We’re back! *listening* No? Dammit!
Sheesh, will you look at that? Part 20! Wow.
Where were we? Oh, yeah – here, talking about changes, and the big one in my life. But, first we’ve gotta backtrack a bit.
After Greg and the others had ‘outed’ me as not being gay at all and a bullshit artist to boot, (Hah!), there was one person who didn’t want to believe it. Len came around after school and took me out for a ride in his car. Way cool. It was he first time he’d ever asked me.
I told Gran that we were going out and, “Len’s just going to race down the highway, miss a corner, wrap us around a tree and kill us horribly.”
My loving grandmother replied, “That’s nice, Dear. Have a good time.”
Phaw! She’d be sorry if he did. I guess I would be too. Gran could drive like a maniac herself, sometimes. Just as well the truck’s not turbo-charged.
We got into the car and Len drove, quietly and smoothly, up the main road through the village. He turned left and went down and across the bridge over the river. No, he didn’t want to go swimming with me. “Some other time, maybe.”
He turned into the back-country road, planted the boot and we took off. We were low-flying. It was great! Funny really, now that I’m older and wiser, well one year older and wiser, I’d be worried, but I wasn’t then. It was fun!
We zoomed up the road, passing farm after farm. It was a back road and quite narrow, which made it feel like we were going even faster than we were, which was a lot anyway. Len seemed confident and he said that he was a good driver.
I wanted to believe him, and I did after we careened around a corner and there was an old horse and cart in the middle of the road! Len didn’t even hesitate and certainly didn’t slow down. He just flicked the wheel to the left and back to the right, and we were around them, somehow, and speeding away up the road, laughing like loons, leaving the horse wondering what the fuck had just happened? Coolness!
A few kilometers up the road, there was an old, derelict, church sitting in a paddock. Len turned in there, spun around, and parked facing back towards the road, underneath the overgrown hedge of macrocarpas.
He shut the engine off, killed the music, and it was very, very quiet. We sat looking at the local crowd. They all had four legs. Damm. I’m never going to get used to living in the country.
“Have I got a cool car, or have I got a cool car?” Len grinned widely. He reached across and squeezed my thigh. His hand rested there a minute, and then slid up and he groped my crotch. Bloody bucket-seats didn’t make this easy.
It would’ve been better in the old days when they had bench-seats in the front. The house-truck had a bench-seat, but, hopefully, no-one was groping anybody in there.
I undid the seat-belt and pushed forward to make it easier for him. I lifted my hips when he tugged on the top of my trackies, and he slid them down, exposing my upright dick and dangling balls. He started fondling and wanking me.
‘Oh yeah!’
“”You like this, don’t you, Virgin?”
“Oh, yes. Lotsafun.”
He released me, unbuckled his own seat-belt and whipped his pants down below his knees.
“Come over here and sit on my knees.”
I took my pants right off, crawled across and sat straddling him. I wrapped one hand around his dick and held it firmly while my other hand roamed around his smooth belly, thighs and balls.
He did the same to me and carried on wanking me. Yes!
I tried to kiss him, but he wasn’t having that. He turned his head so that I finished-up kissing his cheek.
He was wanking me fast and furiously now and I was close to cumming, so I forgot about doing him, just held on to his shoulders, threw my head back and enjoyed. His other hand left my balls and slid around behind them and up underneath me. His finger found my pucker, teased there, and then slid up into me.
Graeme and I had never gone any further than that, but right then, I didn’t care – Len could do whatever he liked to me. I was bouncing up and down, like I was fucking on his finger and I gasped and squealed as I came explosively. “Yes!”
“Oh yeah. You’re a bit of hot stuff, Little Virgin. Suck my dick now.”
That was it? No loving words, no ‘please’, just an order to suck his dick? Whatever. I wanted to. I sucked his dick. I got down on my knees and I, gleefully, went to work on him.
“Oh, yeahhhh!” Len sighed as he came and he pumped his seed into my mouth.
He still didn’t want to kiss me, just pulled his pants up, started the car and we went home. He didn’t even wait for me to get my clothes together, so I had to do it on the way. We didn’t talk on the way home. The music was loud and I was feeling that something was not right.
He pulled-up outside my house. I opened the door and said, “Thanks, Len. See you tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Little Virgin. We’ll go to the Speedway tomorrow night, okay?”
“The Speedway? Well. . .”
“Oh, come on. You’ve gotta come. It’ll be fun. We’ll go to the drag-races after, that’s even better.”
“Well, all right, thanks. I guess the races will be a new experience.”
“They will. See you then, Virgin.”
He pulled away with a roar. I went inside, to my room, to sit on my bed and have a think. Did I have a boyfriend now, or what? I didn’t know and it felt like I was being used.
“Ah well. It can only get better, I guess. At least I’m getting sex.”
Damm! I was a dumb kid.
