Thursday, February 7, 2013

a bit more of part 13

(this is a tack-on. Think i've painted myself into a corner here, but there might be a way out )

The day went on. They played the games and didn't move, except when the sun cast shadows from the house roof across their legs. Cade moved into the sunshine, Jayden moved into the shade.

Lance arrived, alone and on foot, back from the paddock declaring that he was sick of the sight of Angel's pony and everything about it. He went into his room, turned on his X-box and joined in their game.

Just after 3pm, Jayden's mother arrived. She pulled in off the highway and parked next to them. “Hello, Sweetie.”

“Hey, Mum. What're you doing here?”

“Checking on you. I'm allowed to visit my friends, aren't I? How has your weekend been?”

“It's been good, really good.”

“Well that's good, and you're feeling all right?”

“I'm fine, Mum.”

“You're sure? Well, that's good too. How are you, Cade? Sick of him yet?”

“Never! I'm good, Mrs C. Mum's inside, I think.”

“I hope so. She's expecting me – I phoned ahead. I'll go in and see her then. Get your things together and say your goodbyes, Jayden. You're coming home with me when I go.”

“Oh no, Mum! Couldn't I stay just one more night? I'm all right, really I am.”

“No, you can't. It's good that you had a good weekend, but it's over now and it's time to go home. You don't want to outstay your welcome. Besides, your granddad has got some news for you – big news, so you have to come and hear all about it.”

“Can't it wait 'til tomorrow?”

“No, Jayden, it can not. I'll be back soon and you be ready to go home.”

“Well yeah. Okay, but it better be worth it!”

“It is. Tell him to go home, Cade.”

She went inside, the boys looked at each other and shrugged.

“I guess you're going home then.” Cade shut their game down and turned the TV and X-box off. “There'll be other weekends.”

“I suppose, but I was enjoying this one. Can you come out and stay with me next week? I want to show you our new house and stuff.”

“Yeah. That'll be great, thanks. We'll do that. It'll be good to catch-up with your family too.”

“Think your olds will say it's okay?”

“Of course they will. I'll have all week to work on them.”

“Work hard then.”

“Depend on it. Your bag still in the guestroom. Is it?”

“I think so, but my shoes are in the sleepout.”

“Go and get them then. What do you think your granddad's news is?”

“I haven't the faintest idea. Something good I hope.”

“It will be. Your grandad's a good guy. C'mon then.”

They only had about an hour, and then it was time to go. Both Mrs C's came out and their boys were sitting, side by side, on the benchseat outside the sleepout.

In a way, they were both glad that it was time. The conversation had stalled and they were sitting silently, both wanting to tell the other what was on their mind and both to shy to say it because of the reaction it might get.

Jayden got up and opened the car door. Cade put his bag in on the backseat.

“Thanks, Mate, and thanks for the weekend. It's been the best time I've had in a long time.”

“We didn't do much, but yeah, it was good. Thanks for coming and I'll see you tomorrow.”

“Maybe not tomorrow,” Mrs Curtis said. “I doubt if he'll be at school tomorrow, we'll have some things to attend to. You'll see him when you see him.”

“Oh, what things.”

“Granddad will tell you when we get home.”

“Fair enough, but can't you give me a clue? No? Okay. 'Bye Cade. Thanks again.”

“Goodbye, Jayden and thank you too.”

They stood, awkwardly facing each other until Cade got brave. He reached out and touched Jayden's shoulder and they moved into a long and wholehearted, full-body hug. (Carefully keeping erect dicks out of the way). It went on long enough that it was starting to get embarrassing but neither wanted to be the one to finish it. Mrs Curtis coughed and they moved apart.

“Thanks for having me, Mrs Caldwell. It's been great.”

“You're very welcome, Jayden – any time at all. Thanks for all your help yesterday. Come back soon.”

“Well,” he looked at his mother, “I'll try to. 'Bye.”

He got into the car and buckled up. His mum said goodbye and got in too. She started the engine, reversed out to the road and left. Jayden looked back and waved as they started up the highway.

Cade waved back, then went into his room and shut the door. He felt like crying and that'd be so not cool in front of his mum. He hoped that he would see him at school tomorrow.

He didn't. He didn't see him again at all.

Life's a bugger sometimes.


Alastair said...


What have you done, David?

david said...

*grimaces* - we had to do something! I watched this yesterday -
That's not it, but it gave me ideas.


Alastair said...

Gosh. It's not exactly a bundle of laughs is it...

I'm more worried than I was before, though. You better not make us wait too long for the next chapter!

biker said...

NOOOooooo! It can't end like that!