Time went by, weeks passed, and life was good, mostly. Carl and Peter were together constantly. They no longer had to steal moments alone in hidden corners and they were all but living together. Sometimes they spent a night apart, but not often. Most nights they slept together, either at Peter’s home or at Carl’s, and they were both accepted as members of each other’s families.
When they socialized with others, it was mostly with Billy T and JH and they spent a lot of time just hanging with them. On a couple of nights, they all slept together on Billy T’s big bed. There was no sex involved, they just slept, cuddled together.
Everyone was avoiding the Square. It was too upsetting; there was a great gaping hole where the grandstand should be. Councillor Ross assured everybody that it would be back, as soon as possible. Just as well too.
Money for the project would not be a problem. There would be a government subsidy forthcoming, from the Ministry for Recreation & Sport, the old grandstand was well insured, and Ross had a scheme where people could pay to have names inscribed on the concrete walls below the stepped seats.
This was originally intended to be just the names as memorials to people of the town who had gone before, but everybody wanted to see their names, as well as friends and family, there as well. There was hardly enough room to fit them all in. Money was not a problem.
Jason McDonald and Jordan Taylor, well-known artists, offered to reproduce the graffiti that was in the old grandstand. Some of it was quite artistic. But Ross said no. He was sure that there would be a whole crop of it anyway. Though, maybe having everyone’s names there would discourage graffiti. Maybe – there’s always idiots around.
Ross would scalp them if he caught them at it. He’d have help.
One Sunday, the four spent the day fishing on the rocks, down by Charlestown. Peter’s dad, Jonathan Junior, drove them down there in the morning and came back to collect them in the late afternoon.
They took a picnic lunch with them, which was just as well because they didn’t catch any fish – not a one! It was a bit cold for swimming and the sea was too rough anyway, but it was a good day.
Billy T’s chair was useless on the steep, steeped, track down to the rocks, so they left it at the top and JH carried him down to the water’s edge. He was still a bit prickly about accepting help from anyone else, even his granddads and Peter and Carl, but he happily allowed JH to help him when he needed it.
JH thought that he always needed it, but he realised that it was best for the boy to do what he could for himself. Still, he delighted in helping him when he could. He loved this boy very much and was still amazed that Billy T wanted to be with him – he just wished that he would say it.
Even though he was constantly telling Billy T that he loved him, and though Billy T acted like he did, he never actually came out and said aloud that he loved JH. JH said nothing, but he really wished that he would. He was worried that something was not right. Apart from that, his life had never been better.
They’d found a small problem when Billy T came to JH’s home, but it was not a big deal. His chair was too big to go up to the living-quarters on the elevator. The disk was too small, so JH had to carry him up there and he got around upstairs sitting on a castored computer chair, or JH carried him. Bobby offered to have the elevator altered, but they both said not to worry. They were happy with JH carrying him.
Billy T was not comfortable down on the rocks. He was happy to be out with JH and their friends, doing stuff together, and it was a nice day, but the sea was rough. Big waves reared and smashed high up on the rocks and he worried – not for himself, but he was worried that the others were standing too close.
People had been washed off these rocks before. A kid was drowned here, not so long ago. The chances of surviving in that choppy sea were not good. JH left him sitting well back from the waves, but he got too close himself.
Billy T was relieved when the others decided that they’d had enough and the fish weren’t biting anyway. They went back up to wait by the road. It was a good day with no incidents, but he worried.
A couple of days later, early in the morning, JH was alone, sitting on the end of the South Tiphead, at the north-end of Carvers Beach. Justin came along, doing his regular, solitary, morning run.
(He liked to run the circuit through the town, across the bridge, out by the highway to carvers Beach and back home through the tunnel under the river).
He saw JH sitting at the end of the tiphead, and he veered out there to join him. JH looked up and smiled as Justin sat down.
“Good morning, Justin.”
“Good morning to you too, and what a great morning it is! What are you doing sitting here all alone, JH?”
“Just having a breather. I couldn’t sleep so I’m having a walk and a think.”
“A think? Billy T stayed the night at home alone. Is everything all right with you boys?”
“Everything is fine. Well,” he sighed. “Mostly it is. No, it’s fine – everything’s good.”
“Mostly good? Something’s bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?”
“No. I, umm, I don’t want to talk. You are Billy T’s granddad after all. It’d be awkward.”
“So there is something. We’re friends aren’t we? It doesn’t have to be awkward. It helps to talk and I’m a very good listener.”
“You’re a very good person, Justin. But, well, okay – I’ll try. You won’t tell Billy T about this?”
“Not if you don’t want me to. I won’t tell anybody.”
“Well, when we are lying down in bed and, ahh, having sex. . .”
He choked up and hung his head, embarrassed. Justin draped an arm around his shoulders and hugged him.
