Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Virgil, 7
Lachlan had news for him, at school next day. He’d heard from Gary and he had caught-up with Joel. Joel was crook, he was stuck in bed at his hostel with a bug. It was nothing serious, he wasn’t going to die or anything, but he was sick.
He was getting better now. He went away for the weekend with one of the guys on his course. They went up to his home at Waikanae, he was taken ill there and he’d been in bed ever since.
Well, that was good, maybe, sort-of. He wasn’t quite sure what he thought. He didn’t want Joel to be crook, that wasn’t good, but at least it explained why he hadn’t heard from him.
It was better than the alternative, that he just didn’t want to talk to him. Why wouldn’t he turn his blasted phone on?
He went to the library, with Colin, at lunchtime and Colin showed him how to by-pass the blocks and access his private email account on the school’s computer system.
There was no news, so that was a waste of time. (Good to know how to do it tho’). He still wished that he’d never sent that bloody email, but he had. It was too late now.
No, Colin said that there was no way of getting it back or deleting it before Joel read it, unless he knew how to access Joel’s account, which he didn’t. Dammit. If he was really lucky, he might get to talk to him before he read it. Life should be that good.
Life was not that good. He went back to the library after school and checked his email again. There was a reply from Joel. It read, “V. Got your mail. I’ll be back soon. We’ll talk then. J.”
Dammit! Was that good or not? He didn’t know. He hated all this bloody waiting. Seemed like he’d been waiting forever.
So, it was all up to Joel now. He wished he knew, was his life over or not? If Joel didn’t want to know him, at least he’d know. What would he do then? He didn’t have a clue.
He wished that he hadn’t been so stupid. He wished that he’d never sent that email and he so wished that he’d never laid eyes on bloody Hans de Groot. But, he had and he did. Dammit.
He walked out of the school just in time to see a laughing Lachlan heading down to the main street with Gary. He was back from Wellington then. They looked happy to be back together and he had no doubt about what they’d be doing when they got to Gary’s flat in 5 minutes time. Lucky Sods!
He hated them. No he didn’t, but he was SO envious! Some people had it good. Some people were fucking idiots! He walked home, very alone.
Going up the hill, he was passing through the cutting under the railway over-bridge, when the Chevy cruised past him. Whoah, Joel was back early!
That was him driving, Virgil would know him anywhere, but who was that with him? Some curly-haired stranger was sitting in the passenger seat, where Virgil should be. Who was he? Who knew? Who ever he was, Virgil hated him.
Damm! Joel wouldn’t have got himself a new boyfriend already, would he? Lachlan said that he’d been away for the weekend with some guy. No! He felt sick. He’d lost him.
But, Joel hadn’t said anything about a new relationship? That proved nothing. He hadn’t exactly been forthcoming about Hans, until it was too late. Of course Joel would have opportunities. He was a top guy and anyone would be lucky to get him.
He kept walking with his head hung low. He was going home and he was going to get drunk! Fuck it anyway.
The Chevy stopped and parked on the side of the road at the top of the cutting. Joel and his new mate got out and stood waiting for him. Dammit.
He didn’t want to face him now. He didn’t want to hear what he had to say, he knew that it was over and it was all his stupid fault this time.
There was no way to avoid him, unless he turned around and went back to school. He wasn’t doing that, he kept walking, with his head down. He’d just walk straight past them; there was nothing to say anyway. He approached the car and the pair standing there.
“I’m home, Virgil.”
He stopped, sighed and looked at his feet.
He looked up. “Joel?”
“I love you, Virgil.”
“Oh, fuck. Joel!” He burst into tears. “I love you, Joel. I love you so much!”
Joel grinned and opened his arms. Virgil flew at him and wrapped around him. He sobbed and hugged him fiercely. They kissed.
They’d both come home and all was well in their world. They broke apart and grinned at each other.
“We’ve been here before,” Joel smiled.
“Yeah, we have, and this time it was all my stupid fault. I’m really sorry, Joel.”
“Hey, you didn’t do anything.”
“No, but I nearly did. I wanted to.”
“But you didn’t.”
“Not quite. I’m so glad I woke up in time.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“So you forgive me?”
“I’d forgive you anything. I love you, you silly little bugger.”
“Cool. Thanks. Let’s go home and bugger now.”
“Virgil!” Joel laughed. “We’ll do that soon. This is Bran. He was on the course with me. I stayed with him last weekend and got sick there. Now he’s come to stay a couple of days here before he goes on to his grandparents’ in Christchurch.
Bran, this is my Virgil.”
“Hey Bran.”
“Hey Virgil. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard all about you.”
“Good things, I hope.”
“Of course! All good things. I think that Joel quite likes you really.”
“He’s a great guy, My Joel. He’s the best!”
“Yeah, he’s a good one. I suppose that you two want me to get lost now?”
“Definitely! We’ve got things to do.”
“I’ll bet you have. Okay, I’ll get lost. I’ll go for a walk and a look around. See you back at the flat, Joel.”
“Thanks, Bran. I’ll see you there later – much later. I think Gary’s back there.”
“He is,” Virgil said. “He was heading there with Lachlan. Don’t disturb them, they’re busy too.”
“Right! I don’t want to see that. Know any spare women around here? There must be a few if all the boys are paired-off together.”
“Not all of them; just the best ones. Bye, Bran. Go away now. We’re going home.”
