Lucas put sunglasses on Tony and a big cap on his long blond hair, pulling it well down over his face. They all went around to the Peter’s house so Daniel could change into his own clothes. Marcie had walked to work and left her car for them, which was really cool of her.
Nita greeted Tony with hugs and kisses and told him that this was his home now. She’d talked to George before he went to work and he’d agreed that they could move back into his room. John could have his room back to himself. John protested but was told to get over it.
They went around to the hospital to be greeted by Nurse Marcie Sheridan. She got Doctor Miller to examine Tony. There’d be no charge, but he’d have to wait a few days for the results.
On the way out of the hospital, Daniel said that they’d have to use condoms then and asked Lucas if he had any.
“Yeah, sure I have. Don’t tell Billy that. How many will you need for three or four days?”
“Oh, three or four hundred should be enough.”
“In your dreams, Danny.”
“You’re always in my dreams, Tones.”
“Shut up, the pair of you!”
John sighed as he got back into the car. “I so want a boyfriend! Are you sure that you’re straight, Lucas?”
“Positive, John-boy.”
Approaching the Union Hall, Tony was getting nervous again.
“Settle down, Tones. They love you, you’ll see. Lucas, I’ll get out, you go drive around for 10 minutes, and then, come back, toot your horn and walk in. You come in singing, Tones. We’ll knock them flat.”
Daniel got out of the car and went into the hall by himself. The other members of Whozzat were all buzzing and wanting to know what the big mystery was about. It took all of his self-control to maintain his usual, glum, face and not burst out smiling. That would have given the game away for sure.
He got them all up on the stage, just saying that he wanted to try something different with the music – something great, they’d see. He nodded to Crispian and pointed to the camera that he had beside him. When a car tooted out in the street, Daniel took up his beloved guitar and started playing the long involved introduction to North’n West Coast Sun.
The others all picked up the tune and Crispian started the camera, puzzled. He couldn’t see what was different.
When Lucas Sheridan walked in, accompanied by two slender, blond youths – one in a cap and sunglasses – Crispian focused on them as they approached the stage.
At the right place in the song, exactly on cue, the strange youth flashed a big grin and sang. “I’m going out West where I belong.”
All eyes were on him, wondering, but they continued to play as he sang. “Where the days are short and the nights are long.”
He got no further as Sandie dropped her bass and flew at him. “TONY!!”
They all left their instruments and flew off the stage at him. He was almost knocked over in the rush, then stood weeping happily in the middle of a big group hugging.
He was spun around as each one individually hugged and greeted him with lots of tears and kisses. Daniel finally pulled him away. “Enough. Don’t take all the kisses. I haven’t had my share yet.”
Tony sat on the edge of the stage and Daniel sat behind with arms and legs draped around him. Everyone was talking at once. Tony leaned back and whispered, “Who’s the hot kid with the camera?”
“Think he’s hot, do you?” Daniel whispered back.
“Well, yeah. He is, but not as hot as you though.”
“It’s Crispian, you twit!”
“Crispian? No! Crispian, what happened to you? You’re looking hot.”
“Looking good, do you think? I’m not really young, just look it. Blame the R&R system, it really works.”
Jonathan and his girls arrived. (Lucas had been on his cellphone). They walked straight up to him. “Tony Duncan! Look at you. Where’ve you been? I’d kick your arse, Boy, but the Guitar-man would kill me.”
“Hey Jonathan, Lana, Claudette. Nice to see you too. Thanks for sorting my old man.”
“Sorted him? I’ll fucking kill him if he touches you again. Told him that too. Are you going to stand up so that we can give you a hug, or do we have to peel the Guitar-man off you first?”
“Everyone’s so into hugging in this town.”
“You can blame Justin for that – he started it.”
“But, where are Justin and Billy? Don’t they want to?”
“Don’t be silly, Tony. Of course they want to see you. They’ll be back later. They’ve gone down to Hoki. Justin claims that they’re on business, but that’s just his excuse. They’ve bought a car and Billy’s got his licence, so there’s not stopping them now.”
“Billy’s got a licence? What about Superboy then, doesn’t he drive too?”
“No, he can’t. He says that it scares the shit out of him. Justin may never drive – though maybe, one day he will. Billy’s trying to teach him, but he reckons that he doesn’t need to now that he’s got Billy to drive him around.”
“So, you think that they’ll stay together?”
“Those two? Yeah. As long as the sun keeps coming up in the mornings, they’ll be together.”
“That’s great! They’re happy then?”
