So, we went to the Speedway meeting on Friday night, Len, his dad and me. Mum went out with the Staffords. Well, she went with Dick, I’m not sure if Joel went or not. None of my business anyway.
I was standing out by the main road, waiting, when they came along promptly at 5.30pm. Len was driving and his dad was riding shotgun, so I got into the back seat. They both turned around to look at me and Len introduced his dad.
“This is Virgil Cain. Virgil, meet my dad, Brian Crowe.”
“Hello Virgil, nice to meet you. We’ve heard all about you and thanks for helping Len with his maths. He’s hopeless, isn’t he?”
“Hey Mr. Crowe. I wouldn’t say he’s hopeless. He just needs to work on it a bit.”
“Yeah, well, you keep him at it. We really appreciate this, don’t we Leonard?”
“Yes Dad. He knows that, I’ve told him a hundred times. No offence Virgil, but I think you’re a bit over-dressed. The Speedway crowd are pretty casual you know.”
“Leave the boy alone, Len. He looks good.”
Well, at least somebody thought so, but it was the son I wanted to impress, not the father.
To say that the Speedway crowd were casual was a uber-understatement. The place was full of bogans! Petrol-Heads, Rough-Arses and Rednecks. I didn’t know that there were so many rough-looking characters in the Nelson District.
Every one of them must have been there and Len was right, I was over-dressed. Whatever. Next time I’d wear my oldest clothes, everyone else seemed to have done just that. Greasy old jeans and t-shirts were definitely the uniform of the day, or night.
They seemed to be a good-natured crowd though. Everyone was greeting each other, loudly. It was a, (rough-arse), family affair. Some of the families seemed to have more kids than the parents had teeth!
The arena was rapidly filling up – there were hundreds of them. It looked like there were more people than seats there, but that didn’t seem to worry anybody. Half of the crowd, especially the kids, were walking around and socializing.
We found front-row seats, way too close to the dirt-track. Then we left them to go and get some food. There wasn’t a lot to choose from, the stalls were selling buckets of hot chips and hot-dogs, sausages and bread and meat pies. I was still off pies and the food-stalls seemed to be manned by the roughest looking characters in the crowd. At least there was a Billy’s Burgers caravan there, so that’s what I had. Simply the Best.
We made our way back to the seats, it took a while. Len seemed to know everyone there. He was definitely no stranger there.
The loud music stopped and the announcements began. I put my ear-plugs in. The mini-stocks lined up and, with a roar, the first race started. I knew we were sitting too close to the track. We got pelted with gravel every time they came past.
Between races, the water-truck came around, spraying the track to settle the dust. We got sprayed as well, but that was okay, it was a warm evening.
I wouldn’t say that it was my best night ever, but it was definitely an experience. Len was loving it anyway; this was his world and his people. He was right at home there. I got some funny looks from people walking past, but I stuck close to Len or his dad. One or the other of them seemed to be always on the move. I kept my mouth shut and didn’t look back.
I, kind-of, enjoyed the night, but wasn’t sorry when it was time to go home.
The races, finally, came to an end. I didn’t know any of the winners or losers and didn’t care much anyway. We slowly made our way back to the car, that took a while too. Len had to stop and speak to a hundred people on the way. A lot of the younger ones were going on to the, illegal, drag-races out on a back-road. We weren’t, I was pleased to hear. We had to go home with Len’s dad.
They just had to wait until Len got his car, and then he’d be there ‘with bells on’. He introduced me to a few of his mates, telling them that I was ‘a newbie – fresh meat.’ It was a bit odd. I felt like he was showing me off, like I was a trophy or something. There was a strange vibe and I was glad to get back to the car where Mr. Crowe was waiting for us.
The best part of the night was on the way home. That bit I enjoyed very much. Mr. Crowe was driving. He wouldn’t let Len drive because he was too hyped-up after the races. Also, “This is not a stock-car.” So, he drove and Len sat in the back with me, which was good. Very good actually.
Len was full of talk about the cars, the drivers and the races. He sat close to me and, as soon as we were away from the lights of the city, he started feeling me up!
I was delighted and way excited. He’d never shown any interest in sex up until now, but now his hand was inside my clothes and feeling around. Instant hard-on!
I tried to do the same back to him, but he pushed my hand away. Without saying anything, he made it clear that I was to just sit back and let him do his thing. So, I did. I laid back, pushed my hips forward, opened my legs and let him go for it. It was great!
I don’t how he did it. It was like there were two different people in there with me. One was keeping up a stream of chatter about the world of cars and the other was quietly, feeling and fondling me and, slowly, masturbating me in the darkness.
It was a real effort to keep quiet when he brought me off, but I had to – his dad was right there in front of us. Luckily, I had a handful of tissues in my pocket and I used them to clean myself up as best as I could. The soggy tissues went out of the window.
I took a couple of minutes to calm down, and then I was allowed to open his jeans and have a feel around. Nice dick! It was upright, long, thick, hard and hot. Len’s was much bigger than Graeme’s, or mine! It was, maybe, even as big as Joel’s. I wasn’t sure, I’d only ever seen Joel’s one once and that was a long time ago. It was big though; I definitely remembered that.
All too soon, we reversed roles again. He pushed my hand away and went back to fondling me. Still good though. I loved it! So we drove on through the night while Len and his dad talked about cars and Len’s hand played with my dick.
It was normally a 45 minute drive from Nelson but, I dunno, I think Mr. Crowe went much faster than that. Maybe he was hyped-up from the Speedway as well? After we passed the turn-off, just 8 kilometers from home, Len started wanking me furiously and I came just as we arrived in Tiroroa. Gushers!
“And, we have touchdown,” Len grinned and he wiped his hand on my leg and left me to tidy myself up.
We stopped outside my house. I said goodnight and thanks to both of them for a good night. They pulled away and drove home. I went inside for a shower, and a wank, and to go to bed. It was a pretty good night all around.
My, that's an interesting turn of events.
I do wonder, though, how long Virgil and Len can keep a relationship going when the huge passion of one of them - car racing and Len - is not just uninteresting but actually boring for the other.
And is Virgil going to go along to the illegal races with him, once he gets his car?
I have to say that it looks like Len is only interested in himself and cars and Virgil could have been anybody, as long as there was an erection to play with. Worrying!
Maybe it was just a testosterone rush from the races... maybe it wasn't. I tend to agree with Alastair and Tom though. However, now that the ice is broken, maybe things might work out. I wonder how young Stafford would react to the news? Hhmm....
Great job, David! Keep them 'cumming'!
Sounds more like blowing off steam, then the start of a serious relationship, so this guy keeps me worrying as I don´t trust him at all. We´ll see what happens in the upcoming chapters.
I'm not saying a word.
Well, thanks 4 thinking about it, but not another word!
Yes, such a change from the serious loves of WPT. I don't speculate, and have never been so happy about that.
What is about the word ass that seems to be so tabu around here?
I'm going off to 19 to see what all the worrying is about...
Thanks David. Hi again, Guys!
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