Back from his early-morning run, Justin plodded up the stairs. His head was hung low as he watched his feet and his chest was still heaving from his exertions.
“Man! I’m getting old.” He grumbled to himself.
“Awww! You poor old man, you.”
He looked up at the sneakered feet of the speaker at the top of the stairs, and then grinned and slowly lifted his head as his gaze climbed the legs, the body, and up to the face smiling down at him.
“Hey Sunny. You’re up early.”
“It’s not that early; you’re late, Sweetcheeks.”
“Maybe a little. I don’t know. I’ve got no watch and the town clock has stopped again.”
“It’s, umm, about 8.30. That’s late for you. I’ve got to go out, Justin. I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Out? Without me? Where are you going? When will you be back home?”
“Yes, without you. My cousin Casey is in town and she wants to see me. She’s coming to pick me up on her motorbike, so you can’t come. I’ll be back around lunchtime, I think.”
“Oh. Okay then. Tell your cousin that I hate her.”
“You hate her? You don’t even know her. I don’t think that you’ve ever met Casey. She lives over the hill, in Christchurch, and I don’t go there.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed that. We need to talk about that sometime. What’s a girl doing on a motorbike anyway?”
“Sometime but not now. Casey’s always had motorbikes; she’s a bit of a tomboy. Well, she’s the original tomboy, come to think of it. Why do you say that you hate her? Casey’s great.”
“No she’s not, and I do hate her – she’s taking you away from me.”
“Go on! She is not. It’s just for a couple of hours, Justin. I’ll be back later and we’ll do something then.”
“We will! Give me a kiss to remember you by then.”
“Remember me? You’d better, Sweetcheeks.”
Billy slid his arms around him and they kissed briefly, but then he backed off.
“Phew! You’re all stinky and sweaty. You’d better go and get in the shower. How far did you run anyway?”
“I, ah. . I ran out to your mum’s and back. I didn’t go in, just smacked the letter-box and ran back home again.”
“Out to Mum’s and back? Bloody hell, Justin! Yeah, you’re really getting old – 50k before breakfast! Go shower – now! I’ll see you later.”
“Okay, I will then. And, Sunny?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, even when you’re stinky.”
Billy went on down the stairs and Justin went up to their room and the shower. By the time he came back down, freshly washed, refreshed and smelling much better, Billy had already gone.
He looked up and down the sidewalk and the main street, sighed and went back to the kitchen to scrounge a late breakfast. Connors looked around and smiled when she saw him.
“Hello Sunshine. About time too! Sit down and I’ll get you something to eat.”
“Hey, Connors. Thanks. I’m sorry I’m late – again.”
“No problems, Lovey. Billy said that you’d be in soon. Where’s he gone off to in such a big hurry? And on a motorbike too.”
“He’s just gone to spend some time with his cousin. He’ll be back for lunch, I think. I hope.”
“Gone with his cousin on a motorbike? Do you think that’s wise? No offense, Justin, I really like Billy, he’s a lovely boy, but he’s got some rough-arse cousins you know.”
“Yeah, I know. Billy’s family are not that bad, most of them. Anyway, this cousin is a girl. How bad could she be?”
“A girl was it? Dressed in leathers and riding a dirty great black motorbike? She must be a real lady, that one.”
Justin laughed. “Okay. It takes all sorts. Girls ride motorbikes, sometimes, some of them. Anyway, Billy said that this one’s a real tomboy and she’s had lots of practice. He’ll be all right – don’t make me worry. Billy is a lovely boy, isn’t he? He’s the greatest boy in the world!”
“The greatest? I don’t know about that, sunshine. He’s got some pretty hot competition around here you know.”
“Pretty hot? Are you saying that I’m hot, Connors? Or is that just Jonathan?”
“Shut up, Justin.”
When he left the kitchen, he was still smiling. Connors always made him feel better, she was such a great person. Back up in his room, he soon got bored. The sunshine had gone out from there, so he put his sneakers back on and headed around to the Square.
