We splashed and played around in the water. There wasn’t really room to swim properly. The pool was long enough but really narrow. An Olympic athlete could jump right across it, maybe.
I quickly lost the embarrassing stiffness and certain parts of me got shrivelled and even smaller than usual in the cool water. That didn’t last for long though. When Joel dived under the water, swum around behind me, prised my legs apart and, slowly, swum through between them, I was as hard as ever by the time he surfaced and grinned at me.
“Someone’s pleased to see me.” He moved around behind me again, put his arms around me and pulled me back against his naked body!
One hand stayed on my chest, the other slid down and his fingers wrapped around my rigid dick.
“Oh, yes! You’re old enough to party all right.”
Maybe I shouldn’t have been so easy. I’d only just met this guy, I knew next-to nothing about him, and, already, he was jerking me off. But that was not what I was thinking right then. Who could think?
My gran says that a man hasn’t got enough blood for his brain and his dick to work at the same time. (Yeah, she’s all class, my gran).
Whatever. It was such an amazing feeling; I’d never known anything like it. Total bliss! I sure wasn’t cold anymore; I was hot and getting hotter. Joel’s temperature was rising as well. Much more of this and we’d be boiling the water around us.
(Think he was hard as well? Well, of course he bloody was!)
I’m not sure how he did it, he was bigger than me, but, somehow, his huge, hard, dick was in the crack of my bum and he was humping me from behind as he jerked me off.
Whoah! It was so hot. I was just at the age where I was starting to cum and, boy! did I come that time – bigtime! I jerked and jumped around as my whole body spasmed. (Is that a word? You get the picture anyhow). I was so spent when I finished, I felt like a limp rag. I would’ve collapsed in a boneless mess on the bottom of the river, if he hadn’t been holding me up and still humping me from behind.
My brain cleared as I slowly got my breath back and my dick deflated. Maybe it was true then, about the blood and the brain? I was starting to feel uncomfortable, but Joel wasn’t stopping. Both arms were back around my chest and his dick was pulsing as he came.
I couldn’t see it, of course – I haven’t got eyes in the back of my head, but I had no doubt at all that he was cumming. His breath came in ragged gasps as he spasmed and came in the crack of my bum.
Jimmy was sitting up and watching us intently. He was probably wondering what the hell we were doing. Jimmy had never known anything like that. Mum took him to the vet for ‘the unkindest cut of all’ when he was 6 months old. Poor old fellow was knackerless. I was sure glad that she hadn’t done that to me!
Joel spun me around and he kissed me – a real, passionate, kiss with tongues and everything. I wasn’t complaining, it was great!
And, that was the end of the good times. We staggered up out of the water and I reached for my clothes, but he stopped me by grabbing on to my arm.
“What’re you doing? Get off, Joel. I want to put my pants on.”
“You’re not, not yet. We haven’t finished yet.”
“We’ve finished for now.”
“Oh no we haven’t. I want to fuck you.”
“You just did, didn’t you?”
“That wasn’t fucking. I want to really fuck you now; I want to get it in you properly.”
“Well, you’re not! You’re not shoving that monster in me with no lubricant or anything. You’d rip me in half!”
“No, I won’t. We’ll get it in. I’ll work it in.”
“You’re not! Forget it. You got your rocks off, that’s all you’re getting.”
“I’m going to fuck you. What are you going to do about it, Little Girly-Boy? I could just take it and you couldn’t stop me.”
“You try it and Jimmy will have your nuts off! We don’t just keep him around for decoration you know.”
He let go of my arm and looked at Jimmy. One hand went down to, protectively, cover his dick. “What’s he going to do anyway? He’s tied up, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, he’s tied up, but he could break that leash, no trouble at all, if he really wanted to.”
“He could? Screw you anyway. I don’t need this. I’m outta here.”
He put his shorts on, picked up his bike and started back up the bank. Halfway up, he stopped and looked back. I had my boxers on and was pulling my shirt on.
“Why don’t you go back to your mother’s titties? You’re nothing but a fucking cock-tease, Girly-Boy. And you shouldn’t be allowed to get around with a dangerous dog.”
“He’s as dangerous as he needs to be. Fuck off, Stafford.”
He fucked off.
Jimmy settled down and I carried on putting my clothes on. What was that line in Dickens’ tale of Two Cities? ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.’ Screw him too! I wasn’t that easy and I wasn’t going to be ripped open like that. What would Mum and Gran say?
“Come on, Jimmy. Let’s go home.”
That was my introduction to life in Tiroroa. What? You thought it was going to be all fun and games? I wish. Life’s not like that – mine’s not anyway.
We climbed back up to the bridge, went back to the main road and went straight home past the pub. Who cared if anyone saw me? I was going home anyway.
I was totally dry by the time we got there, apart from the hair, and I carried on with the unpacking, like the good little boy I was. I was not going to tell them where I’d been and what I’d been doing. Not likely! They’d totally freak. (But I suspected that they would do the same thing, given half a chance). And – eww!
How far is Tiroroa from Westpoint? That Joel could do with a wee visit from Justin!
Sounds like a good plan, Alastair. However, I get this feeling that Tiroroa is a little far for that. Bummer!
Great chapter, as always David.
Hey, I think he needs some-one to give him a real lesson that you can't just go around raping kids younger than him. Things do not look good for a first day.
p.s. double ditto Mark's final comment, a guy of real taste.
Thanks, Tom! Takes a person of good taste to recognize another peson of good taste! And we all recognize our good taste by reading such a great story! Keep it up, David!
Hi David,
(glad Tom gave us his comment now finally I can react, o and Tom I´m not from Down Under.....)
Mark and Justin , could meet elsewhere, Christchurch could be possible and is a logical alternative and then both could work out a plan to teach Joel a nice and overly clear lesson. Can´t wait for the next chapter.
Hey Guys,
Yeah, it's about 3 hours away, by car - bloody long way if you're walking!
It's raining here today - Really raining! New Orleans think they've got it bad - we've got 500mils forecast over the next 3 days. Difference is, we can take it.
David, David, David!! Why didn't you wake me? Surely you wouldn't let me sleep through the whole thing!
I'm not even sure where this is posting, I was just going to pop in and say where the heck is everybody, and you were all here having a party without me...don't think that'll happen again this century. There's obviously something about alerts that I don't know...no excuse for being lazy.
I'll be back, gotta catch up.
Hello everyone, i'm awake now.
Thanks in advance David, for your effort.
Hey Tracy,
Glad you made it. Alerts? No, don't like them. They always seem desparate.
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