A month and more went past. Andrew kept on working the way he had on the first day and the family were all in love with him. The place was looking great. Even the overgrown gardens had been cleaned-up and reorganised. Come Springtime and it'd look like something out of House and Garden.
They were all impressed and more than happy with their willing worker, they just wished he'd relax and smile sometimes. Cameron was amazed at what he'd done, but he was not happy, not even a little bit. To make it even worse, he called around to spend a Saturday morning with Gabriel and he was on top of the world. He was grinning like a Cheshire Cat!
"Cameron, my friend! Hug me!"
He wasn't saying no to that. Nobody hugged like Gabriel did, he put his all into it. He just wrapped around you and all-but melted into you. He was not gay and they'd never be more than friends, but Cameron loved Gabriel and he knew that he loved him too. They were good mates.
Cameron took a hug, but, for once, he cut it short and pushed him off.
"Something wrong, Cam?"
"No, nothing's wrong, but what's that horrible smell? You stink, Gabe."
"Thank you very much! That's my new after-shave. Don't you like it?"
"No, I don't. You've got far too much of it on. And, after-shave? Shouldn't you be shaving first?"
"Hey! I shave, at least once a week. I'm a man you know."
"Yeah, sure you are."
"Shut up. Just because you've got a face as smooth as a baby's bum. Some of us are growing up."
"Some of us?"
"Yeah, some. Come inside. Do you want a drink? We've got beer."
"Beer? Yuck. No thanks and neither do you. You're not that grown-up."
"Probably right. We'll have a coke. C'mon."
They got cans of coke from the fridge and took them into the living-room. "You're home alone again?"
"Yeah, I have been for a few days. Not for much longer though, Dad and Garth are on the way in now. Dad says they'll be here by lunchtime, and they'd better be. There's rellies on the way here, from Wellington, and I'm not feeding them."
"I'm sure they'd rather have John's cooking anyway."
"Course they would. You're getting cheeky in your old age, Cameron Black."
They exchanged a grin. Cameron was so glad that Gabriel was his mate. He never felt this comfortable anywhere, not even at home. "You stink but you're looking happy, Gabe."
"I'm happy. Why wouldn't I be? Everything's beautiful and it's a wonderful world! And, I do not stink."
"Yeah you do, but you're happy with it. If your grin gets any wider, your head'll fall off. What's up?"
"The sky's up."
"Shut it. I'm serious."
"You're way too serious. But, if you must know . . . "
"I must. I must!"
"Okay then, I think I'm in love."
"In love? You? Who with?"
"Cameron! With Fern of course. I've been seeing her for weeks now. You know that."
"I do know that, but Fern? I never thought that she'd be the one for you. How's she going to fit into your world up in the mountains?"
"Fern will fit in fine. She's coming out there to spend a weekend with me and looking forward to it too. We both are."
"Yes, really. Plus, I've got something else to tell you. Fern stayed the night here, last night, and, well, I'm a man now."
"You're a . . . okay, stop right there. No more information - ever! Eww!"
"It's not eww, it's great. That's all I'm telling you anyway."
"Well good!"
"Yeah, it's all good. Enough about me, what about you, Cam? You don't look happy at all."
"I'm not, I think."
"Why not?"
"I think I'm in love too."
"You're in love? But that should lift you up, not bring you down."
"Probably does in a perfect world. But my world's not perfect, it's far from it."
"Oh? Am I allowed to know who you're in love with?"
"Yeah, you are, but no-one else. I think I'm in love with Andrew."
"Andrew? Of course it is. But he's young and beautiful and gay, you both are. You're even living in the same house. What's the problem?"
"It's just one-sided and Andrew hasn't got any time for me."
"He's a swine! Why wouldn't he like you? You're a great guy. If I was that way inclined, I'd be interested."
"Shame you're not. Thanks, Gabe. It's not that he doesn't like me, he does, I think. But Andrew likes everybody. He just hasn't got any time for just me. He's either working, studying or sleeping, all day, everyday."
"What is he studying?"
"How to do his work. Pasture management, building, stuff like that. It's all he reads."
"That's not good. Everybody needs some time off"
"He could have all the time he wanted, he just doesn't want it. Say he's busy and he likes it like that. Mum tries to tell him to slow down, but he won't. It's like he's driven or something."
"What does your dad think about him?"
"Dad's totally in love with him. He thinks he's the greatest boy there ever was. They're all in love with Andrew. Dad is, Mum is, Jonas worships him and he follows him around like he's his shadow. Lennie says she's going to marry him and she's always giving him flowers and making him presents."
"Sounds like they wouldn't object if you got together with him."
"Object? They'd be delighted. Believe it or not, Dad has actually suggested it."
"So all that's stopping you is Andrew. What's wrong with the boy?"
