(This is the last of Wills & Dills – for now.)
They got back to Brodie’s place; all Dylan wanted to do was to go home, get his mother’s car and drive around to the north end of the track to meet the walkers. But, he decided that he’d better not; the last thing he wanted to do was to upset the boy again.
Besides, Brodie’s mum was baking and there were delicious smells coming out of the kitchen. He could wait a while.
He went with Brodie to his room. There was a great new on-line game that Brodie wanted to show him. When Mrs. Hilliard came in with a plate of goodies for them, she commented.
“You’re looking different, Dylan. What’ve you done now?”
“Done?” he replied. “I haven’t done anything. Oh. It must be the hair. I got caught in the rain the other night and the dye washed out.”
“Yes, that’s it. Are you going to dye it again?”
“I dunno. Maybe. I might just leave it.”
“You should go blond,” Brodie grinned. “That’d shock ‘em.”
“You should just leave it,” Mrs. Hilliard said. “That would shock them if you showed your natural self. Well, enjoy the cookies, Boys.”
“Thanks, Mrs. H. and, yeah, I might leave it.”
“If you’re going natural,” Brodie said. “Get rid of the bloody studs as well.”
“I think not. That’d be going too far. Wish I could have a tat tho.”
“I’ll tattoo you, no trouble.”
“There’d be big trouble when I got home, if you did. That won’t be happening.”
“Probably wise.”
Dylan wondered how William would feel about facial tattoos and lip-rings? He’d have to ask him. He wasn’t sure why, but what he thought seemed important somehow.
William and Emmy had a great time, slowly making their way along the small, rocky, bays around the peninsular. They took their time, walking carefully on the greasy rocks and exploring in the rock-pools.
He was enjoying his sister’s company. It was funny though, he kind-of wished that he hadn’t been so insistent that Dylan couldn’t come with them. He was missing him already.
When he mentioned Dylan’s name for the umpteenth time, Emmy had to comment. “Damm, Wills. Can’t you forget about Dylan for 5 minutes? What’s going on with you two anyway?”
“Nothing’s going on. Dills is my friend now, that’s all. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had.”
“Yes, seriously. Dylan is great.”
“Does he know that you’re gay?”
“What? Who says that I’m gay?”
“Come on, Wills. I’m your sister; I’ve known that for ages.”
“And you don’t mind? You’ve never said anything before.”
“I don’t mind. You’re still my baby brother, you always will be. It just never seemed to be important before.”
“So, why is it now?”
“Because, I think you’re falling in love. It’s okay by me, Wills. You could do a lot worse that Dylan. He’s a good guy and I like him too.”
“Sheesh, Emmy! We’re just friends.”
“Yeah, right! Sure you are. Stop thinking about him then.”
How do you stop thinking about somebody? Especially when you don’t want to? Maybe Emmy was right. Maybe he was falling in love with his hunky cousin? He didn’t know; he’d never been in love before. He didn’t think that Dylan was feeling the same way, anyway. They were just friends, good friends. He didn’t want to lose that. Again. Ever.
He wondered what he was doing now?
They were both quietly disappointed that Dylan wasn’t there waiting for them at the end of the track. They walked home, on the road, around the bays and through the town. It was a good day, even if Dills wasn’t there with them.
Dylan and Brodie went swimming for a couple of hours, at the town baths on the Esplanade. Mostly though, they just hung around on the surrounding seats and socialized. There was a lot of young, bare flesh on display, but Dylan wasn’t very interested.
Did William like swimming? He wondered if he wore speedos? That’d be a sight!
He had a shower as soon as he got home. He stunk of chlorine from the pool. They put far too much of it in there. If only the bleedin’ kids would stop pissing in the pool, they wouldn’t have to. He’d be worried if he was keeping the dye in his hair, but he wasn’t, so he didn’t.
William wasn’t there when he came out of the bathroom. He’d gone with his mother to pick up takeaways for dinner. Dylan hoped that they weren’t getting fish and chips. Too much fish was too much.
They didn’t get fish and chips, they got Billy’s Burgers, which was good. They also arrived home with a couple of DVD movies – one for the kids and one for the adults. There was nothing worth watching on the TV. Again.
Dylan wondered which movie he and Wills would be watching?
As it turned out, they didn’t see either of them. William had something else that he wanted him to see. They went to their room and William put a DVD on the player in there.
They settled down, on their separate beds, to watch it. There were several short films on the disc. William selected the one he wanted.
“What’s the big mystery, Wills? What’ve you got there?”
“No mystery, just watch this. This is a movie that I was in, a few years ago.”
“You were in a movie? Oh, yeah. I did hear that once. Gramma told me. I’ve never seen it though.”