“It’s okay, JH. Of course you’re having sex. I’d be amazed if you weren’t. What’s the problem? Billy T is physically capable, isn’t he?”
“Oh yes! He’s very capable.”
“That’s good. What’s wrong then?”
“Nothing’s wrong. Nothing at all. It just that, when he gets, well, excited, he moves around a lot. He jerks and jumps and pushes and he uses his legs. I’ve checked and he is definitely using the muscles in his legs. I can feel them clenching and relaxing.
Justin, why can’t he walk?”
“I wish I knew. But, thank you, JH. That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Thank you for telling me. Have you discussed it with him?”
“I’ve tried to, but he doesn’t believe me. He says that he’s just pulling with his arms and his body, but he’s not – I’m sure of it, he’s using his legs. I don’t see why he can’t walk.”
“I don’t see why either, I never have. Billy T’s legs are fine, they’ve been completely rebuilt and restored as good as new. The problem has got to be in his mind, he’s got some mental block there.
Over the years, we’ve taken him to America, to Europe, Russia and China even. The best psychiatrists that we’ve been able to find have looked at him, but no-one has been able to undo the knots in his head. Maybe you can do what nobody else can.”
“Me? I’m no expert on anything. I would do anything for Billy. I would give him my legs if I could, but I can’t and I can’t help him to walk. I wish that I could.”
“You really love that boy, don’t you, JH?”
“Totally! I wouldn’t care if he never walked, I like helping him, but it bothers him, I know that it does.”
“Know something, JH Williamson? I love you.” Justin hugged him and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Boy, and I’m glad that Billy T is with you. I couldn’t think of anyone better. Don’t fret it. Just keep on doing what you’re doing. Love him and let him love you – that’s what matters. What happens will happen.”
“It does matter, but that’s what else is wrong. Does he love me?”
“Of course he loves you. It’s written all over his face every time he looks at you. Why would you doubt it?”
“He never says it. I love him very, very much and I tell him that a hundred times a day, but he never says that he loves me.”
“Ah, I see. He does tell you, you know. – in his smiles, in the way he is around you, even I see that.”
“I guess you’re right, but he doesn’t say it. Why won’t he, Justin?”
“I don’t know. I wish I did. It must go back to the car crash again. Billy T was just 7 years old when his father and his little brother were killed next to him. He loved his father, really, really loved him. He just adored him and all-but worshipped him, and he was devastated when he lost him. We all were, but he took it hardest of all. For a long time he wasn’t interested to getting well, he wanted to be with his daddy.
Years later, Melanie, his mum, and his two sisters were killed in a plane crash. I think that he’s lost so many that he loved, he’s afraid to make that commitment in case he loses you too. It’s probably not conscious, but the mind does strange things.That’s my take on it anyway.”
“He is not ever going to lose me!” JH declared.
“I hope you’re right, but we never know what’s around the next corner.”
“He tells you guys, you and Billy, that he loves you. He often says it.”
“He does, but that’s different. We’re family and we’ve always been around. We were there on the day he was born – holding Jeremy up actually, he was useless! You are new and you are special to him – very special. Give him time, JH. He’s a damaged boy, but you can help him. Just keep on loving him.”
“Of course I will, always! Thanks, Justin. You’re great. I can see why they call you Superboy.”
“Don’t you start doing that, Sunshine. You call me Justin, and that’s good. I was damaged too when I was a boy. Not as bad as Billy T, but I was damaged. I got better because people loved me. Billy T can do that too, especially with you on his side.”
“Thanks.” JH whipped around suddenly and hugged Justin, hard. “Thank you, Justin. I love you too. I think I’ll call you and Billy ‘Granddad’ from now on. If that’s all right with you?”
“Sure it is, Sweet Boy. We’d be honoured. Now it’s time to be getting home. Billy’s up there looking for me and worrying.”
“Can you see him from here?”
“No, I can’t see him but I know that he is. Go home, wash your face, put on a smile and give Jon and Bobby a hug from me.”
“I will. Thanks, Granddad.”
Wow, this was heavy! Can´t wait to find out if Justin´s right.!
By the way, Tom I check the site a few times during a day and when I find an update I read it and comment on it. I´m NOT competing with any one to be the first to give a reaction. Sorry.....
Hope to read the next instalment soon!!!
So this is how Billy T began to get the use of his legs back - you skirted over that the last time.
Can't wait for more!
Good chapter and so much potential for the happiness of Billy T and JH.
Joah, hope I didn't upset you but I was just doing a little bit of leg-pulling (as in having fun) it's always good to see the comments of all of you guys and girl.
Thanks Guys,
Yeah, just filling in the gaps again.
As you see - it's finished now.
Onward & Upward!
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