Everyone turned to look at the boys.
“Gary?” Abel said. “You own this trust fund?”
“Some of it, yes,” Gary blushed. “We bought the building. Some of it is going to be a shop, I’m going to live in the flat upstairs, but we’ve been looking for tenants for the rest of it. We were going to advertise, I guess we won’t have to now.”
“That’s great, Gary. Really great. Thank you.”
“Thank you and thanks, Dianne. Having you look after my accounts is the best thing I ever did.”
“You’re welcome, Gary. We’ll all get along fine.”
“I do love doing business in a small town,” Cecily smiled. “Now, about these ovens?”
“Ah, yes, the ovens,” Abel sighed. “We really do need the best – electric powered, gas-fired and stainless steel. They are our biggest expense and our biggest worry. The ovens that would be ideal cost over 300 thousand dollars.
We would love to have 2 sets, but that is totally beyond us. We can compromise with a cheaper model – not ideal but we could make-do. Also, we decided that we will start with one set of ovens and work 2 ten-hour shifts, 6 days a week.”
Jan nodded. “We will be separated again, until we can upgrade, but it can’t be helped.”
Abel agreed, “It can’t. Even financing one oven is going to be a stretch. We can get finance, but they’re asking 20% interest.”
“Twenty per-cent!” Cecily exclaimed. “That’s highway robbery. You can’t afford that, you’ll be working for nothing.”
“I told you, Abel,” Jan said. “That’s not going to work. The only way I can see that we’re going to do this is if Billy’s Burgers would help with finance – either as a loan or for shares in our company.”
They all looked to her, but Cecily shook her head. “Sorry, but that’s not going to happen. It would be against our company policy and, besides, we don’t have that sort of money to throw around. We’re in the middle of a major expansion programme and our finances are fully committed. I’d love to help you, but we can’t.”
“Oh, Dear,” Mrs. de Groot said. “Let’s have another cup of tea.”
Everyone was quiet as she fussed around replenishing their cups. The boys had stopped even trying to work and were watching the discussions. Peter looked at Gary and shrugged.
“Oh well, nothing comes easy. Got a spare $300,000, Gary?”
“Not in my back-pocket.” Gary stood up. “Dianne, can we talk outside for a minute?”
“Outside? Can it wait until later, Gary?”
“No, I don’t think it can.”
“Okay then, if you’re sure. Excuse us for a minute please.”
Gary and Dianne went out of the back-door. They were gone for 5 minutes, and then returned and sat down again. Gary nodded and Dianne smiled.
“Mr. de Groot, Jan, you would offer Billy’s Burgers a share in your business for $300,000? What percentage were you thinking of?”
“Well, we were thinking 15 to 20%. That’s about as far as we could go.”
“I see. I don’t want to pressure you, but you are over a barrel here. What would you say to 30%?”
“Thirty per-cent? I don’t know. Abel, can we afford that?”
Dianne said, “That is a 30% shareholding for $700,000.”
“Seven hundred thousand! Really?”
“Yes, really. Apparently, if you’re going to do something you should do it right.”
“That sort of money would solve all of our problems and make life easier all around. Can you really come up with that much?”
“No, I can’t – not a show in hell, but Gary can and that’s what he is offering.”
“Gary?” All eyes turned on him again.
“Yeah, well,” he shrugged. “I’m rich. I’d like to help. My money is sitting in the bank doing nothing much. I’d rather have it invested locally.”
The de Groot brothers looked at each other and smiled. Jan said, “Thirty per-cent for $700,000. Do we go for it?”
Abel replied, “Are we stupid? Of course we take it! Gary, thank you. You’re the answer to a prayer.”
“Welcome, Mr. de Groot. We’ll be partners, kind-of.”
Mrs. de Groot was standing there crying. She lifted a corner of her apron and wiped her eyes. “Gary, thank you. You are a wonderful boy!”
“Yes, he is.” Peter was so happy for his parents, he was almost crying himself. He stood up and hugged him.
“Thanks, Gary. You’re great. If I didn’t have Ashton, I’d ask you to marry me.”
“You’d marry me for my money?” Gary grinned.
“No, because you are a good person. You’re the best, Gary.”
They hugged again, and then he sat down.
Gary shrugged. “Forget about Ashton, I don’t think Lachlan would let me marry you anyway.”
Cecily said, “I’m sorry but have I have to ask this. You boys are both gay?”
“Well,” Peter hesitated.
His mother leapt to their defence. “Yes they are gay. Ashton is Peter’s boyfriend and there is nothing wrong with that.”
“Indeed there’s not,” Cecily replied. “I’ve got 2 gay sons. They are both in stable relationships. They’re happy and so am I. Actually, it’s no secret – Billy is one of them.”
Gary said, “Billy of Billy’s Burgers is gay? I always did think he was hot.”
Cecily smiled. “His partner is even hotter. They’ve been together for years and they’ve got a son. And you’re gay, Gary?”
“Yes, of course,” Gary nodded. “That’s where I got the money.”
Peter said, “You got money for being gay? How did you manage that?”