"I wish I knew. He's just not interested and he's too busy."
"He's an idiot! Shit, I love you, Cam, and I'm not even gay."
"Thanks, Gabe. I love you too, you're my best mate ever. Story of my life, innit it? The straight boys love me and the gay boy doesn't."
"Yeah, that's crazy. Giles loves you?"
"I think so. I'm pretty sure he does. He acts like it, he just doesn't say it. He never has."
"You've known Giles for a long time, haven't you?"
"All our lives really. We started school on the same day."
"Old friends are good friends."
"They are. Sometimes, new friends are brilliant too - you are."
"Yeah? So are you, Cam. So are you."
"I had a crush on you and high hopes, when I was first getting to know you. Hopeless hopes of course. Looks like it's happening again with Andrew. At this rate, when I'm an old dude, I'll have good friends and no lovers."
"You'll be loved. You'll be hugely loved, I'm sure of it."
"I wish I was sure. Thanks, Gabe."
"When am I going to meet Andrew? I hear all about him, but he's been out there for weeks now and I've never laid eyes on him."
"He's been there for nearly 2 months and it's your fault you haven't seen him. He never comes to town, unless it's with the parents to get supplies. You want to see him, you've gotta come out to ours."
"It must be time I did then."
"It is, it's past time - way past time. Giles met him. He came around to check him out."
"What does he think?"
"He thinks he's cool. He said Andrew's way too good for me. Know what? I think he's right."
"He is not!"
"No, he is. Andrew's not ready for a relationship with anyone, but when he is it won't be me. I'm not in his class."
"Total rubbish, Cameron Black! You're good enough for anyone and don't you forget it."
"Thanks, Gabe. You're a good mate."
"And so are you."
After Cameron had gone, Gabriel sat gazing out at the sea over the road and thinking. Cameron was a good one. The only thing wrong with him was that he lacked confidence. Probably that bitch Ellie's fault. What he needed was someone to love him. Why not Andrew? Cam was good enough, he was good enough for anyone - anyone gay that is. He'd have to meet Andrew and see what they could do.
Trouble blew up at the Black's house later the same day. Well, it didn't actually blow up, it arrived in a car. The family were all sitting around the table, eating dinner, when a car pulled up outside. A big, portly man got out and knocked on the glass patio doors.
They all looked around and Andrew's tanned face went white. "Ohmigod," he whispered. "It's my father!"
Mrs. Black looked at the boy, he looked terrified. She patted his hand. "Don't worry, Honey. Nothing's going to happen. You're safe here, I guarantee it."
"If you don't, I will." Mr. Black stood up and went to the door. "Can we help you?" He asked the guy outside.
"Liam Black? Vincent Davis. I've come to get my boy, where is he?"
"You've come for Andrew?"
"I do know my own son's name. I've come a long way and I'm in no mood to be messed with. Where is he?"
"Andrew is here and I think he's happy to be here with us. Perhaps you'd better talk to him."
"Perhaps I'd better!" Vincent Davis puffed up.
Mr. B. looked back. "Andrew? Come over here, Son."
Andrew came, timidly but resolutely, to the door. Cameron went with him and stood beside him with a hand on his shoulder.
"You're not alone, Drew."
"Thanks, Cameron."
"Son?" said Mr. Davis. "This is my son, no-one else's." He looked at Cameron. "And what the hell's this? Your boyfriend?"
"Cameron is my friend," Andrew mumbled, his head hung low.
"Whatever it is, it's over. Get what you want to bring and get in the car. We're going home."
"Home?" Andrew raised his head. "You told me to get out of your house and never come back. This is my home now."
"Don't be ridiculous! Get in the car."
"No, I'm not! I'm staying here."
"You bloody are not." Mr. Davis grabbed his arm, but paused when Liam's big hand closed around his wrist.
"Let him go."
"This is bloody ridiculous. This is my son, I've been looking for him for weeks and now I've found him and I'm taking him home."
Andrew was crying, angry tears. "You told me to get out. You beat the snot out of me and told me that you never wanted to see me again! That's fine by me. These people have given me a place and a job to earn my way, and I'm staying here."
"All right," he replied. "I said some things I shouldn't have. That's done with now. I've come to take you home. We need you there."
"Need an unpaid slave, you mean."
"Families work together. You don't get to choose. You're 15 years old."
"I am not. I'm 16."
"Whatever. You're still a minor and you live where I say you live."
"You gave that away when you threw me out. I live here now and I'm staying here."
"I think, Mr. Davis," Mrs. Black came from the table. "You'd better leave. Andrew is staying with us."
"He bloody is not."
"He bloody is so. Get off our property - NOW!"