“Tony,” Claudette interposed. “Anyone can tell the twins apart these days. Justin’s the one with a huge grin from ear to ear and a redhead right next to him.”
“And what do people think about that? Do they get a hard time?”
“Who’s going to give Superboy a hard time? Or his no.1 friend either? I don’t think they give a toss about what anyone thinks anyway. They’re just happy being together.”
“That’s cool. Really cool.” Tony leant back against Daniel’s chest. “You think we’re going to be happy together, Danny?”
Daniel leaned forward, bent around him and kissed him on the cheek. “I think.” He purred.
Jonathan pulled out his cell, found a number and dialed. “Hello John Duncan, Jonathan Reynolds here. You’ll be pleased to know that Tony has shown up safe and well. Tony will be living with us, here in Westpoint from now on. You can deposit money for his bed and board in his bank account – you know the number, it’s the one that you stole all his money out of.
He’ll be going back to school and you’ll be supporting him until he leaves. I think that $150 a week should be enough. $150 a week, every week, without fail or I’ll be coming back to see you. Have a nice day.”
He switched off and winked at Tony. “Don’t think that your father likes me very much.”
“Thanks, Jonathan. Really thank you, but, if what Danny says is true, we’ve got money now – we don’t need his.”
“Maybe you don’t, but he needs to pay, and pay and pay, for what he’s put you through.”
“Let the bastard pay, Tones,” Daniel agreed. “He can afford it and he needs a lesson. Thanks, Jonathan. The Iceman’s our no.1 hero.”
“Tony” said Crispian. “Daniel is right, you have got money, lots of money. Whozzat’s music is selling amazingly well and your share will be quite a lot.” He stopped and took a breath, then he and the entire group, all said “However!”
“Well, excuse me!” Crispian continued. “However – I’ve got a plan and it’s even more important now that you’re here at last. I’ll let you have some money if you need it, but the others have all agreed to leave their shares with me. We’re going to make a movie, an old-fashioned musical documentary to tell the story of Whozzat. It can go on tour and promote the group while you all carry-on being normal schoolkids.”
“A movie sounds great, Lordship. But, who’s normal anyway?”
“No, you’re not are you? But you can try to lead a normal sort of life.”
Peter said, “Crispian wants to protect us from the big bad world out there.”
“I do indeed. But, we can make a fortune by being the rebels outside of the business.”
“We’ve made a good start. Our fortune is in your hands, Lordship.”
“Trust me, Children. I’ll be your Fagin, we’ll all be rich and, hopefully, happy in spite of that.”
There was no more music, for a while anyway. They sat around in a circle, talking and planning. Tony told them his story and they updated him on theirs. They finally broke up and went their separate ways, after agreeing to meet back at the hall , at 7pm, to make music. Daniel and Tony walked back around to the Peters’.
“Haven’t you got any clothes at all, Tones?”
“No. Just the messy ones I arrived in last night.”
“Just as well you can fit into mine then. We’ll get some money off Crispian tomorrow and go and buy you a whole new wardrobe.”
“Cool. That’ll be fun.”
“Will be if I can come into the changing-room with you.”
“Down boy. We have to behave for a few days.”
“Fuck that. I want to fuck you now.”
“Well you can’t. Danny, what about Toddy?”
“What about Toddy? I don’t want to fuck Toddy anymore – just you. But if you want to carry-on with him, that’s up to you.”
“I don’t want to be with anyone but you, Danny. Never again. But I would like to keep Toddy as a friend, if that’s okay with you. And him too of course.”
“Sure it’s okay, Tones. Toddy and I are still friends. He’s been worrying about you too. We’ll go and find him later.”
“Toddy’s been worrying? I never dreamed that so many people cared. They’re your friends, Danny, but they care about me too. I wouldn’t have stayed so long at Flossie’s if I’d known. I thought no-one would want to know me – not even you.”
“Shut up, Tones. You can’t break-up with me, can’t be done. You belong to me and I belong to you.”
“I love you more.”
“Do not!”
“Do so!”
They walked along, happily sneaking glances at each other and grinning.
“Thanks. Today’s been the best day of my life.”
“It’s not over yet.”
They walked along quietly for a bit, then Daniel said, “Tones?”
“Yeah, Danny?”
“Thank you. Today’s been the best day of my life too.”
“It’s not over yet.”
Thank YOU David. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!
Hmmm, I thought I was your number one fan!
Fans? - Lol. I should be so lucky!
Thanks Guys.
It keeps getting better and better. Get over the inferiority complex, great writers have great fans.
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