“It’s a long story. My family threw me out and an old friend took me in. When he died, he left everything to me.”
Abel said, “That was very generous of him.”
“Yeah, it was. He had no close family and he was a good guy. He left me rich, but I think I’d rather have my old friend.”
“You are a good, good, boy,” Mrs. de Groot smiled. “Do you want another cup of tea?”
“No!” Gary laughed. “Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll be sloshing when I walk.”
“You’re sure? Have some more cake then. There’s still plenty there.”
“Well, maybe one more.”
“Good boy. Eat. Peter, have you had any?”
“Yes, Mother. I’ve had plenty, thanks.”
“Okay,” Cecily said. “Back to business. I think we can just about wrap this up. Does anyone see any more problems? I don’t. No? Okay, I’ll have a contract drawn-up and sent to Dianne. Billy’s Burgers will sell your Baker Brothers’ cookies in all of our stores and restaurants, here and overseas. We will take all you can produce.
You’d better start looking for good staff. Even with 2 sets of ovens, you’ll be working double shifts. When the time comes that you need another factory, and it will come, please let me know. We would like it to be in Westpoint if possible.”
They talked details for a while, and then wrapped the meeting up. Everyone was more than happy with the agreement. Mrs. de Groot wanted them to stay for lunch. Cecily said that she would, but Dianne said no. She had to get back to the café.
“It’s a sunny day and they’ll probably be busy. I’d better get back and help. We can’t afford to upset the staff, if we lose them we’d be in trouble.”
Cecily said, “Oh? You have a café, Dianne?”
“Yes, we’ve got the Craypot Café, down on the main street. It’s small but it’s a good little business and I enjoy the lifestyle.”
“You don’t practice law full-time then?”
“No, not now. I used to, but tired of all the stress and strain. Plus, I wanted to get my boy away from city living before he got in trouble. These days, I just dabble a bit, for friends and family, to keep my hand in and keep in touch.”
“Sounds good to me. And your boy’s doing all right now?”
“Oh yes, he’s doing very all right. He’s never been happier. He’s in a relationship and he’s in love. I just wish he’d get brave and tell me about it.”
“I take it he’s gay then?”
“Yes, he is. He thinks I don’t know. Goodness knows, I drop enough hints.”
“Teenagers all think that their parents know nothing, but we do.”
“We do. We know more than they think. I’d better get moving. It was a pleasure to meet you, Cecily. You’re not at all like I expected.”
“I’m not like I expected either!” Cecily smiled. “A pleasure to meet you too. I’m sure we’ll all have a long and prosperous relationship. We’ll be in touch.”
“We will indeed!”
Dianne said goodbye to everyone and left. Gary went with her and they walked downtown in the sunshine.
Cecily met the other Mrs. de Groot when she returned from her morning out. It took her about 2 minutes to decide that she didn’t like this one.
An attractive-looking woman and smartly presented, she was years younger than her sister-in-law and not at all like her. This one was obviously a social-climber and she sat around like an idle princess while her sister-in-law did the work. Peter’s mother was a much nicer person.
When she left, she said goodbye to Peter who was mulching in the gardens outside. She drove away with a smile. She really liked that kid and wished him well.
She had the rest of the day to kill. She was not due in Nelson until the following morning, so she went back to the motel to get some more comfortable and casual clothes on. It was a warm sunny day, so she went for a quiet walk along the waterfront.
This was a nice little town. It was in a glorious setting – the scenery was spectacular. The beach looked pretty crappy though, all rocks and pebbles.
At the end of the Esplanade, she strolled through the small memorial-gardens park and under the whale-bone arches. Big bones!
The main street was next, so she wandered along there, enjoying the peace and quiet and just being an anonymous face in the crowd. It was a small but busy street. When she came to the Craypot Café, Dianne was working there, clearing and cleaning the tables outside.
She smiled to see that Dianne was wearing more casual clothes as well. There was an empty table on the street-side deck, so she sat down there.
Dianne greeted her with a smile and took her order for a coffee. She sat quietly watching the people going by. A middle-aged woman, with a spectacular head of very long and graying hair, came along. She looked familiar somehow.
Another goodie, David!
Good thing Gary's got pots of money, isn't it? What a pity he's spoken for. And not about 20 years older than he is...
(oh, and, fictional)
Which reminds me, David. Been meaning to ask - is Billy's Burgers totally fictitious, or do you Kiwis have some rival to McD's?
Fantastic chapter, lots of humour and lot´s of hints to what we may expect in near future, the bitch de Groot for instance is disliked, so this could bring a divorce or another happening to change her in to a more likeable woman.
And is Mrs M now about to meet the twins or not..
So let´s wait for the next one to find out.
Hey Guys,
Yeah, Gary's fictional (sorry). A lot of these guys are based on someone real, but not Gary he's totally made-up.
Glad you like tho' :)
Still having probs with this blessed computer! I'll try to put the last part up now. (and it might be the last part - there's no more written & my head is empty - there's surprise!)
6x7=42 in the US.
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