"I will then. I'll go and I will be back with the police. I know my rights and the law is on my side. You, Boy, will be ready to go when we return." He slammed back into his car and left in a hurry.
"Well." Said Mrs. Black. "You all right, Andrew? Come and sit down." She led him back to the couch.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I'm really sorry that I brought all that on you. It'd be best if I pack my bags and go before he gets back."
"No need for that." Mr. Black sat on the other side of him. "It's not your fault. You've done nothing. If you want to stay here, then you will and we'll fight to keep you here. You said that he beat you? I didn't know that."
"Not your problem, Mr. Liam. He did beat me, he often did."
"Well he's not doing it again!"
"Andrew?" said Cameron. "When did you turn 16?"
"A couple of weeks ago."
"You should've told us."
"You didn't need to know. That would've been like, 'Hey, gimme presents!'"
"We would have. If you're 16 then you're old enough to leave home if you want to. Kids can divotce their parents when they're 16, can't they, Mum?"
"I'm not sure, but you might be right," she replied. "I think that we need a lawyer, but there isn't one in Kaimoana. We'll have to go to Blenheim."
"No, we don't!" Cameron exclaimed. "There is a lawyer in town, Mrs. Sullivan, Riley's mother. She's got the Craypot Cafe and she's a lawyer and a dammed good one too! She helped the cave-boys, Jacob and Colin, get their lives sorted out and she helped Ashton Woods too. I'm sure she'll help us if we ask."
"We can ask, I suppose." Mrs. Black stood up. "And we will. At least, Mrs. Sullivan will know what we can do. Everybody, in the car. We're going to town right now!"
"Excellent idea," Mr. Black said. Come on Andrew, Kids, in the car."
"All right!"
Jonas and Lennie ran out.
"Come on, Drew." Cameron took his hands and pulled him to his feet. "You want to stay with this totally excellent family, don't you?"
"Yes, I do! I do want to stay here. Thanks, Cameron, Mrs. Black, Mr. Liam."
"Thank you, Andrew." Mrs. Black put an arm around his shoulders. "You've made a place for yourself here and this is where you're staying. We'll go and see Mrs. Sullivan now." She led him out to the car.
Cameron and his father got in and the crowded car went to town. When they got there, the cafe was closed, but there were people moving around inside, cleaning up. The family stood on the sidewalk while Mr. B. went up and knocked on the door. Mrs. Stone saw him there, came over and opened the door.
"Sorry, Liam," she smiled. "We're closed. Try the Aromas Cafe over the street there. They're still going."
"Thanks, Betty. But we're not looking for a feed. We need to see Mrs. Sullivan. Is she here?"
"No, Dianne's not here. She's gone up to the house to put her feet up. It's been a long day. Can it wait until tomorrow?"
"No, it can't!" Cameron walked up to the door. He saw Riley behind her, mopping the floor, and called out to him.
"Hey, Riley! We need to see your mum. How do we find her?"
"Hey, Cameron. What do you want Mum for?"
"We need some advice, legal stuff. That's Andrew. His father beat him up and threw him out, and now he's telling him to come back and he doesn't want to."
"Oh? Why did he throw you out?"
Andrew shrugged, "Doesn't like gayboys."
"You're gay? Oho! Sounds like a case for Super-Dianne," Riley grinned."Okay. She's up in the house. Drive back down to the end of the street, around into Churchill Street and I'll meet you up there - No.29, about half-way up."
"Thanks, Riley. See you there."
By the time they got there, Riley was standing in the street waiting for them. "Hello again. Come inside. Mum's in the lounge."
Everyone got out of the car, but Mrs. Black said, "No. You kids can wait here in the car. Cameron, you'd better stay with them."
"Mum! I'm, not. This concerns me too."
"We're coming too," Jonas spoke up. "Andrew's our brother too."
"Yeah, he is," Lennie agreed. "We have to come. We're a family."
"Well, I don't know."
"It's not a problem, Mrs. Black," Rley said. "There's lots of room. Let them come."
"Okay then. But you behave yourselves or you're out of there."
"Course we'll behave!"
"We always do."
Riley led the way inside. Mrs. Sullivan was in the lounge and she did have her feet up - in the Lazy Boy recliner chair.
"Hey, Mum. We've got some visitors."
"Oh?" She looked around but didn't get up.
"Yeah. This is Cameron Black. He's in my class at school, and these are his parents and family. The other one is, umm, Andrew and he's got a problem they want to talk about."
"A problem? Okay, thanks Riley. Hello the Black family, my name is Dianne. Excuse me if I don't get up. My feet are tired but my brain isn't. Sit down and what's the problem?"
They all sat down. Cameron sat next to Andrew. They all looked to the mother to do the talking, she usually did.
