Sunset from my bedroom window, last night.
The three boys walked outside, William was crying and clinging to Dylan as they went. The got to the vehicles and Brodie said, “Do you want me to drive you two back to William’s place?”
William straightened up and wiped his tears away. “No, it’s okay thanks, Brodie. Dills can drive us.”
“You okay, William?”
“Sure I am. I’m an actor remember?”
“You were acting? You had me fooled, Little Shit!”
“Yeah,” William grinned. “Good at it, aren’t I? Well, it was mostly an act. Dills, we’ll go home, and then I want to go to Christchurch. I’ve gotta go and see him. If you won’t take me, I’ll hitch-hike.”
“You’re not bloody hitch-hiking anywhere! If you have to go, I’ll take you there.”
“Thanks, Dills. I love you, you know.”
“I know. I love you too.”
Dylan suddenly remembered where they were and he blushed as he looked at Brodie.
Brodie grinned, “Come on, “Dills”, I’ve known that for months now. At least you’ve stopped lusting after my body.”
“Shut up, Hilliard. I never did!”
“Yeah, right. I’ll believe you. You don’t need me, I’m going home. See you later, Guys. Tell me when you hear something.”
“’Kay, we will. ‘Bye Brodie.”
Dylan drove back to William’s new house, stopped and looked at the boy beside him. “You sure you’re okay, Wills?”
“I’m okay. I’m always okay when I’m with you. Let’s go and see Mum and Dad and tell them we’re going to Christchurch.”
“To Christchurch?? I don’t know, Wills. I really don’t know. I don’t mind you going, I think that it’s good that you want to, but how is Dylan going to get on driving in the city traffic?”
“It’s not a problem, Aunt Sarah. Really it’s not. I’ve driven there before; Dad’s brother lives in Christchurch and we often go down there.”
“Well, all right then, if you’re sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay. You look after my boy.”
“I always look out for Wills.”
“I know you do. You’re a good friend, Dylan.”
“So you’re going to Christchurch,” Paul nodded. “Where are you going to sleep?”
“It’s only a couple of hours, Uncle. We might come back tonight, but if we can’t do that, we’ll go to Uncle Mark’s. He’ll give us a bed.”
“He will? Okay, but make sure that you give him plenty of warning. Don’t go landing on your uncle in the middle of the night.”
“We won’t. I’ve got his numbers.”
“All right. You’ll need some money for petrol, food and what have you.”
“We’ll be okay. I’ve got my bankcard and if Wills brings his, we’ll have plenty between us.”
Sarah rummaged through her bag and found her bankcard. “Take my card as well, Wills. You can have a hundred dollars for food and petrol and use it for any emergencies – if you get a flat or something. Just don’t go crazy with it and stay away from the casino!”
“Thanks, Mum. If we have a big win, we’ll share it with you.”
“You bloody will not! Have a win, I mean. You be responsible with it.”
“We’ll be responsible. I’ll have to, Dills will be with me.”
“And that’s a very good thing too. Thank you, Dylan. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to this boy.”
“That he is,” William beamed. “I’ll throw some clothes in a bag and we’ll get going.”
“Do that,” said Sarah. “Make sure you take some clean underwear!”
William packed hurriedly, and they left with the usual warnings to be careful. Dylan drove home to pack and clear the trip with his mother; it was her car after all. When they got there, Paul had already phoned and she was fine with them going. She gave them some money as well, and then hugged both of them.
“Take care, Boys – both of you. If you have any trouble at all, ring me and I’ll be there. I’ll ring Mark and let him know that you may be staying with him. Let him know if you are, and, well, that’s about it really.
This is a terrible, terrible thing that’s happened to Damian. The poor kid. I hope you both know that you’ve ever got anything you want to talk about, we’re always here. Paul and Sarah are too. Don’t do anything silly.”
“We won’t. Thanks, Mum.”
Dylan, and then William both surprised and delighted her with hugs.
They filled the car at the Service station, turned south, and hit the road. They went over the hill, out of town, past South Bay and down the winding highway through the bays along the coast. It was a glorious sunny day, but neither of them felt much like smiling.
At Oaro, the road turned inland and snaked up through the North Canterbury hills. After almost an hour’s driving in silence, Dylan glanced at his quiet friend.
“Are you okay, Wills?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay, just thinking. You okay, Dills?”
“Yeah, I’m fine if you are.”
“Good. Stop the car somewhere, will you? I need to have a leak.”
“Good idea. I could do with one too.”
They stopped and relieved their bladders in a quiet spot near a handy bank of willow trees. Instead of getting back in the car, William leant on the grill at the front. Dylan stood beside him.
“Dills, you think I’m good-looking, right?”
“Of course! You’re totally beautiful. Easily the best-looking boy in town, probably in the whole country.”
“And you love me?”
“I love you.”
“Is that why you love me, because I’m nice to look at?”
“No! Not at all. I love you because you’re you.”
“Would you still love me if I was ugly?”
“You’ll never be ugly, Wills. No matter what you look like on the outside, you’re beautiful inside and you always will be. You’re the most beautiful boy in the world and I love you totally.”
“Will you still love me when I’m fat and forty?”
“Yes. I’ll still love you when you’re ancient and eighty.”
“Thanks, Dills. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I love you very much. Hold me, will you? Just hold me.”
“Always.” Dylan wrapped his long arms around the smaller boy and stood holding him close to his chest.
“I love you, Dills, so much! Don’t ever stop loving me, I couldn’t live without you.”
“You’ll never have to. I’ll love you forever and ever amen.”
William started crying, great sobs shook his slender body.
“Wills? Don’t cry. What’s wrong?”
“Damian!” he wailed . “Damian is wrong. My life is so good and his is so fucking awful!”
“Yeah, it is. If it’s half as bad as you said, then it’s awful. Just be grateful for what you’ve got.”
“I am. I’m very grateful for everything, especially for you. You’re the best, Dills. I’ve got so much and he’s got nothing. I hate his fucking parents for doing that to him.”
“They’re scum.” Dylan pushed him off and held him at arm’s length, looking into his eyes. “Wills, promise me that you’re going to behave when we get there.”
“I’ll behave. I always do, don’t I?”
“No, you don’t actually. When you’re upset you shoot your mouth off and say things that you regret later.”
“I’ve got plenty of things that I want to say to those bastards, and I won’t regret it either.”
“See? That’s what I mean. This is not a game, Wills. Damian is their boy and he’s in a bad way. His family must be feeling stink about what’s happened to him and they don’t need you making it worse. You did real well at the hospital, not blurting everything out to Dr. Stevens. Please tell me that you’ll do the same when we get to Christchurch. Don’t make it a big drama.”
“It is a big drama! Those bastards don’t care about him, nobody does, that’s why he did it.”
“Maybe this has woken their ideas up. They drove down to be with him, didn’t they?”
“Some of them did. She didn’t – the Bitch!”
“Maybe she can’t. Maybe she’s too ashamed to face anyone. You don’t know, Wills.”
“Okay, I’ll keep my mouth shut. Thanks, Dills.”
“Good Boy. I love you, you know.”
“I know, I love you too!” William hugged him hard. “You’re the best, Dills. Just what I need. Damian said he’d like to snog you.”
“He did not!”
“He did so. Of course he would, anyone would, but they can’t because you’re mine, and that’s really cool. He said that he loves me too, kind-of, he did.”
“I’m sure he does, you’re a good friend. Come on, let’s go to Christchurch.”