“Gary? He’s at the hall, Mrs. Braidwood wanted him. The show starts next week.”
“Just in time for Joel to get back. He’s due home next weekend.”
“Yeah, he is. They held the show back a week so that he’ll be there. No-one wants to do it without him.”
“Of course they don’t. Joel is their star. He’s my shining star too, I hope.”
“”You hope?”
“”Yeah. I haven’t heard back from him. He might not want to know me now.”
“Virgil! He’ll want to know you. He loves you – end of story.”
“I hope you’re right. You’re still in the show then?”
“I am. I’m just in the chorus but Gary won’t do it without me and they need him there – he’s a star too. Are you going to come back?”
“I don’t know, maybe. I don’t know if they’d still want me. I haven’t been for weeks and weeks.”
“Sure, they’ll want you. The males are still way out-numbered by the girls. We need all the help we can get!”
“I’ll come back if Joel wants me there, otherwise, no. They surely wouldn’t want me and not Joel.”
“Virgil! Joel will want you there. There’s no way that he won’t. He loves you, Dork!”
“I hope you’re right, Lachie, I really do, but I can’t help feeling that I’ve stuffed my life up.”
“Phaw! You’re being dumb. You’ll see, you two belong together, now and always.”
“I hope.”
“I know.” Lachlan finished his drink. “I’d better get down to the hall. There’s a dress-rehearsal tonight. Are you coming with me?”
“No, I don’t think I should. I’ll wait to hear from Joel first.”
“Honestly, you’re worrying about nothing, and if you’re not, I’ll kick Joel’s arse for him. He’s never going to get better than you. You’re awesome, Virgil, when you’re not being a bitch.”
“Shut up! Thanks, Lachlan. I love you, you know.”
“I love you too. Do I get a hug before I go?”
“A hug? Like the Westpoint kids do? Sure, why not?”
They hugged and Lachlan took off running. Virgil went, grinning, back to the computer. There was still no mail. Dammit!
He spent the night at home, alone, which he hoped was not a taste of how his life was going to be. His mum went out again for ‘a hair of the dog that bit her’. Crazy Lady, she was going to be so sick tomorrow.
No mail had arrived when he went to bed and there was still none when he got up next day. He was starting to get really worried now. Maybe Joel had had enough of his antics? He wouldn’t blame him if he had.
He sent him a text, without much hope of a reply. Joel was forever losing his phone and when he had it with him, he never turned the damm thing on, did he?
He was right, there was no reply, as usual. He tried not to worry, but it wasn’t easy. He was very good at worrying. That was something new, he never used to be like that, but he was now. And, he had something to worry about, didn’t he?
By the time Monday morning came around, he was pretty much beyond worrying. He decided that he’d stuffed-up his life and Joel didn’t want to know him now. He wished that he’d never sent that bloody email, but he did.
It was done now, dammit. Why didn’t he wait until Joel came home and told him face-to-face? Too late now. Fuck, it was easy to stuff-up a good thing!
He dragged himself to school and spent the day scowling at everybody. He was so not in the mood for this, but it was something to do.
Hans, Lars and Kees came up to him, grinning. They’d had a great weekend in Christchurch, made some contacts and scored some good shit too. They were ripped! Was Virgil going to come with them when Hans did his driving test after school?
They got told to fuck off. They shrugged, grinned and fucked off.
People were looking at him, but no-one approached him, except for Lachlan.
“Hey my Friend. Still not heard from Joel?”
“Hey, Lachlan. No I haven’t!”
“I wouldn’t worry too much. Gary has been trying to get hold of him and he’s heard nothing either.”
“What’s Gary trying to talk to him for? About me?”
“No, it’s not about you.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me. Gary doesn’t like me, he only puts up with me for your sake.”
“Virgil, that’s not true. Gary likes you well enough, he thinks you’re pretty cool actually, but he thinks that you don’t like him.”