Next day, after school, I had yet another row with Stafford. I wished that he’d mind his own bloody business! I told him that too. He started it by following me out of the school, with the same old song. “Virgil, I thought I told you – be careful with that Crowe.”
“Fuck off. You don’t tell me how to live my life.”
“It looks like someone has to. He drives like a bloody maniac!”
“Oh, don’t be such an old woman! What I do and who I do it with is none of your business.”
“You’ve made that clear enough. Do what you like then; but stay away from the Chicken Run, or you’ll be sorry.”
“The only sorry thing around here is you. Fuck off Stafford!”
He fucked off.
The Chicken Run? What the hell was the Chicken Run? I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. Bloody Old Woman. Damm! There was no-one who could get me as mad as Stafford did. Prick!
Friday lunchtime, Len met me going back to school. “Hey Virgin. We’re still on for tonight, are we?”
“For the Speedway? Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.”
“That’s good. Me too. Listen, wear your nice clothes, okay?”
“My nice clothes? You want me to dress up? Nobody else does.”
“They don’t, but I like it when you do. You look good.”
“You think? Well, that’s good! Okay then, I’ll dress up, just for you.”
“Cool. Thanks. I’ll pick you up about 6, okay?”
“Very okay. See you then.”
Cool, there was hope for us yet. Len could be a nice guy, when he wanted to.
After school, Mum and Gran were both out somewhere; I probably wouldn’t see them until the morning. That was okay, I could look after myself. I took Jimmy for a swim down at the river, and then went home and showered.
I put my best clothes on, so I’d look good, and I even splashed some after-shave on my face. Yeah, I had a bottle of after-shave lotion, even though I wasn’t shaving yet. Mum bought it for me for Christmas. I think it was a joke.
I rushed eagerly out the door when Len arrived, and was disappointed to find that he had 2 other guys crammed into his tiny back-seat. At least I got to sit upfront with the driver.
“Hey Len. Hey Guys.”
“Hey Virgin. You’re looking good.”
“Thanks! It’s going to be a good night, I’m looking forward to it.”
“Yeah, it’s going to be great,” Julian Harris agreed. “Especially the Chicken Run – awesome!”
There it was again. The Chicken Run? I swung around to look at him. “Excuse my ignorance, but what the hell is the Chicken Run?”
“You don’t know? You’ll see. The Chicken Run is the big race of the night – out on the back-road to Waitere. There’s a special trophy tonight too.”
“Harris,” Len interrupted. “Shut the fuck up.”
There was still something they weren’t telling me. Oh well, I’d soon find out, I was going there – with Len.
I felt over-dressed again. No-one else had dressed up, they were all in t-shirts, jeans and boots. We arrived at the Speedway, I got my money out but Len told me to put it away. I was his date for the night. Cool. (I think).
Okay. That’s the end of the backtracking. Forgot I was doing that, didn’t you? Yeah, so did I. Got a bit carried away there.
I have a very bad feeling about this Chicken Run. The only bright point is that if it happened a year ago, then we know that at least Virgil is going to survive to tell the tale.
But what about the others...?
I agree with Alistair, I guess Virgil has to "service" those three boys, I would call that rape, still I think his boyfriend will show upon time and it isn´t bloody stupid Len, at least that´s what I hope.
My deepest gratitude for Lloyd and his great story idea over at Crvboy. Thanks mate, I owe you big time!!
Next chapter please...
Yes I agree, the big prize is Virgil. Still wonder how Joel knows, was he once 'The Big Prize'?
I agree with you guys. Virgil is the "special trophy tonight". That's why he had to dress up not down. So whoever wins the back-road drag race where they play chicken with their cars wins Virgil.
I'm assuming the back road Chicken Run in NZ is the same as in Australia so every young guy in town not just rev-heads would know the Chicken Run not just those that go.
PS I'm normally one of the many silent readers
Not a good beginning to a crappy night. I agree with Joah, hopefully young Stafford will make it in time to help out Virgil. Then maybe Virgil will find the true love he hopes for. (Maybe?)
Thanks for the chapter, David. Can't wait for the next one.
Hey Guys,
Thanks. Part 21 is up now - didn't fool you lot for a minute, did I?
Gary, thanks - you've got it in one. rev-heads is new to me though, we call them petrol-heads usually (or Dorks!)
David, you wouldn't. I have never been afraid to open a chapter of yours, and the guys better be right about Stafford. Jeez, Virgil has had quite a bit of sex lately--Ok i'm getting too close to speculating, and even worse, writing the story in my own head, which is like against my religion.
Oh yeah, David, the picture is entitled "young genius--making potholder" it's church school, has to be Easter or I wouldn't have a flower on my dress. Cracks me up, how 'bout you?
Hi Guys. Oh and Joah, who's LLoyd? I read everybody but I don't know who you mean. :-(
With trepidation, on to 21.
The usual thanks, David.
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