“Okay, have fun guys. See you later.”
“Laters, Bran.”
(And, that’s it – it’s over. You can work out where it’s going now. I’ve finished – finally!
Thanks for reading. Stay well.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Virgil, 6

“Gary? He’s at the hall, Mrs. Braidwood wanted him. The show starts next week.”
“Just in time for Joel to get back. He’s due home next weekend.”
“Yeah, he is. They held the show back a week so that he’ll be there. No-one wants to do it without him.”
“Of course they don’t. Joel is their star. He’s my shining star too, I hope.”
“”You hope?”
“”Yeah. I haven’t heard back from him. He might not want to know me now.”
“Virgil! He’ll want to know you. He loves you – end of story.”
“I hope you’re right. You’re still in the show then?”
“I am. I’m just in the chorus but Gary won’t do it without me and they need him there – he’s a star too. Are you going to come back?”
“I don’t know, maybe. I don’t know if they’d still want me. I haven’t been for weeks and weeks.”
“Sure, they’ll want you. The males are still way out-numbered by the girls. We need all the help we can get!”
“I’ll come back if Joel wants me there, otherwise, no. They surely wouldn’t want me and not Joel.”
“Virgil! Joel will want you there. There’s no way that he won’t. He loves you, Dork!”
“I hope you’re right, Lachie, I really do, but I can’t help feeling that I’ve stuffed my life up.”
“Phaw! You’re being dumb. You’ll see, you two belong together, now and always.”
“I hope.”
“I know.” Lachlan finished his drink. “I’d better get down to the hall. There’s a dress-rehearsal tonight. Are you coming with me?”
“No, I don’t think I should. I’ll wait to hear from Joel first.”
“Honestly, you’re worrying about nothing, and if you’re not, I’ll kick Joel’s arse for him. He’s never going to get better than you. You’re awesome, Virgil, when you’re not being a bitch.”
“Shut up! Thanks, Lachlan. I love you, you know.”
“I love you too. Do I get a hug before I go?”
“A hug? Like the Westpoint kids do? Sure, why not?”
They hugged and Lachlan took off running. Virgil went, grinning, back to the computer. There was still no mail. Dammit!
He spent the night at home, alone, which he hoped was not a taste of how his life was going to be. His mum went out again for ‘a hair of the dog that bit her’. Crazy Lady, she was going to be so sick tomorrow.
No mail had arrived when he went to bed and there was still none when he got up next day. He was starting to get really worried now. Maybe Joel had had enough of his antics? He wouldn’t blame him if he had.
He sent him a text, without much hope of a reply. Joel was forever losing his phone and when he had it with him, he never turned the damm thing on, did he?
He was right, there was no reply, as usual. He tried not to worry, but it wasn’t easy. He was very good at worrying. That was something new, he never used to be like that, but he was now. And, he had something to worry about, didn’t he?
By the time Monday morning came around, he was pretty much beyond worrying. He decided that he’d stuffed-up his life and Joel didn’t want to know him now. He wished that he’d never sent that bloody email, but he did.
It was done now, dammit. Why didn’t he wait until Joel came home and told him face-to-face? Too late now. Fuck, it was easy to stuff-up a good thing!
He dragged himself to school and spent the day scowling at everybody. He was so not in the mood for this, but it was something to do.
Hans, Lars and Kees came up to him, grinning. They’d had a great weekend in Christchurch, made some contacts and scored some good shit too. They were ripped! Was Virgil going to come with them when Hans did his driving test after school?
They got told to fuck off. They shrugged, grinned and fucked off.
People were looking at him, but no-one approached him, except for Lachlan.
“Hey my Friend. Still not heard from Joel?”
“Hey, Lachlan. No I haven’t!”
“I wouldn’t worry too much. Gary has been trying to get hold of him and he’s heard nothing either.”
“What’s Gary trying to talk to him for? About me?”
“No, it’s not about you.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me. Gary doesn’t like me, he only puts up with me for your sake.”
“Virgil, that’s not true. Gary likes you well enough, he thinks you’re pretty cool actually, but he thinks that you don’t like him.”
“That’s not right. Gary’s okay, he’s good for you.”
“Oh yes, he’s very good for me. Anyway, he’s trying to ask Joel about the furniture for his room in the flat. He says that, if he hasn’t heard from him by tomorrow, he’s going to Wellington to see what’s going on.”
“Why would he do that? He’s not that worried about him, is he?”
“No, he’s just being Gary. He’s not known for his patience, and, I guess it’s something to do. Wish I could go with him.”
“So do I! But, there’s only this week to get through and then he’ll be back.”
“Looking forward to that are you?’
“I think I am.”
“Don’t worry, Virgil. Everything will be fine.”
“Hope so.”
The bell rang and they went into class. There was another rehearsal after school. If they thought that Mrs. Braidwood was a slave-driver, well, Mrs. Tanner was worse! No, Virgil wasn’t going with him, not yet.
After school, Virgil walked home with Mac. Joyce was at the hall. They parted and he rushed inside to the computer – STILL nothing! Dammit.
Lachlan called for him next morning, he was walking in to school, Gary had left already. He was driving to Picton to catch the 10am ferry to Wellington.
Virgil guessed that that was good, kind-of. At least Gary would find out where Joel was at, but he still worried. Lachlan said it wasn’t true, but he couldn’t help feeling that Gary didn’t like him. It would be a great opportunity for him to split them if he wanted to.
