“It won’t be long. We’ll get news and then we’ll have to go to sleep. Worrying all night’s not going to help anyone.”
“I know, Riley. Thanks for sitting with me.”
“Welcome, My Friend.”
They were still sitting there with their hands linked when Dr. Wickes came in and snorted at them. “What are you? A couple of Nancy-boys?”
“No, not at all,” Riley struggled to be polite. “How is the other one, Doctor?”
“He’ll survive. He should be in Christchurch, but, oh no, I’ve been over-ruled.”
“He’ll be staying here then?”
“For now, yes. Are you a relative?”
“No, just a friend.”
“It’s all none of your business then, is it? You can wait outside while I have a look at this boy.”
“I, ah, okay, I will then. I’ll just be out there, Colin, and I’ll be back.”
“It’s time you left anyway,” Dr. Wickes said. “Haven’t you got a home to go to?”
Riley bit his tongue. If he said what he was thinking, he might not be allowed back in there. He went out to wait in the reception area. As a token of resistance, he left the door wide-open. He was glad that he did because he soon heard the doctor’s raised voice coming out of the ward.
“Don’t be bloody ridiculous, Boy! You can stop this nonsense right now. What is your full name? Where are you from? And, what the hell were you doing living in a hole in the ground?”
“Oh, damm!” Riley said to no-one in particular. “Here we go again.
He went back into the ward. Colin was lying with his eyes closed and shaking his head while the elderly doctor leaned over him. Riley pushed in between them, sat on the seat and took Colin’s hand again. He squeezed it reassuringly.
“What’s this? I told you to wait outside!” the doctor snapped.
“It’s best if I don’t, I think,” Riley replied. “Are you a relative of his, Doctor Wickes?”
“What? Of course I’m not. I’ve never seen the boy before.”
“Well, it’s all none of your business then, is it?”
“How dare you speak to me like that? Do you know who I am?”
“I know that you’re not God. You’re a grumpy old man who used to be a very good doctor. Colin’s not your patient, so his business is nothing to do with you.”
“Well I never!” The old doctor huffed and puffed. He turned and walked out. “I wash my hands of the whole business. I will not be spoken to like that. I’m having nothing to do with the boy, or the other one either!”
He left and the door swung closed behind him.
“You okay, Colin?”
“I am now. Thank you again, Riley.”
“You’re welcome, My Friend. Who does he think he is anyway?”
“He thinks that he is Dr. Wickes,” Dr. Stevens said.
Riley swung around and gulped. “Doctor! He was upsetting Colin. Am I in trouble?”
“Not at all, Riley,” Dr. Stevens smiled. “Dr. Wickes is not God, he just thinks that he is. I have great respect for his knowledge and experience, but his attitude is not good. If you’ve chased him away, you’ve done us all a favour. Sometimes I wish that I could do it myself.
Now, Colin, we’ve got your brother settled down for the night. He’s going to be fine, I think.”
“You think?” Colin worried.
“Yes, there’s never any guarantees, but he should be okay. He’s got pneumonia, apart from that, he’s in better nick than you were. He’s certainly a lot cleaner.”
“I’ve been washing him. He was so hot, like he was burning up. I tried to cool him down with cold water.”
“Didn’t do him any harm. He’s been eating better than you have, hasn’t he?”
“Well, yes. I was feeding him what I could. He was so sick!”
Riley said, “You love your brother, don’t you?”
“I do. He’s all I’ve got and he loves me too.”
“I’m sure he does,” Dr. Stevens said. “You’ve been doing what you can. You should have got him in here for proper treatment, but I suppose you had your reasons. He’s here now and you can stop worrying about him. I’ll do everything I can for him.
Don’t worry about Dr. Wickes. He’ll come back if he’s needed – he’s proud but he’s not stupid. I’ve got a sleeping-draught for you, so that you’ll get some rest. I want you to drink this, and then I’m going home to bed and so are you, Riley.
Before we go though, I’ve got one question for you. Where is your brother’s leg?”