He walked in by the shrub-lined path and there was a fight going on out on the lawn nearby. Two boys, aged about 12 or 13, were rolling around, grunting and cursing as they wrestled on the ground. Justin stopped and joined the small group of onlookers.
When the boys spotted him watching them, they stopped and got up on their feet.
“Whoah. Superboy’s here.”
“Hey Guys. Don’t stop on my account.”
“We’ve stopped. How come you’re not rushing in and smashing up rubbish-bins and things?”
“Call me Justin. I’m not against fighting, far from it, and you guys seem to be evenly matched. It’s just bullies that I can’t stand – bullies and unfair fights. If you were fighting dirty, I might have done something about it, but you’re not, so I didn’t.”
“Umm, okay. So you’re not going to stop people fighting then?”
“No, of course not. I’m not the police and I don’t tell people how to live their lives. I do think that you’re crazy though. Fighting never solved anything and I’d rather have friends than enemies, but if you want to hurt each other, you go ahead.”
“No.” One of the boys turned to look at the other and held out his hand. “Superboy’s right. I’d sooner have friends than enemies too. Shake, Kerry?”
“Okay then.” Kerry took the hand. “We’re quits then. Friends?”
“Yeah, friends.”
“Great!” Justin beamed. “Friends are worth having, enemies are not. Now when I see you, I’ll think ‘good guys’ and not ‘idiots’. See you later, Guys.”
“Yeah, laterz, Superboy, and thanks.”
He walked on into the park and one of the girls ran to catch up with him.
“Superboy, wait up.”
“Hey Colleen, how are you doing?”
“I’m good. I’m good and you’re bloody amazing, Justin.”
“Me? No I’m not. I’m just me. How’s your mum?”
“She’s good, thanks. She was really sick, but she’s getting better.”
“That’s good. You looking after her are you?”
“I’m trying to – helping anyway.”
“Great. You only get one mum and yours is a nice lady.”
“She’s pretty cool. Justin, are you sure that you’re gay? I mean, really, really sure?”
“Yes, sure I am. Really, really, really sure. I’m gay and I’m in love too.”
“That’s good, I guess. Good for you, but – bugger it! Well, if you ever change your mind.”
“Thanks, Girl, but – not likely.”
“Okay, but, bugger it again! See you around, Superboy.”
“Justin. See you later, Colleen. And, if I wasn’t gay, you’d be running.”
“I wouldn’t you know. Not very fast anyway. Later, Justin.”
They parted, both grinning, and went their separate ways. Colleen was heading for the swimming baths. Justin walked up into the grandstand and flopped down next to Jinks.
“Hey, Jinks. How’s it hanging?”
“Great, Superboy. Hanging like a racehorse – like a stallion.”
“Have you ever actually looked under a stallion, Jinks?”
“Yeah, of course I have. I. . .oh! Shut up Justin!” Jinks laughed and shoved his shoulder.
Justin laughed and shoved him back.
“Shut up yourself, Little Boy.”
“Yeah, right! Speaking of little boys, where’s your mate?”
“Billy? He’s not so little.”
“Isn’t he? Hung like a horse, is he?”
“Shut up, Jinks. You’ll never know.”
“I don’t think I want to know. So, where is Billy?”
“I don’t know. He’s somewhere with his cousin, doing family stuff.”
“Carver family stuff? They’re probably robbing banks and mugging little old ladies!”
“Shut up, Jinks. They are not. The Carvers are not that bad. They’re good people really – most of them.”
“You think that the Carvers are good people? Well that’s good because I’m one of them you know. Well, nearly, I am. My grandmother was a Carver before she bettered herself and married a Jenkins.”
“So you’ve got Carver blood in you? I didn’t know that. That must be why I like you, Jinks.”
“Go on! You like everybody, Superboy. But, yeah, I’ve got Carver in me – I’m one of your Billy’s cousins. A distant cousin anyway.”
“That’s cool. It’s amazing how many people are related to each other in a small town – in the old families anyway.”
“Yeah. And you’re from one of the oldest families around here. There have been Reynolds in Westpoint forever.”
