weirdest conversation that Riley had had in his life. Joel seemed pretty sure about what he thought. He couldn’t be right, could he? Maybe Joel had that famous ‘gaydar’ that people talk about. Riley must’ve been away on the day they were handing that out.
Well, yes, he would talk to Jacob, or try to. He had nothing to lose and oh so much to gain!
Riley’s mum had no problem with lending them her car when they told her what they wanted it for. It was for a good cause. She checked, of course, and, yes, Joel had a licence. He’d had one for a couple of years. He had no licence to drive a bus, but cars were not a problem.
She handed over the keys and Joel drove out to South Bay to get the tractor. Riley went with him, which he shouldn’t have done because they left the car there and he had to ride back to town, standing on the back of the tractor. Whatever – it was fun, as long as they didn’t see a policeman, which they didn’t.
Joel’s plan worked like a dream, there were no hassles at all. The longest part of the job was lining the bus up, attaching the ropes and the block and tackle to the draw bar on the back and to the tree at the top.
Peter stood near the top, to give directions, Mrs. de Groot drove the bus and Joel operated the winch on the tractor. The others all stood well clear and watched as the big old bus, slowly and smoothly, moved back to its final resting place.
When the operation was completed, there was applause from the handful of watchers out in the street. Joel was not shy; he grinned and took a bow. He was obviously delighted at how well his plan had worked. So were they all, especially Mrs. de Groot. She looked like she wanted to kiss him.
Riley noticed that one of the spectators was Ashton Woods, but he didn’t stop to talk. He just smiled and waved, got back into the Beamer with his fan club, and drove away.
Peter was not smiling. He looked so glum as he watched them leave that Riley wanted to hug him, and smack him! That was another talk that he was going to have to have. Surely, Peter could see how hopeless his dream was?
Damm, there were so many talks that he had to have, and they were all important.
Joel wouldn’t stay for a cuppa, he had to get the tractor back. So the others all stayed for another drink and waited for Joel to return with the car. The boys sat and talked while Mrs. de Groot packed a box of goodies to give to Joel. She couldn’t thank them all enough for their help, especially Joel, he was wonderful!
Joel returned and refused a drink. It took a while, but they finally got away after he agreed to come back for a meal sometime. Tomorrow would be good! He drove the 3 boys up to their house and left them and the car there.
Riley and the twins sat and talked while they unwrapped the clothes and put them away. They didn’t want any dinner. Riley laughed and told them to never tell Mrs. de Groot that they were hungry. They agreed, they wouldn’t do that again!
Riley and Colin left Jacob playing on the computer and they went down to the café to help clean-up. Dianne told them that they didn’t have to, but they insisted, they wanted to do it.
While he was working, mopping the floors, Riley was thinking about Jake. That was a strange thing he said before, when he told Peter that Jake was gay and available, Jake said that that was only half right. What did he mean by that?
Jake was gay, they were agreed on that. Did that mean that he wasn’t available? Why not? He hadn’t met someone else already, had he? They had to talk; Riley needed to know who to hate!
Back to school next day. Riley had to go on his own, which he thought was so not fair, but nobody was listening to him. The twins were still recuperating and settling in. Dr. Stevens wanted to see them both and Dianne had legal stuff to get sorted. They would start school after Jacob’s new leg arrived, maybe next week.
He seemed to spend half his schoolday talking about Jake and Coll. Everyone wanted to know all about them and there was a million questions. It was okay, for a while, but it got tedious. He’d rather be at home talking to the twins, not at school, on his own, talking about them.
A few people wanted to know what ‘Dorky De Groot and his crazy old mother’ were doing with that clapped-out old bus. Riley told those guys to fuck off. Peter was his friend and he was a great kid. “If he said so,” – “Yes, he did say so!”
He was getting wild, and he could’ve got into a fight there, but Ashton stepped in and put a stop to it. He told them to leave Riley alone and, if they wanted to know what the de Groots were doing, they should go and ask them.
He led Riley away and said, “What are they doing with that bus anyway?”
Riley grinned and said, “Why don’t you go and ask them?”
Ashton grinned back. “Fair enough, I suppose. I just might do that.”
“You should. Peter’s a great kid. I don’t understand why he doesn’t have friends.”
“Probably because he doesn’t go anywhere. Which reminds me, what winter sports do you play? We’re always looking for soccer players.”
“Soccer? No. I don’t play any sports really. I’m useless!”
“I’m sure you’re not useless. Come and play soccer with us.”
“I thought you’d play rugby, Ashton. That’s the big game, isn’t it?”
“I thought I would too. I’d rather go out for rugby, but the parents decided that I’d play soccer. Easier to be a big fish in a small pond.”
Looking back later, Riley thought that was the first time that he thought that everything was not as it seemed in the Woods’ mansion, and maybe Peter did see something was not quite right in Mr. Cool’s perfect life.
Something was not quite right in his own perfect life. When he got home from school, (at last!), he ran up the stairs to the house and Peter was up there. Colin was inside somewhere, Peter and Jake were sitting out on the deck and Jake had his pants off!
There was nothing sexual in it, he thought. He still had his boxers on, his jeans were in a pool by his foot and he was sitting in the deck chair and showing Peter the stump on his leg.
He couldn’t see his own eyes, but they probably turned green. He was so jealous! These two beautiful boys got to sit there together while he had to go to stupid school. So not fair!