Actually, he didn’t like himself much either. What was he going to do if Joel didn’t want him? He didn’t have a clue.
Hans and his brothers were strutting around at school, full of grins. Virgil knew without being told that Hans had passed his driving test. He was looking so pleased with himself.
Sure enough, he came over at the recess and told him that he’d aced it.
“We’re going back to Christchurch this weekend and we’re going to get a car at last! You want to come with us?”
“For the weekend? No, I don’t think I should. Joel will be home by Saturday.”
“Your boyfriend’s back? Oh well, good luck with that. Here, this is for you – enjoy!” He handed him a CD, grinned and walked away.
“A CD?” He looked at it. All the hand-written label said was, “HdG – Model.”
What was this about? He’d said that they were making money in Christchurch. Was this it? Did Hans sing or something? He couldn’t wait to get home and find out.
When he got home at last, Gran was there, with a new man – or, an old man really, but he was new to her. Where did she find them? They were in the living-room, smoking up, so Virgil went to his room and shut the door.
He put the CD on the stereo and nothing happened. He tried again and again, and then took it out and tried another CD. That worked fine, so the problem wasn’t his old stereo. What then? Hans wouldn’t have given him a defective CD, would he?
“Ah, of course!”
He opened the drawer on the computer and popped it in there. Now it worked. A programme opened and it wasn’t a music CD at all. This was photos, and what photos they were!
There was a few at first of all 3 de Groot brothers together, doing what they did best which was posing. They were all smoking, drinking red wine and pouting and leering at the camera.
As the pics progressed, they were of Hans alone, wearing fantastical costumes which got less and less until he was wearing nothing but brief, shiny, gold-lame undies. Then it got less and he was naked!
There was a rear-end shot, and then one side-on. Virgil turned it off, he’d seen enough.
Funny, a couple of days ago he would’ve been hanging-out for more, now he wasn’t interested. At least he knew now what they were up to in Christchurch, and how they were making their ‘serious money’.
They were posing for dirty pictures. The pretty boys were nothing more than hookers, selling their beautiful bodies. That could only end in tears!
It was none of his business, but he pitied them really. He was so glad that he’d woken up before he got any further involved. He wanted his Joel. Where was he and what was he thinking?
Friday, October 16, 2009
Virgil, 5

Time went by, weeks passed. Virgil didn’t see a lot of his friends, he spent most of his free time with Hans. Sometimes his brothers were there as well, but mostly it was just the two of them.
His mother wasn’t the only one who was disapproving of his new friendship, most of his mates where warning him off as well. Even Mac and Joyce were united for once in telling him to be careful.
Missy growled at him and told him that he was a fool, but that was nothing new – she told everyone that.
Lachlan and Gary came and tried to talk to him. He told them to fuck off, he didn’t need their advice, he was doing nothing wrong.
Why shouldn’t he make a new friend? Joel wouldn’t mind. Joel, it seemed, knew nothing about what he was doing and Virgil wasn’t telling him. It was none of his business anyway; Joel didn’t own him and he was entitled to a life of his own, wasn’t he?
They never talked much. Joel was busy at his course all day and Virgil was often busy in the evenings. Joel’s only access to the ‘net was at internet cafes, but he did send regular, long and chatty letters.
It was an effort to reply, so Virgil just sent brief responses. Joel was lucky to get that much. He was busy. Besides, by the time Joel returned, he planned on having his learner’s licence. That’d be a surprise for him, wouldn’t it?
The bad thing about him and Hans getting their licences would be that they wouldn’t spend so much time together. He was fascinated by Hans but he had no doubt that he’d drop him like a hot brick once he got what he wanted.
Hans and his brothers were totally self-obsessed. It as hard to believe that Peter was their rellie, but he was. Also, Hans still hadn’t said how he planned on repaying him for his time, but he was pretty sure that it involved sex. He hoped so.
Virgil met the Examiner, at the Council offices, on Thursday after school. He wasn’t nervous, he knew his stuff and he was ready, but even so, he was disappointed that Hans wouldn’t come with him. He didn’t need him there, but he would’ve liked his support. Joel would’ve come, if he was there, but he wasn’t.
Anyway, he blitzed the test, oral and written questions, and did the practical driving demo, no trouble at all. He went home proudly bearing the temporary certificate that promised his provisional licence would arrive soon. Choice.
Hans was due to sit his test on Monday and was going to Christchurch for the weekend, with his brothers of course. They had an appointment there, but he wouldn’t say what for.
Friday night, Virgil was home alone and bored. His mum had gone out boozing and Gran was away, tripping around, as she did. So he was delighted to have some visitors come to see him, but not for long.
There was a knock at the door and Lachlan, Gary, Riley and Jacob and Colin and Missy all came trooping in. Wow. Missy had never been to his house before and he was wondering what brought her there.
He soon found out and he was not happy about it, to put it mildly. They had come around as a concerned group of friends to do ‘an intervention’. When he realised this, Virgil hit the roof and he ordered them out of his house.
Lachlan said no, they were not going, they cared too much to give-up on him.
Missy didn’t have a lot to say, but what she did say annoyed him most of all. “I never really thought that you were a fool. You’re proving me wrong! You had a great life, Boy. Why do you want to throw it away?”
“I’m not throwing anything away.”