“That’s not right. Gary’s okay, he’s good for you.”
“Oh yes, he’s very good for me. Anyway, he’s trying to ask Joel about the furniture for his room in the flat. He says that, if he hasn’t heard from him by tomorrow, he’s going to Wellington to see what’s going on.”
“Why would he do that? He’s not that worried about him, is he?”
“No, he’s just being Gary. He’s not known for his patience, and, I guess it’s something to do. Wish I could go with him.”
“So do I! But, there’s only this week to get through and then he’ll be back.”
“Looking forward to that are you?’
“I think I am.”
“Don’t worry, Virgil. Everything will be fine.”
“Hope so.”
The bell rang and they went into class. There was another rehearsal after school. If they thought that Mrs. Braidwood was a slave-driver, well, Mrs. Tanner was worse! No, Virgil wasn’t going with him, not yet.
After school, Virgil walked home with Mac. Joyce was at the hall. They parted and he rushed inside to the computer – STILL nothing! Dammit.
Lachlan called for him next morning, he was walking in to school, Gary had left already. He was driving to Picton to catch the 10am ferry to Wellington.
Virgil guessed that that was good, kind-of. At least Gary would find out where Joel was at, but he still worried. Lachlan said it wasn’t true, but he couldn’t help feeling that Gary didn’t like him. It would be a great opportunity for him to split them if he wanted to.
Actually, he didn’t like himself much either. What was he going to do if Joel didn’t want him? He didn’t have a clue.
Hans and his brothers were strutting around at school, full of grins. Virgil knew without being told that Hans had passed his driving test. He was looking so pleased with himself.
Sure enough, he came over at the recess and told him that he’d aced it.
“We’re going back to Christchurch this weekend and we’re going to get a car at last! You want to come with us?”
“For the weekend? No, I don’t think I should. Joel will be home by Saturday.”
“Your boyfriend’s back? Oh well, good luck with that. Here, this is for you – enjoy!” He handed him a CD, grinned and walked away.
“A CD?” He looked at it. All the hand-written label said was, “HdG – Model.”
What was this about? He’d said that they were making money in Christchurch. Was this it? Did Hans sing or something? He couldn’t wait to get home and find out.
When he got home at last, Gran was there, with a new man – or, an old man really, but he was new to her. Where did she find them? They were in the living-room, smoking up, so Virgil went to his room and shut the door.
He put the CD on the stereo and nothing happened. He tried again and again, and then took it out and tried another CD. That worked fine, so the problem wasn’t his old stereo. What then? Hans wouldn’t have given him a defective CD, would he?
“Ah, of course!”
He opened the drawer on the computer and popped it in there. Now it worked. A programme opened and it wasn’t a music CD at all. This was photos, and what photos they were!
There was a few at first of all 3 de Groot brothers together, doing what they did best which was posing. They were all smoking, drinking red wine and pouting and leering at the camera.
As the pics progressed, they were of Hans alone, wearing fantastical costumes which got less and less until he was wearing nothing but brief, shiny, gold-lame undies. Then it got less and he was naked!
There was a rear-end shot, and then one side-on. Virgil turned it off, he’d seen enough.
Funny, a couple of days ago he would’ve been hanging-out for more, now he wasn’t interested. At least he knew now what they were up to in Christchurch, and how they were making their ‘serious money’.
They were posing for dirty pictures. The pretty boys were nothing more than hookers, selling their beautiful bodies. That could only end in tears!
It was none of his business, but he pitied them really. He was so glad that he’d woken up before he got any further involved. He wanted his Joel. Where was he and what was he thinking?
You know, David, you should try having writer's block more often - this is good stuff!
Good luck to the de Groot brothers. The sooner they earn enough to get lost and leave Peter in peace, the better.
Alistair said it all and I won´t repeat his words but I wanted to say the same....
Thanks Alistair,
Now hurry with chapter 7 and let´s find out what really happened in Wellington!!
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