(The end of Romney Street. Toddy's house on the left, the Peter's at centre right & George's next door, with the red roof.)
They had dinner, and then George arrived home from work and he came over to see them.
“Tony! Welcome home.” He held out a hand and Tony shook it.
“I’m not into hugging like all you kids are, but it’s really good to see you, Boy. You’re welcome to use the room at my house for as long as you like – stay there for the rest of your life if you want .”
“Thanks George. I need your room, I’ve got no other home to go to. I can pay you board, Jonathan has made my father send money to support me while I’m at school.”
“There’s no need for board, I’m not feeding you. Pay Nita something. I don’t need your money, as long as my power bill doesn’t go through the roof. I’ll carry a little bit, no worries.”
“George?” Daniel spoke up. “You do realise that I’ll be sleeping over there as well, don’t you?”
“Well, of course you are, Daniel. As long as it’s just you two – I’m not running a hotel. I’ve got another room you can use if you want to.”
“No, I don’t want another room. I’ll be sleeping with Tones. Um, George, Aunty, this is the hard bit – but it’s got to be said.” (He took Tony’s hand and held it. Tony squeezed, reassuringly.) “We’re gay, Tones and I; we’re gay and we’re in love with each other.”
“Well, Duh!” Nita smiled. “How blind do you think we are? Tell us something that we don’t know.”
“And you don’t mind?”
“Of course I don’t mind. Why should I? You just be good to each other, be careful and what goes on behind closed doors stays there, okay? Keep your hands off each other when you’re in public. And, I wouldn’t tell Tom – He probably knows, he just won’t want to talk about it.”
“That’s great. Thanks Aunty, thanks George. We will be careful, Tones has been hurt enough for one lifetime.”
“One more thing, Boys.”
“Yes, Aunty?”
“I’d rather Barney Todd doesn’t come sneaking across the road every night, especially schoolnights.”
They were both bright red now as they realised that Nita knew everything. “That, umm. That won’t be happening, not any more.”
“Good. I’m pleased to hear that then. A couple might last forever, a threesome never will. Somebody always gets hurt. Now, can we talk about something else? Tony, I want you to call me ‘Aunty’, okay?”
“Yeah, okay. Thanks, Aunty. My life’s never been so good,” he sighed.
“That’s because you’re out west, where you belong, Tones.”
“No, Danny. It’s because I’m with you.”
“We don’t want to hear that, Tony. We know it – just don’t want to hear it.”
“Sorry Aunty. But it’s true.”
Tom arrived home and, after greeting Tony with a hand-shake, he buried his nose in the evening paper.
“I think he’s really happy to see you Tones.”
After eating, they went across the road to the Todd’s house. Mavis greeted him with a hug and a kiss. Grant just punched his shoulder. “Good to see you.” Then he disappeared into his room, with John.
Toddy stood back and waited while the others greeted him, and then – “Hey Tones.”
“Hey Toddy.”
“Come on up the front – we need to talk. Need some privacy here, Mum.”
“Don’t you always,” she sighed. “Go and talk then. Great to see you, Tony, come and visit with me sometime.”
Toddy led the others into his bedroom and locked the door. They stood looking awkwardly at each other, and then he burst out. “I’ve got a girlfriend now! Sherry and me, we’re back together. We’re going to give it another try.”
“That’s cool, Toddy. I hope it works out for you. Danny and me – we’re going to try again too.”
“What do you mean, try again? You two were never separated really. The Guitar-man’s been thinking about you, every minute of every day. You two belong together, the Terrible Twosome rules!”
“Yeah!” Daniel agreed, “It takes two.”
“Does that. It takes two, not three. We had a lot of fun, Guys, and we got really close – about as close as you can get. But it takes two.”
“So, Toddy? Can I still call you my friend?”
“You can call me anything you like, Tones, as long as we can be friends.”
“That’s good, really good. I’ve been dreading meeting up with you. I like you, Toddy, but I’m in love with Danny.”
“Of course you are. You’ve always loved your Danny. I was just a bit on the side.”
“Bloody hot bit, though.”
Frustrated, Daniel burst out. “Well, stop tip-toeing around and give the bloody boy a hug, already!”
“Who are you talking to?” Toddy’s trademark eyebrow rose.
“Both of you. Hug him.”
They did.
“Welcome home, Tony. Good to see you back.”
“Thanks Toddy. It’s good to be back. I need you for my friend, Toddy.”
“Sure you do! After what we’ve done together, we can only be friends or enemies – I’d rather have a friend.” He kissed him, briefly – as a friend.
Toddy came with them when Daniel and Tony walked back to the Union Hall. He separated from them at Peel Street to go and see Jinks.
In the entrance to the hall, Daniel pulled Tony into the small Gent’s Cloakroom. He shut the door, leaned Tony back against it and kissed him.
“Happy now, Tones?”
“Oh yes, Danny. You? Cool. Let’s go and make music.”
And they danced all night at the Union Hall. The doors were wide open and a crowd slowly gathered, drawn by the music. Crispian filmed as an impromptu dance-party developed. Everyone was having fun, but none more so than the slender blond-haired singer who bounced off and on the stage. And they danced.
Dawn was breaking when they finished. Most of the crowd had gone hours ago, but they kept playing for their own enjoyment. When they were walking home in the early morning light, Peter and Jay were with them as far as Romney Street.
Peter summed it up. “Tones – it’s so good to have you back. Superboy can sing. Oh boy! Can he sing! But we’d rather have you. I wouldn’t trade you for 10 Superboys. Look out, World – here comes Whozzat.”
(And that’s book 4. That’s the History, the Background and the Introduction – Now the story begins :))
Just got to read last 3 ch. Did the heart good. Love the pics of Westpoint.
Just got your e-mail aftering arriving home from a weeks vacation. I truly missed Westpoint! Glad to have it back, and you writing. Keep up the awesome job you are doing!
Everybody loves a winner and they are all winners in Westpoint right now. Ain't love grand! The photos look just like many small towns in Australia. Loving the story. More please!!
David, I can hardly wait to see what comes next.
Love the pics of Westport(Westpoint).
Nice to se that the fans are finding the new posts.
Mr. Bumble
Well if that's the build-up I think we're going to be overwhelmed by the story. Really like the pics, gives that bit extra realism.
Very cool. thanks Guys.
It does the heart good to see you here, Jerry.
Welcome home, Mark
Everyone's a winner, Danny? Hmmm - don't tempt me!
I was just kidding about the build-up Tom. I like the pics too - what's not to like - great town.
Whoops! Hugs to Mr. Bumble - i nearly missed you there!
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