“Oh, but you are. That pretty little tart is dangling a bait, and he’s got you well and truly hooked. Where’s Joel? Doesn’t he mean anything to you?”
“Joel doesn’t fucking own me and neither do you lot! You can all fuck off and leave me alone. I don’t want to know you – bloody Busybodies!”
They weren’t going anywhere, so he did. He stormed out of the door and just kept going. He didn’t go downtown; he’d had enough of people and didn’t want to see anybody. So he went up and over the hill and down towards South Bay.
He didn’t go into there though, there was nothing there for him. He went instead into the racecourse near the corner and sat up in the old grandstand, in the shadows where he couldn’t be seen.
It was quiet, private and peaceful there. He calmed down and lost the anger. He was feeling a bit stupid now over how he’d reacted.
They were his friends and they were only trying to help because they cared. Well, they were his friends, he hoped that they still would be. He’d have to mend some bridges.
It was quiet, just the sound of stones rattling as the waves flopped on the beach over the road and the occasional car going past, out on the highway. It was getting late. A train whistle sounded in the distance. Was there ever a lonelier sound?
He was very alone now. He wished that Joel was with him. What was Joel doing tonight? Who was he with?
Damm! He wouldn’t actually be with someone, would he? No, of course he wouldn’t. Not Joel, he wouldn’t do that. Joel was no tart, he was faithful, steady and true. Unlike some people.
One of the patchy clouds slid away, the face of the full moon was revealed and the cold, hard, light was as bright as day. Virgil sat looking up at it and he felt that he’d come out of the shadows in more ways than one.
What the fuck was he doing?
He had the love of the greatest guy ever. He wouldn’t even be alive if Joel didn’t love him, and he’d been lusting after Hans, like a randy dog around a bitch in heat. Was he friggin’ insane?
Hans de Groot was gorgeous, there was no two ways about it. He was a stunningly beautiful boy in his sexual prime. He was sex-on-legs, but his beauty was definitely only skin-deep. Inside he was as hard as flint and totally self-absorbed, unlike Joel.
Joel was the opposite, he was warm and giving, level-headed and loving, and he was not too bad to look at either! He was the greatest guy in the world, he was in love with Virgil and he loved him totally. Life with Joel would be a life full of loving.
Life with Hans? Who knew? It would only last until he set his sights on his next target, if that long.
Fuck! He was so stupid! How could he even think of risking what he had with Joel for a dip in Hans’ honeypot? Stupid fucking idiot! He did not deserve Joel, he never did.
He leapt to his feet and hurried for home. He was going to talk to Joel. Well, not to actually talk to him, he couldn’t do that, but he could email him and tell him everything.
He had to before some other idiot did it for him. Not that he’d actually done anything, but he was heading there and “as a man thinks in his heart, so he is.”
He could not afford to lose Joel. He couldn’t live without him. He loved him. He went home to tell him so.
He was still sitting there at the computer when his mum came rolling in, drunk of course. Someone had dropped her off, he heard a car outside, but she was alone when she came in. Thankfully. Anything else would just be embarrassing really.
“Virgil! How is my beautiful boy? You’re up late. Who are you talking to there?”
“I’m not talking to anyone, Mum. I’m just emailing Joel.”
“Well good! About bloody time too. Send him my love and tell him it’s about time he got his butt back home.”
“Yeah, okay, I’ll do that. Go to bed, Mum.”
“I’m going, I’m going. Joel’s a good boy, you know – the best you’re ever going to get. Don’t stuff it up or you’ll be sorry.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ll tell him. G’nite, Mum.”
“Nite, Honey.”
It was very late when he went to bed, but, whatever. Tomorrow was Saturday, (or should that be Sunday?)
He hit ‘send’ and shut-down. That was the longest email ever! It was almost an hour-by-hour account of his life since Joel had been gone. (Whoah! He’d be home next Friday – at last!)
He told him everything, every stupid thing that he’d been doing and nearly doing. Told him that he loved him and asked for his forgiveness.
He went to bed and slept for most of the day – as did Natasha, that was how she avoided the worst of the hangovers.
As soon as he was out of bed, he was on the computer, but there was no reply from Joel. There was no mail from anyone else either, but that didn’t matter, it was Joel’s thoughts he was looking for.
He did think of sending him a ‘hurry-up’ note, but didn’t. That’d be desperate. He put some clothes on and went to find something to eat. Cheese on toast was as good as it got, so he had that.
He was sitting there eating, there was a knock on the door and Lachlan came in. “Hey, Virgin.”
“That’s VirGIL! Hey, Lachlan.”
“Hey. Are we still mates?”
“Yeah, if you want to. We’re mates.”
“Cool. I want to. Thanks.”
“Thank you. Thanks for not giving up on me.”
“I wouldn’t do that.”
“No, you wouldn’t, would you? You’re a good friend, Lachie. Get yourself a drink and sit down.”
“Thanks, I will.” Lachlan made a drink and sat down across the table from Virgil. “Sorry about last night. We shouldn’t have done that to you.”
“Don’t be sorry. It was a good thing you did, I needed it.”
“Yeah, you did, but we still shouldn’t all have landed on you like that. I should’ve come to you on my own but I wasn’t brave enough and didn’t think you’d listen to me anyway.”
“I probably wouldn’t have, but don’t let that stop you. You don’t have to be scared to talk to me. If I’m being an arse, tell me.”