“Well, now you can. I haven’t watched this in ages. Gramma was my biggest fan. She was my only fan.”
“I’ll be your fan, Wills.”
“Maybe you will. Maybe you’ll hate it. Just don’t laugh at me, okay?”
“I’d never do that.”
The film started and Dylan was riveted to the screen. A real, professional movie with his own cousin in it! And, there was Wills, with a huge mop of very blond hair. Oh Boy! He was so young. Cute too.
It was funny, he knew that they were just acting, but he was jealous of the boys with Wills. Funny. He wanted Wills to make friends with kids his own age, he needed friends. But, how was he going to handle seeing him with other boys? Damm!
These boys were kinda cute too, especially the Maori boy.
“That’s Cody,” William said. “He’s the boy who taught me about sex.”
Wow. Dylan hated him now. “That’s the kid you had sex with?”
“Yeah, I fucked him and he fucked me.”
“When you were 10! Did you love him, Wills?”
“No, I didn’t love him. It was just sex. It was an adventure and it was fun.”
“I’ll bet it was!”
As long as Cody was on the screen, Dylan glared at him and hated him and imagined him and Wills in bed together. After he’d gone, fled from the scene, Dylan forgot about him and became engrossed in the story.
The movie finished. William stopped the disc and turned the TV off. They both sat quietly, thinking.
“Dills? Did you like it?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“You didn’t like it?”
“No, I loved it. It was great, Wills. Really great.”
“Oh, good! That was important to me. I love you, Dylan.”
“Wills! We can’t, Wills. We just can’t!”
“I don’t care if we can or not. I’m in love with you, that’s all I know.”
“In love with me? Oh shit, Wills!”
Dylan sat on the edge of his bed, he bent his head forward and burst into tears, crying into his lap.
“Dylan? Dills?” William knelt in front of him. “I’m sorry, Dills. Don’t. Please don’t cry. I’m sorry.”
Dylan lifted his head and looked him in the eye. William was crying now as well. He tried, but failed, to smile.
“What are you sorry for? You’re beautiful, Wills. You’re more than beautiful, you’re perfect. Beyond perfect. You look pretty good too.”
He did manage a grin now.
“I shouldn’t, but I do. I can’t help it. I love you, William Scott. I love you so much it hurts!”
“Oh, thank you, Dills! Don’t hurt. You don’t have to; just love me like I love you.”
He kissed him.
Dylan held back. He didn’t respond or return the kiss, but he didn’t stop him – he couldn’t. William came up from his knees on the floor, still with their mouths fused together, and he pushed him back so that he lay back across the bed with William on top of him.
Dylan still didn’t react, until William’s lips left his and slid down to nuzzle his neck. He whispered, “Love me, Dills. Make love to me.” And he started grinding against him, humping him through their clothes.
Now Dylan responded and he pushed him off with an anguished groan. “William! Wills, don’t. Please don’t do this – we can’t, we just can’t!”
“We bloody can so!”
William got back to his feet, whipped his t-shirt over his head, dropped his shorts and briefs to the floor and stood before him in all his naked, erect, glory. Dylan forced himself to look away.
“Look at me, Dylan James! Look at me and tell me that you don’t want me.”
Dylan looked at him, at his pleading face, and he cried. Tears rolled down his face. This was the most wonderful, beautiful boy he’d ever known, standing there naked, wanting him. He loved him so much and he did want him – he wanted him more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life.
“Wills, we can’t! We are family. We are cousins.”
“So? I love you and you love me.”
“I do; I love you very much and, yes, I do want you – but we still can’t. You’re too young.”
“I’m not too young. I’m not! I wasn’t 3 years ago and I’m not now. I know what I want, Dylan. I want you. If you won’t give it to me, then I’ll find someone else who will.”
“You wouldn’t!”
“I bloody would! But I’d rather be with you.”
William leaned over and kissed him again. Dylan’s hands came up to push him away, but the second he touched his bare shoulders, he was lost, he couldn’t do it. He loved this boy, that was all he knew.
He slid his arms around him and kissed him passionately. He lay back again and pulled the naked, beautiful, boy over on top of him.
And, they kissed.
Wonderful story as always!!
Yet I truly hope there´s more to come and that without too much drama!!!
And, dear David, it´s great you got the site working again!!
Awww. Soppy (and perhaps sloppy!) ending!
We'll hold you to that "for now"...
Thanks, as always.
I saw this on nifty and thought it was something I'd already read. (knew it was NZ and who else) I'm glad I checked out your blog. I agree with Alistair, there's room for more. Soppy and sloppy, I don't think so.
Good to see you here as well, Joah.
Hey Joah, Alastair & Tom
Great to see y'all again.
(now i'd better do some writing!)
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