Two beaming smiles looked up at him, but he didn’t stop. He just grunted in reply to their greetings and kept going, into the house, into his room, and flung himself on the bed.
He was being stupid, he knew that, but he couldn’t help how he felt. Peter was only interested in him as a friend, and he’d already decided that Peter and Jacob would be good for each other. But – fuck it!
And, Jacob had never shown him his stump. Seemed like everyone else got to see it, but not him. Not that he wanted to anyway. Fuck ‘im. He lay in his darkened room and felt sorry for himself.
Five minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door and Colin put his head in. “Riley? Are you okay?”
Riley just huffed and turned his back on him. He didn’t want Colin seeing his tears.
Colin came in and stood by the bed. “Riley, what’s wrong?”
Didn’t this guy ever give up? Still with his back to him, Riley snapped, “Nothing! All right? I’m just tired. Can’t I get any peace in my own room? Fuck off, Colin. Fuck off and leave me alone!”
“Umm, okay, I’ll leave you then.” Colin retreated and closed the door.
About 10 minutes later, the door opened again, the light came on, and Jacob, without his crutches, hopped across the room and sat on the bed.
“All right, Riley Sullivan, what the hell’s going on here?”
“Nothing’s going on. I’m just trying to get some peace and quiet, okay?”
“No, it’s not okay. You’ve upset Coll. Peter thinks that you don’t want him here and he’s gone home. Coll has gone with him. Now you won’t talk to me. This is not like you, Riley. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing! Look, Jacob, Peter’s a really great kid. He’s a gorgeous boy and he’ll make a great boyfriend for you. I’ll get used to it, but just now, I’m feeling a bit left out. Okay?”
“But you’re not left out. Peter and I are never going to get together. He’s totally rapt in that Ashton kid and I’ve fallen for someone else.”
“You have?” Riley sat up and looked at him. “But . . who?”
“You really don’t know? How blind can you be?”
“I don’t get it. Who are you falling for, Jake?”
“Riley!” Jacob smiled. “Let’s try this, shall we?”
He put his hands around Riley’s face, pulled his head forward and he kissed him! Riley was shocked rigid and he sat staring.
“Me?” he whispered. “Me? It can’t be. ME??”
“Yes it can be. Why not you? I think love you, Riley.”
“Oh, fuck. Me! I don’t think . . . I love you, Jake.”
“You don’t think you love me?”
“No! I mean, yes. I don’t think it, I know it. I love you, Jake. I totally love you.”
He kissed him.
David, have really enjoyed this story, diversions and all.
But you have to leave a big cliff-hanger on how Peter and Ashton get along.
Oh well, have to wait!!
Guys and Gal there has to be more.
Aww - another fabulous tale, David. Riley was being almost as stupid as I was being after the last chapter!
Have a good holiday, but don't forget to take your notebook and a good supply of pencils so that you can write more chapters!
Thanks Guys.
Okay, i'm outta here - the car has started, so i'd better pack. Going away, for about 10 days - on a mission,wish me luck!
Thanks for reading.
Good luck.
(well you asked)
On a mission? Hope he´s not converting people to stop reading his wonderful Tales.
As for cliff-hangers, I think this one went smoothly, not a big one this time.
Hop he has some great story ideas when he returns from where ever.
Now I gonna heal my romantic heart...
Take care guys and gals see you in a fortnight!!
(not that I´m gonna go away too, but as things aren´t updated....)
There's always more Tom, where David is concerned. And just because there's no more "Riley" for a bit, who's to say there can't be "Ashton"? I can dream, and David has been doing a slow build up of our interest in him.
That's either a hint or a challenge, eh Kiwi? :-)
Thank you for working hard in my absence, I had 5 chapters to read all in one sitting and it was delightful.
Greetings to all of you, happy summer to me, winter to David, and it has just now occured to me to wonder: if David is far enough away from where I am that our seasons are opposite, is there also a position on the planet where it is half-way between each of us and on either side, making those two opposite each other?
And yes, it is possible to hear repeatedly that the Earth is round, revolves around the Sun while turning on it's own axis, and to know that these things bring night to each day and an end to Summer (to Minnesota, not to Florida) and still ask that question...at least one of you are thinking, "we could have some fun with a mind like that!" Laugh all you want, but it's a serious question.
This same mind once asked her friend "how does aspirin know where the pain is?" Haha, I know, it's hilarious to me later, too.
Later, then,
How long has it been guys and gal?
Feels like forever, but I could never deny David has earned some leisure time.
Be well, all.
To answer my own question, it's now been officially 12 days.
I'm gonna fill this up with useless junk, to teach David to never be away so long again.
I'm cruel when i'm bored, and I can't sleep either. No one wants to see that combination for long....Daviddddddddddd
Hehe, not funny.
Do you think he's making it an even dozen?
Reminds me of something I read in poem once:
" I'm going to bed now, because I can't here the music I want to hear..."
He might have earned some time off, but surely people who work in the essential services (such as writing Westpoint) shouldn't be allowed to take such a long break...
Well Alastair, I'd say that two opinions means we're right, and that it is time for David to come home.
Let's hope he agrees, but if he doesn't he'll be laughing at this just the same. And GLAD to know we miss him, whether he says so or not, right David?
Nice to see you, Alastair, where is everybody? Not resting, as anyone who reads David can not be too inclined to that.
Hello People!
You do remember me the? :)
Well - we're back. Sorry about the wait.
David who?
LOL! (swine)
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