“You were being an arse,” Lachlan grinned.
“Yeah, I was, but not now. I know I didn’t take it very well, but you guys woke my ideas up last night. I was being a dork. Joel is my mate and he’s worth far more than any Canadian Poser. I wrote and told him everything when I came home.”
“Good for you. What did he say?”
“Dunno. I haven’t heard back from him yet.”
“Joel will be fine. He loves you, you know.”
“Yeah, I know. I know that I love him too.”
“Don’t forget it!”
“I won’t, not again.”
“So, no more Cowboys then?”
“Definitely not. Never!”
“Well, good.”
Lachlan took a sip of his drink, and then he grinned.
“So what was he like anyway?”
“Lachlan! We didn’t do anything. I was heading that way, but it didn’t happen.”
“Never? You’ve been spending a lot of time together.”
“We did, but we didn’t do that. We were working on getting our driver’s licences. I got mine on Thursday, Hans will get his on Monday.”
“But nothing else happened?”
“No, not quite. He was dangling a bait and I was sniffing at it, but that’s all.”
“Good job too. You should still be ashamed of yourself.”
“I am. I told Joel that too. Where’s Gary?”
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Virgil, 4
(OK, the "holidays" are over. Most everyone's gone home and, hopefully, taken their bugs with them.)
He saw Hans at lunchtime. Saw him but didn’t get to talk to him for long. He was, as usual, promenading around the school with his brothers. They did it everyday. Virgil had never seen it before, but the parading was quite vain really.
It was like they had to keep moving so that as many people as possible could look at, and admire, them. And, it was hard not to. Damm, these were good-looking boys and so similar in appearance. It was like one of those old-fashioned paintings done on 3 separate canvasses – a tripytch, or whatever. But this picture was even better because it was moving.
Their constant moving meant that no-one could speak to them for more than a few fleeting seconds, but some tried. Virgil thought that the whole performance was vain, but they did look good.
So, Hans wanted to learn to drive, did he? Yeah, Virgil decided, he could handle that. It’d be something to do and it might be fun. Where was Hans going to get a car anyway? None of them had jobs, as far as he knew, so where would he get the money? Gary might know, he’d ask him.
The de Groots came past again, Hans left them and came across.
“Hey Virgil,” he grinned. “Didn’t catch-up with you in the recess, I got held up. Can we go somewhere after school?”
“Just you and me? Sure, why not?”
“Cool. I’ll meet you outside the main entrance then. Laters, Virgil.”
He rejoined his brothers and Virgil went to find Mac and Joyce. He’d meet him, it might be interesting. Who knew what could come of this? He lost the big smile on his face when he saw Missy scowling at him. She was still grumpy then? Whatever, she usually was.
School finished, at last, and Virgil was there waiting 2 minutes later. The de Groots came out and Hans left them and came over to him. “Hi. Where can we go and talk?”
“We’ll go up the hill to my place. There’s no-one there and we can get a drink.”
“To your home? Sounds good. You wouldn’t believe how crowded our place is.”
They walked up the hill, talking quietly and ignoring everybody else. Virgil was perfectly aware of the many eyes watching them, but, whatever, he didn’t care. They got to his home, Gran was gone, she said that she would be but he was pleased to confirm that the housetruck had left.
They went inside, he shut the door and put the kettle on. “I’m having a coffee, there’s coke if you’d rather. What would you like?”
“Bacardi and Coke sounds good.”
“Bacardi? You’re a drinker?”
“Yeah, sure. When I can get it. There’s no booze at Uncle Abel’s place, except for Mum’s stash and I can’t take too much of that or she’d know.”
“There’s way too much booze here. I don’t touch it, but you can have one if you must. I doubt if there’s any Bacardi though.”
“How about Canadian Club?”
“Whisky? You’ll be lucky! They’re not really into spirits, just beer and wine.”
“Okay,” Hans opened the fridge and inspected the door. “I’ll have a beer then Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. Help yourself; I’ll go and change my clothes, won’t be a minute.”
He went to his room, kicked his shoes off and stripped to his boxers. He got some jeans from the bottom drawer and stood to put them on. Hans was standing in the doorway, looking at him.
“Nice body,” he smiled. “You look fit.”
“Yeah, well,” Virgil blushed. He wasn’t usually this shy, dammit. “I run a bit. Easy to be fit when you’re 15.”
“Guess so. The boyfriend probably helps with working-out too?”
“Yeah, well, maybe.”
He put his pants on, covered the torso with a t-shirt and they returned to the kitchen. Virgil made his coffee and they sat at the table. Hans had a can of beer.
“So, Lars said that you want to learn to drive?”
“That’d be right. Can you help me?”
“Well, I dunno. I can try, I guess. I haven’t got a licence, but I can drive. I’ve been doing it for years.”
“Cool. I have driven a car, on a highway, but I need more practice.”
“Yeah, me too. We can practice together.”
“Sounds good,” Hans grinned and Virgil was sure that he wasn’t thinking about driving.
“It’s a shame that Joel’s not here. He’s all legal and everything. Why are you so keen on driving anyway? You haven’t got a car.”
“Not yet, but once I’m licenced my brothers and I will buy one. Then we’ll be able to get out of this Hicktown on weekends and go to the city.”
“To Christchurch? Cool. I used to live there once.”