"Yes, well. Sorry to disturb you, Mrs. Sullivan, but we do need advice and I think we need it pretty quickly. Cameron said you've helped other kids, so we're hoping that you'll help us."
"Tell me what it is and I'll see what I can do."
"We can pay," Liam interrupted. "Whatever you charge, we'll pay it. Not a problem."
"Thank you, Mr. Black. I don't normally charge anything." She looked back at Mrs. Black. "The problem is?"
"I think we need to get legal custody of Andrew as soon as possible."
"Because . . . I'd better start at the beginning."
"Always a good place to start," Mrs. Sullivan smiled.
"Yes. Andrew lives with us and he works for us, around the property and on our lifestyle block. A wonderful worker he is too. He came from Winton, down in Southland.
Our boy, Cameron, was on a football trip in Christchurch and he met him there . . ."
They all sat and listened quietly while Mrs. Black told the story. She finished and Mrs. Sullivan nodded.
"I see. Thank you, Mrs. Black. Your turn now, Andrew. Your father threw you out because you're gay?"
"He did. He caught me with a boy in the back of his truck."
"We don't need to know the details. And he beat you?"
"A bit. It was just cuts and bruises."
"Did you have treatment for them?"
"Yes. I went to the local hospital and they patched me up. It was the doctor there that told me I'd better leave town. My father's a big man there and he's got influence."
"That's really good. Not good that you were injured, but good that you had treatment. That means there'll be a record of the injuries. How old are you, Andrew?"
"I'm 16. I turned 16 a couple of weeks ago."
"Excellent! If you're 16, you don't have to go back if you don't want to. You are old enough to sue for a legal separation from your parents."
"Oh, good! I don't want to go back, I really don't want to. I want to stay where I am."
"That can be arranged. Mr. Black, you've been employing Andrew. What happens when the painting is finished?"
"The painting's all-but finished now. There's just the fences left to do and, at the rate Andrew works, that'll take no time at all."
"What happens next?"
"It's no problem. We've got 4 hectares badly in need of attention and once we've done that, I'm also a builder and we could do with a good painter on the team. The work is never going to run out."
"And you've been paying him legally and everything?"
"Yes, of course. Our accountant arranged all of that."
"Very good. That's probably how your father tracked you down, Andrew. Why do you think he wants you back now?"
"We know why," Cameron said. "We know exactly why. He's found he's lost a really good worker."
"Probably true. A good worker and cheap by the sound of it."
Lennie said, "Andrew's father said that he was going to get the police and they would make him go with him. Can they do that?"
"Not once I've finished with them. Mrs. Black, do you have a fostercare licence?"
"We don't. We didn't know we needed one."
"Someone should. Until such time as Andrew has been declared legally independent, someone has to hold custody for him."
"Oh dear."
"Don't worry." She got up out of the chair. "Wait here a few minutes, I'm going to make some phone-calls. Jacob and Riley, see if our visitors want a drink."
Nobody wanted a drink, which amazed Cameron. They just sat and waited until Mrs. Sullivan came back. She returned and settled into her chair with a smile.
"That's that then. I do like this game - it's fun when you win one. Andrew, you are now my foster-son and you will remain in my care until we've been to court and sorted things out."
"Great! Thanks, Mrs. Sullivan, but does that mean that I have to stay here?"
"Stay here? I don't think so. I've got more than enough smelly teenagers in my house as it is."
"Gee, thanks Dianne. We love you too."
"Of course you do, Jacob. No, I see no reason why you shouldn't stay where you have been, if everyone's willing to have you of course."
"Everyone is very willing." Mrs. Black had tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Mrs. Sullivan. You're wonderful!"
"I am, aren't I?" She grinned. "I think it's time we dropped the Mr and Mrs's. My name is Dianne."
"Thanks, Dianne. We're Liam and Patti."
"That's better, Liam. By the way, I've spoken to Constable Lowry. He won't be wasting a trip out to your place."
"You've called the police off, just like that?"
"Just like that. We've had dealings before and they know me."
"I'm sure they're careful around you too."
"You'd better believe it!" Riley grinned.
"So," Mrs. Black said. "Will you let us know how much we owe you?"
"You owe me nothing, Patti. Friends are worth more than money."
"You've got friends here. Friends forever! Thanks, Mrs. S," Cameron said.
"What more could anyone want? Now you can all go home and relax I'll be in touch when the court details need sorting. Colin, where's my coffee?"
"Coming right up, Super-Dianne!"
I think Lloyd must be psychic. I love the way you're going with this one, David. Is Andrew's dad just going to give up though?
Hey Alistair, maybe there's something more than Andrew's dad needing a slave, you know what David's like. Expect the unexpected.
Hey Guys,
y'know - sometimes the simplest course is the one you don't expect :)
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