“Apparently, and will be forever too if Jonathan’s got anything to do with it.”
“Yeah, Jonathan’s a breeder, isn’t he? But you’re not?”
“No, I’m not a breeder. I just love my Sunny boy.”
“That’s so cool, the way you can just come out and say that. You just don’t care what people think. Not scared of anyone, are you Superboy?”
“Jinks, please just call me Justin. I do care what people think, of course I do, but I’m not scared of anyone, not any more. Once I was. Once I was scared of everything and everybody, but not now.”
“You were?? So, what happened? What changed for you?”
“I grew up a bit, I suppose. I grew up and I found my home. Now I’ve got people who love me. I’ve got my Billy, my brother and my family and I’ve got some really good friends.That includes you, Jinks. I love you.”
“You do? Really? That’s so cool, Super. . ah, Justin. I love you too.”
“Yes really. Thanks Jinks, but I’ll have to love you and leave you. Jonathan’s over there waving to me.”
“Jonathan? Oh yeah, over there. I should be getting home anyway. Toddy can find his own way there. Later, Justin.”
“Yes, see you later, Jinks.”
Justin walked, (for once!), around the track to where Jonathan was waiting, over by the children’s playground.
“Hey, Superboy.”
“Don’t call me that, Iceman.”
“Okay, Brother then. Justin, look, can you do me a favour? I’m supposed to be watching Claudette’s little brother and sister; they’re the blond ones over there. But now I’m going to be late for Lana’s midwife’s appointment and I’m meant to be there too.
Claudette can’t be far away, but I’ve got to go. Could you watch the kids for me?”
“Yes, of course I will. Just go, Jonathan.”
“Cool. Thanks. And if they give you any trouble, box their ears. Okay?”
“Go or I’ll box your ears.”
“I’m gone. Thanks Brother.” Jonathan left the park, running.
Justin sat down to watch the young boy and girl. He didn’t know the kids, but he took his commitments seriously. After a few minutes he saw the blond boy stop and take his red sweat-shirt off. He looked around, saw Justin looking at him and came running over.
“Jonathan, would you look after my shirt? When did you change your top? Whoah! You’re not Jonathan are you? You’re his brother, that Justin person.”
“Yeah, that’s me. I’m that Justin person.”
Justin held out his hand to take the boy’s shirt, but the kid pulled it away from him.
“Don’t you touch my shirt! My dad says that you’re dirty. Where’s Jonathan? And what are you hanging around the kids’ park for?”
“Jonathan had to go. He asked me to watch you until your sister gets here.”
“Where did he have to go? My dad says to keep away from you. He says that you’re dangerous and that you hurt little kids.”
“You’d better keep away from me then, hadn’t you? Jonathan’s gone, Claudette will be here soon. Just leave your shirt there and go play.”
The boy put his shirt on the far end of the bench seat, and then scooped it up again.
“No. You’ll just get it dirty. Is that true? Do you like to hurt little kids?”
“No, it’s not true. I’ve never hurt a little kid in my life.”
“My dad says you do. Are you saying that my dad’s a liar?”
“No. I don’t even know your dad and he doesn’t know me. But he’s your father so you’d better listen to him. Go and play, Kid.”
“My dad’s not a liar and he does know. He knows that you’re a dirty queer and that you do so hurt little kids!”
“Okay, whatever. Go away or I might change my mind and hurt you anyway.”
“I will then!” The boy ran off, but then stopped and looked back.
“I’m telling my dad what you said!” he yelled. “You are dangerous and I hate you!”
Justin sighed and muttered. “Whatever. Sometimes I hate me too.”
A hand grabbed his head from behind and someone planted a big kiss on his cheek. He watched as Claudette came around the seat and sat heavily down beside him.
“Hey Claude.”
“Hey yourself, Superboy. Don’t listen to him, Sweetie. Our dad is an ignorant little man and he’s poisoning that kid’s mind.”
“Yeah, well. That’s the way the world is, I guess. Are you going to trust me to babysit your boys?”