“Why the hell did you leave?”
“I didn’t have a lot of choice, Mum made me. Kaimoana’s not so bad. I quite like it really.”
“Good place for sleeping and not much else.”
“So where did you used to live?”
“In Sydney – cool town.”
“In Sydney? But that’s in Aussie. I thought you guys were from Canada.”
“We are. There’s a Sydney there too, in Nova Scotia. That’s where we grew up. Can you get your mum’s car?”
“Probably. I’ll have to ask her at the right time.”
“Okay, so you’ll do it then? I’ll make it worth your while.”
“Like how?”
“Oh, I’m sure we’ll work something out. So, you’ll be my Virgil.”
“Your Virgil? I dunno about that.”
“Sure you will, you’ll be my guide. Virgil guided Dante through Hell and Purgatory in the Divine Comedy. You guide me through Kaimoana – much the same thing really.”
“It is not!” Virgil laughed. “You’ll need to study the Road Code.”
“I started on that. That’s got to be the most boring book ever written.”
“Well, one of them, but it’s got to be done. You have to know that stuff.”
“I guess. You going to study it with me?”
“I can do that. I think there’s one here somewhere.”
“Don’t worry about it now, I should be getting home. You find out about the car, I’ll come back tomorrow and we’ll get started then. Okay?”
“Yeah, okay. Tomorrow then. I’ll ask Mum after she’s eaten and had a drink, she’s more mellow then.”
He went to the front, with Hans, to show him out, but before he went out of the door, he paused and kissed Virgil on the cheek.
“Call that a down-payment,” he grinned and strutted off down the hill.
Virgil shut the door and leaned against it. “Whoah!”
What was he getting into? Something good, by the look of it. He started cooking the evening meal, which should please his mum, and didn’t even think of checking his mail.
Natasha agreed to their using her car. It was about time Virgil had a licence. Her only stipulations were that they had to keep out of town and that they were responsible for any damage they did. (She didn’t expect that they would, Virgil was a good little driver). She also hoped that he knew what he was doing and had he discussed it with Joel?
No he hadn’t, but he would – soon.
He didn’t spend a lot of time alone with Hans at school next day. Hans was a bit of an odd one really. Did he want to be friends or not?
Whatever. He had plenty of people to spend time with anyway, so he did. Hans spent his time with his brothers, as usual. However, as soon as school was over for the day, he was there looking for him.
“Hey-ya, Virgil my guide. Have we got a car?”
“Hey Hans. Yeah, Mum said we can use her car, but if we break it we’re in major trouble.”
“We’ll try not to do that then. Can we go driving now?”
“Now? Sure, why not? We’ll have to walk up the hill to home, the car’s up there. Have you looked at the Road Code?”
“A little bit, yeah. You?”
“I glanced at it. You’re right, it’s boring.”
“You’re not wrong. But it’s got to be studied if you want a licence. Dammit.”
“Yeah, dammit.”
They got to his home and Virgil went into his room to change his clothes. He tried not to be embarrassed, but it wasn’t easy with Hans standing in the doorway watching him. Virgil wasn’t overly shy but he wasn’t into displaying himself either, unlike some people. Hans was way too interested. He pulled his jeans up and stuffed everything into them before he really embarrassed himself.
“Okay. Let’s go then.”
He grabbed the keys from the hook in the kitchen and they went out to the car. Virgil drove to the north end of town, and then they changed places and Hans drove on up the highway.
He’d driven before, he said, he just needed to practice and get to know the local rules, especially the driving on the other side of the road. The left-hand side just didn’t seem right to him.
Virgil told him that that was tough and he was going to have to get used to it. He couldn’t drive on the right-hand side when nobody else did.
“Tourists get in trouble every year when they drift over to the wrong side. That’s lethal.”
He drove for about an hour, out to Clarence and back. Virgil was going to take-over the wheel when they got back to town, but Hans didn’t want to give it up. He was doing alright anyway, so he let him carry on up the hill to his home and they stopped in the driveway.
“Mission accomplished,” Hans grinned proudly. “I knew I could do it.”
“Yeah, you did it. We’re alive and in one piece anyway. Are you coming in for a drink?”
“Sounds good. Got a beer?”
“Umm, no actually. We can have coffee or coke but no booze.”
“No good stuff? I thought you said there’s always plenty here?”
“There is, but it’s not mine, it’s Mum’s. It’s not mine to give away and you shouldn’t be drinking it anyway. I hate booze.”
“Yeah? How old did you say you were?”
“I’m fifteen.”
“You don’t bloody act like it. There’s nothing wrong with a drink sometimes. It’s good for you.”
“You think? I don’t. You’re young and beautiful now but you won’t be for long if you have too much of that crap. Go into any pub on pension day and have a good look at the faces in there. If that doesn’t put you off drinking, well, it should.”
“You think I’m beautiful? Okay, let’s have a coke then.”
They went inside and sat talking in the kitchen. Virgil wanted to know about Hans, who he was and where he’d come from, but Hans only wanted to talk about the Road Code. He was all business and didn’t want to talk about himself, he was only interested in learning the rules and regs.
The sooner he could get his licence, the sooner he and his brothers could get out of this Hicktown on the weekends. They needed to get to the city where they could have some fun and make some serious money. Doing what? He wasn’t saying.