“You left his leg behind??!” Riley was astounded and confused. Every time that he thought he was getting to know this boy, there was another surprise.
“It’s a prosthetic, Riley. An artificial leg, well, half a leg. Didn’t you bring it with you, Doctor? It must still be in the cave. He hasn’t been wearing it because of the sores on his stump, and it’s getting too small anyway.
They managed to save the knee-joint, but they took Jacob’s left foot and lower leg off, years ago, when we were 6 years old.”
“Damm! The poor kid! What did they do that for?”
“Nobody wanted to, but it had to be done. Jacob’s foot was crushed, in an accident. The doctors took his toes off, but then he got gangrene. They had to take half of his leg off to save him, he would’ve died otherwise.”
“How did a 6 year-old boy ever cope with that?”
“He handled it really well, actually. Nothing gets Jacob down for long. A year later, he was running. He even played football.”
“It’s all in the attitude,” Doctor Stevens said. “Some kids do adapt really well. We’ll get Brian to pop out and get the leg in the morning. How long is it since Jacob’s had a new one?”
“I’m not sure. It must be over two years.”
“It’s time that he was upgraded then. He’s still a growing boy, you both are. Drink this, and then we’ll all go and get some rest.”
On the way out of the hospital, the doctor offered Riley a ride home, but he refused.
“No. Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll walk home; it’s not far, our house is just a couple of hundred meters down the road.”
“Okay, as long as you’re sure. A bit of fresh air will do you good. We’ll see you tomorrow, Riley – after school.”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “After school. Thanks for everything, Doctor. See you tomorrow.”
“We will. Thank you, Riley. Colin has really opened up for you. He likes you and you’re good for him.”
“I like him too. G’night, Doctor.”
Riley walked home. He thought of going and checking-in with Peter, but decided not to. It was getting late, they’d definitely be in bed. He’d send him an email to let him know what was going on.
Also, he hoped that Peter might come to the hospital and meet the cave-boys. No! He had to stop thinking of them like that. They weren’t cave-boys, they were Colin and Jacob. Two lost boys who’d been found. Where the hell did they come from anyway? Only they knew.
One leg!
He got home and his mother was already in bed. She’d left some supper out for him, but he didn’t bother. He wasn’t hungry, just tired. It had been a long day. He didn’t email Peter; he’d do that in the morning. He crawled into bed and was asleep in 5 minutes.
Despite being late to bed, Riley was awake early in the morning. He hated those bloody drapes! He got up, showered, and then rang the hospital. There was no news there, everyone was sleeping peacefully, which was good.
He was almost out of the door when he remembered the other thing he had to do, and he went back and emailed Peter. He sent him a long detailed letter, telling him of all the developments at the hospital and of the finding of the other . . .of Colin’s brother, Jacob, who had one leg!
He would be going back up to the hospital as soon as school was done with. Why didn’t Peter come up there too? If he saw this note in time, that is. He’d see Peter as soon as he could, and he’d tell Ashton that Peter sent him a big kiss (*grins*)
Down in the café, his mother as delighted to hear that Riley wanted a full breakfast. He wanted the works. Everything except fish, that is. He was bloody starving, but he wasn’t that hungry. Fish was disgusting.
He didn’t care what the Craypot specialized in, he wasn’t eating fish in any shape or form.
They sat and talked while he ate breakfast, and then he went to school for another long day. It was a long day too, long and boring.
Ashton wasn’t there, no-one knew why. He did that sometimes. Ashton’s younger brother, Damian, was there. Riley hadn’t actually met him, but he knew who he was.
Damian Woods was in year 9, he was 13. He wasn’t a leader like his brother was, he was much more quiet and private. Mostly, he just stuck close to his best friend, William Scott. Damian was a nice-looking kid, as they often are at that age. He had a fresh, rosy, complexion, neatly-styled and highlighted, black hair and flashing blue eyes. He’d look better if he smiled sometimes.
However, as good as he looked, Damian couldn’t hold a candle to his mate. William Scott was one damm fine-looking boy. He was gorgeous – really gorgeous. He was probably the best-looking boy Riley had ever seen. He should be a model or something.