She smiled and rubbed her huge belly. “Uncle Justin, these boys can sleep in your bed if you want them to – if there’s room. I’d trust you anywhere. I know that you’d never hurt them.”
“Thanks Claude. I love you too. Not as much as Jonathan does though.”
“I should hope not, Gayboy. Where is he anyway?”
“He had to go. He was late for an appointment.”
“Appointment? Oh yeah, Lana’s midwife appointment.”
“Umm. You don’t mind that then?”
“Of course not. Why should I? Lana’s having babies too, you know.”
“I do know that. What do you think about that really?”
“Think about it? I don’t mind; really I don’t. Lana is okay. Don’t worry, Uncle, we’ll get along just fine.”
“I hope so, Claude. I really hope so. If he gives you any trouble, tell me and I’ll kick his arse.”
“You will not. You love your brother. I love your brother and Lana does too. I like Lana and she likes me. We’ll all get along great. No worries, Justin.”
“Great. No worries then.”
“No. Where’s your other half?”
“Billy’s gone somewhere with his cousin – on her motorbike.”
“A Carver chick on a motorbike? Now that is dangerous.”
“Thanks, Claude. Make me worry, why don’t you?”
“No worries. Billy loves you, you know.”
“I know. Great isn’t it!”
“Yeah. It’s all good, Uncle.”
Claudette called the kids over and they left for home. (Joel wouldn’t apologise to Justin). He wandered back to the grandstand and joined Dee and a couple of others there. Dee was with a boy – that was new, and good too.
Justin spent the rest of the morning just hanging around, socializing and chatting to various people. Tones and the Guitar-man took a break from running around the track and came over to say hello. There was no sign of Peter and Jay, they didn’t come to the Square much. They had each other and they had their music.
Life was good, but he wished that Billy was there with him. He got tired of answering the same question, but it was still good that everyone recognized that they were a couple. He loved Billy – but, where was he?
The town clock struck, 11.30am. (They’d fixed it then). Justin checked his cell. Yes, it was switched on. He went home to see if they’d heard from his boy – they hadn’t.
He snatched up his phone when it rang shortly after 12.
“Hello? At last! Where are you, Sunny? When are you coming home?”
“Hey Sweetcheeks. You remember me then? We’re in Murchison, I don’t know when we’ll be back.”
“Murchison? What are you doing there? That’s miles away!”
“Yeah, I had noticed that. Casey’s up to something, but she’s not saying what.”
“Bugger Casey. You tell her to get your arse back here or else.”
“Don’t worry, my arse will keep. Or else what, Justin?”
“Or else I’ll set Ma on to her.”
“I’ll tell her that. I don’t know if she’s scared of Ma though. I don’t think that Casey’s afraid of anyone.”
“She’ll be afraid of me if you’re not back here soon!”
“We’ll be back, sometime – soon. I’ll see you when I see you. ‘Bye Sweetcheeks. I love you.”
“’Bye Sunny. Come home, I’m missing you. I need you here with me and, yeah, I love you too.”
But they were not back soon. The long hours dragged past and still they weren’t back.
Aw, poor Justin. He's really got it bad hasn't he?
Nice to see just a bit of 'normal' life in Westpoint.
Life goes on in Westpoint and after all that's happened there's still a homophobe in town. Bit disturbed about the cliff-hanger.
Hmmm, nothing major happened so it will be the next chapter that is the "bomb" or not??
Nice chapter though....
Oh goodi more drama. I love it.
What is Billy up to? Justin had his adventure, now .. David would say all will be revealed, just be patient! Can't wait.
My guess is that Billy is up to a big surprise for Justin.... Just a guess, though. Great chapter, David.
Thanks Guys,
Everyone's comments are much appreciated!
(No point in writing if no-one's reading).
That was the final Entangled Tale, for now. We will come back to them later.
The next story is 10 years in the future.
I'll be interested to see what you make of it - i was going to just delete it, but that was what i was going to do with It Started with a Kiss, and i'm glad i didn't.
Oh well, we'll see how it goes.
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