Virgil was dying of curiosity, but got nowhere, the kid was good at stonewalling. But, he fascinated him and he wanted to know more. That was going to be his mission – to learn all he could.
Natasha came home and started fussing around, preparing dinner. She knew Hans from school, of course. Virgil got the impression that she didn’t like him much. Whatever. He did, he liked him a lot.
“How is Joel going up in Wellington?” she wanted to know after Hans had gone.
“Good, I think,” Virgil replied. “I haven’t been talking to him much.”
“Don’t you think it’s about time you did?”
“Yeah, whatever. He’s busy and so am I. I have got a life, you know.”
“I know that. Just don’t forget what’s important, Virgil. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. I’ll talk to him later, after I’ve been to Joyce’s for a while.”
He saw Hans at lunchtime. Saw him but didn’t get to talk to him for long. He was, as usual, promenading around the school with his brothers. They did it everyday. Virgil had never seen it before, but the parading was quite vain really.
It was like they had to keep moving so that as many people as possible could look at, and admire, them. And, it was hard not to. Damm, these were good-looking boys and so similar in appearance. It was like one of those old-fashioned paintings done on 3 separate canvasses – a tripytch, or whatever. But this picture was even better because it was moving.
Their constant moving meant that no-one could speak to them for more than a few fleeting seconds, but some tried. Virgil thought that the whole performance was vain, but they did look good.
So, Hans wanted to learn to drive, did he? Yeah, Virgil decided, he could handle that. It’d be something to do and it might be fun. Where was Hans going to get a car anyway? None of them had jobs, as far as he knew, so where would he get the money? Gary might know, he’d ask him.
The de Groots came past again, Hans left them and came across.
“Hey Virgil,” he grinned. “Didn’t catch-up with you in the recess, I got held up. Can we go somewhere after school?”
“Just you and me? Sure, why not?”
“Cool. I’ll meet you outside the main entrance then. Laters, Virgil.”
He rejoined his brothers and Virgil went to find Mac and Joyce. He’d meet him, it might be interesting. Who knew what could come of this? He lost the big smile on his face when he saw Missy scowling at him. She was still grumpy then? Whatever, she usually was.
School finished, at last, and Virgil was there waiting 2 minutes later. The de Groots came out and Hans left them and came over to him. “Hi. Where can we go and talk?”
“We’ll go up the hill to my place. There’s no-one there and we can get a drink.”
“To your home? Sounds good. You wouldn’t believe how crowded our place is.”
They walked up the hill, talking quietly and ignoring everybody else. Virgil was perfectly aware of the many eyes watching them, but, whatever, he didn’t care. They got to his home, Gran was gone, she said that she would be but he was pleased to confirm that the housetruck had left.
They went inside, he shut the door and put the kettle on. “I’m having a coffee, there’s coke if you’d rather. What would you like?”
“Bacardi and Coke sounds good.”
“Bacardi? You’re a drinker?”
“Yeah, sure. When I can get it. There’s no booze at Uncle Abel’s place, except for Mum’s stash and I can’t take too much of that or she’d know.”
“There’s way too much booze here. I don’t touch it, but you can have one if you must. I doubt if there’s any Bacardi though.”
“How about Canadian Club?”
“Whisky? You’ll be lucky! They’re not really into spirits, just beer and wine.”
“Okay,” Hans opened the fridge and inspected the door. “I’ll have a beer then Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. Help yourself; I’ll go and change my clothes, won’t be a minute.”
He went to his room, kicked his shoes off and stripped to his boxers. He got some jeans from the bottom drawer and stood to put them on. Hans was standing in the doorway, looking at him.
“Nice body,” he smiled. “You look fit.”
“Yeah, well,” Virgil blushed. He wasn’t usually this shy, dammit. “I run a bit. Easy to be fit when you’re 15.”
“Guess so. The boyfriend probably helps with working-out too?”
“Yeah, well, maybe.”
He put his pants on, covered the torso with a t-shirt and they returned to the kitchen. Virgil made his coffee and they sat at the table. Hans had a can of beer.
“So, Lars said that you want to learn to drive?”
“That’d be right. Can you help me?”
“Well, I dunno. I can try, I guess. I haven’t got a licence, but I can drive. I’ve been doing it for years.”
“Cool. I have driven a car, on a highway, but I need more practice.”
“Yeah, me too. We can practice together.”
“Sounds good,” Hans grinned and Virgil was sure that he wasn’t thinking about driving.
“It’s a shame that Joel’s not here. He’s all legal and everything. Why are you so keen on driving anyway? You haven’t got a car.”
“Not yet, but once I’m licenced my brothers and I will buy one. Then we’ll be able to get out of this Hicktown on weekends and go to the city.”
“To Christchurch? Cool. I used to live there once.”
“Why the hell did you leave?”
“I didn’t have a lot of choice, Mum made me. Kaimoana’s not so bad. I quite like it really.”
“Good place for sleeping and not much else.”
“So where did you used to live?”
“In Sydney – cool town.”
“In Sydney? But that’s in Aussie. I thought you guys were from Canada.”
“We are. There’s a Sydney there too, in Nova Scotia. That’s where we grew up. Can you get your mum’s car?”
“Probably. I’ll have to ask her at the right time.”
“Okay, so you’ll do it then? I’ll make it worth your while.”
“Like how?”
“Oh, I’m sure we’ll work something out. So, you’ll be my Virgil.”
“Your Virgil? I dunno about that.”