Oddly enough, William didn’t seem to have a lot of friends either, he just stuck close to Damian. The pair of them were a closed society.
Ah well. Riley admired them from a distance, but he’d never have a lot to do with either of them, they were just kids. There’s a huge gulf between 13 and 15 year olds.
At last the day was over and Riley was out of there as fast as he could – lickety-split, as his granddad used to say. He went straight up the hill to the hospital, and the news there was not good. They were about to send the brothers to Christchurch.
Dr. Wickes was there, and he was gloating. Riley really did not like that man.
“Of course the boy should be in Christchurch. He should have been there yesterday, and he would’ve been if anyone had listened to me.”
Doctor Stevens shrugged and grimaced. He took hold of Riley’s arm and led him into his office, closing the door behind them.
“I’m sorry, Riley. I would have kept them here if I could, but it’s just too much. Jacob needs to be in the hospital in the city where they’ve got far better equipment and facilities. I feel like I’ve failed them, but Jacob’s needs must come first.”
“No, you’re right, Doctor. Of course he must come first. But why is Colin going as well? He’s not too sick for the hospital here, is he?”
“No, he’s not. We could’ve treated him here, but he wants to be with his brother. I gave him the choice and he wants to go with Jacob, which is probably best for both of them.
That’s the one victory I had, Christchurch Public have agreed to take the pair of them. The chopper is already on the way, so if you want to say goodbye to them, you’d better go and do it now. Brian will load them into the ambulance and take them out to the airstrip.”
“Damm. Is there any way that I could go with them?”
“No there’s not. Sorry, Riley. I know that you feel responsible for them, but you’re not really. You’ve done your part, now you have to let them go where they’ll be better off.”
“Yeah, I guess. It’s still a bugger though. I’ll go and see them while I can. Thanks, Doctor.”
“You’re welcome, Son. They’re in the Recovery Room.”
He raced into the Recovery Room, and stopped and stared. Both of the brothers were in there; one was in a wheelchair, and the other, it must’ve been Jacob, was in the bed. He had a clear-plastic breathing mask over his face, apart from that he looked exactly the same as Colin did. They’d even cut his hair – and it was red!
Colin looked around and switched on a big welcoming smile. “Riley! You made it. I thought we were going to miss you.”
“Hey, Colin. I got here as soon as I could.”
“I’m sure you did. Jake, this is our friend, Riley. He talks a lot, but he’s a good guy.”
Jacob pulled the mask off his face and blasted him with a smile. “Hey, Riley. How’s it hanging?”
Riley actually felt weak in the knees. Jacob was freakin’ gorgeous!
But they'll come back when they're better, won't they?
This is easily as good as anything you've written before, David. I don't know where you get the ideas or the time, but I'm glad you do.
Of course they´re coming back. Riley´s mum is their lawyer and Riley´s future lover is Jacob, see chapter one of this great saga, Alistair.
Unless our author has a dark secret and introduces us several Jacob´s before revealing the true boy.
Don´t like that god-like creature reminds me of a certain vet....
Now I only hope you finish this story before returning to the other boys! But knowing you David this wish is another one that stays unfulfilled, sight...
but this was another great chapter and I liked Riley´s attitude towards this old ass very much!!
PS greetings to all.
How many times do I have to say 'Expect the unexpected'. This is so attention-gripping, the next chapter could be that Peter is a long-lost relative.
Thanks David.
Joah, sorry I was too late to pass on birthday greetings.
Alastair, glad to see you're no longer anonymous.
Crickey, Joah! You've got some memory - there's a single sentence in chapter 1 and it was months ago!
I like David´s stories so I try to memorise the important relationships and the names of the characters, although this is impossible if a story is very long and is over 50 or more chapters. But knowing David, you should read carefully the opening sentences ´cause sometimes he´s telling us something very important. We just don´t know whom Peter´s heart will belong to when David has finished this story........
Groetjes Alistair,
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