“Sure you will, you’ll be my guide. Virgil guided Dante through Hell and Purgatory in the Divine Comedy. You guide me through Kaimoana – much the same thing really.”
“It is not!” Virgil laughed. “You’ll need to study the Road Code.”
“I started on that. That’s got to be the most boring book ever written.”
“Well, one of them, but it’s got to be done. You have to know that stuff.”
“I guess. You going to study it with me?”
“I can do that. I think there’s one here somewhere.”
“Don’t worry about it now, I should be getting home. You find out about the car, I’ll come back tomorrow and we’ll get started then. Okay?”
“Yeah, okay. Tomorrow then. I’ll ask Mum after she’s eaten and had a drink, she’s more mellow then.”
He went to the front, with Hans, to show him out, but before he went out of the door, he paused and kissed Virgil on the cheek.
“Call that a down-payment,” he grinned and strutted off down the hill.
Virgil shut the door and leaned against it. “Whoah!”
What was he getting into? Something good, by the look of it. He started cooking the evening meal, which should please his mum, and didn’t even think of checking his mail.
Natasha agreed to their using her car. It was about time Virgil had a licence. Her only stipulations were that they had to keep out of town and that they were responsible for any damage they did. (She didn’t expect that they would, Virgil was a good little driver). She also hoped that he knew what he was doing and had he discussed it with Joel?
No he hadn’t, but he would – soon.
He didn’t spend a lot of time alone with Hans at school next day. Hans was a bit of an odd one really. Did he want to be friends or not?
Whatever. He had plenty of people to spend time with anyway, so he did. Hans spent his time with his brothers, as usual. However, as soon as school was over for the day, he was there looking for him.
“Hey-ya, Virgil my guide. Have we got a car?”
“Hey Hans. Yeah, Mum said we can use her car, but if we break it we’re in major trouble.”
“We’ll try not to do that then. Can we go driving now?”
“Now? Sure, why not? We’ll have to walk up the hill to home, the car’s up there. Have you looked at the Road Code?”
“A little bit, yeah. You?”
“I glanced at it. You’re right, it’s boring.”
“You’re not wrong. But it’s got to be studied if you want a licence. Dammit.”
“Yeah, dammit.”
They got to his home and Virgil went into his room to change his clothes. He tried not to be embarrassed, but it wasn’t easy with Hans standing in the doorway watching him. Virgil wasn’t overly shy but he wasn’t into displaying himself either, unlike some people. Hans was way too interested. He pulled his jeans up and stuffed everything into them before he really embarrassed himself.
“Okay. Let’s go then.”
He grabbed the keys from the hook in the kitchen and they went out to the car. Virgil drove to the north end of town, and then they changed places and Hans drove on up the highway.
He’d driven before, he said, he just needed to practice and get to know the local rules, especially the driving on the other side of the road. The left-hand side just didn’t seem right to him.
Virgil told him that that was tough and he was going to have to get used to it. He couldn’t drive on the right-hand side when nobody else did.
“Tourists get in trouble every year when they drift over to the wrong side. That’s lethal.”
He drove for about an hour, out to Clarence and back. Virgil was going to take-over the wheel when they got back to town, but Hans didn’t want to give it up. He was doing alright anyway, so he let him carry on up the hill to his home and they stopped in the driveway.
“Mission accomplished,” Hans grinned proudly. “I knew I could do it.”
“Yeah, you did it. We’re alive and in one piece anyway. Are you coming in for a drink?”
“Sounds good. Got a beer?”
“Umm, no actually. We can have coffee or coke but no booze.”
“No good stuff? I thought you said there’s always plenty here?”
“There is, but it’s not mine, it’s Mum’s. It’s not mine to give away and you shouldn’t be drinking it anyway. I hate booze.”
“Yeah? How old did you say you were?”
“I’m fifteen.”
“You don’t bloody act like it. There’s nothing wrong with a drink sometimes. It’s good for you.”
“You think? I don’t. You’re young and beautiful now but you won’t be for long if you have too much of that crap. Go into any pub on pension day and have a good look at the faces in there. If that doesn’t put you off drinking, well, it should.”
“You think I’m beautiful? Okay, let’s have a coke then.”
They went inside and sat talking in the kitchen. Virgil wanted to know about Hans, who he was and where he’d come from, but Hans only wanted to talk about the Road Code. He was all business and didn’t want to talk about himself, he was only interested in learning the rules and regs.
The sooner he could get his licence, the sooner he and his brothers could get out of this Hicktown on the weekends. They needed to get to the city where they could have some fun and make some serious money. Doing what? He wasn’t saying.
Virgil was dying of curiosity, but got nowhere, the kid was good at stonewalling. But, he fascinated him and he wanted to know more. That was going to be his mission – to learn all he could.
Natasha came home and started fussing around, preparing dinner. She knew Hans from school, of course. Virgil got the impression that she didn’t like him much. Whatever. He did, he liked him a lot.
“How is Joel going up in Wellington?” she wanted to know after Hans had gone.
“Good, I think,” Virgil replied. “I haven’t been talking to him much.”
“Don’t you think it’s about time you did?”
“Yeah, whatever. He’s busy and so am I. I have got a life, you know.”
“I know that. Just don’t forget what’s important, Virgil. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. I’ll talk to him later, after I’ve been to Joyce’s for a while.”
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