Shirley Hunter was a nice girl. She was bright and attractive, came from a great family and she played the guitar too. Well, she played a bass, but that’s still a guitar. So, they had that in common.
Tony knew that Shirley had a boyfriend. Robbie Jones was right up there on the stage with him. But he was sure that she would drop Robbie in a flash if she could have Danny. Any girl would. Any girl would be stupid not to.
‘Goodbye my Love. I know you’re going. I know that you have to, but I’m going to miss you. I hope she makes you happy, Danny.’
He watched them walk away and disappear into the darkness.
Tony would survive. He had lots of friends here, good friends, really good friends. He didn’t doubt that Danny would still be his friend; how could he not? But. He was still going to miss what they’d had. He’d miss it terribly, but he would survive. As long as Danny was happy, he’d make it.
Daniel was not walking away from him at all – except physically, a few meters away, to the beach. Shirley was a great girl, she was bright and fun to be with, but neither of them was looking for anything more than a casual friendship. They were just killing time while their partners were up on the stage.
Shirley was happy with her guy, with Robbie, and Daniel was in love with Tony. He never for an instant considered sharing his life with anyone else. Tony was the one – the only one for him; always had been, always will be.
They walked over to the beach together. It was a great night – warm, still and moonlit. It would be quieter over on the beach. The music was pretty cool. The dance party was fun, but if you’re not playing and not dancing, it can get to be just noise after a while.
It was impossible to have a quiet conversation when sitting directly in front of the speakers. So, they walked over to the beach, walked and talked, enjoyed the moonlight and waited for their mates to come back to them from the stage.
They found a fire – a small pile of driftwood, crackling and burning away and casting its feeble light into the night. There were lots of fires dotted along the sandy beach, but this one had been abandoned and was in need of some attention. They stopped, heaped on some chunks of dry wood, and sat together on a log watching the fire recover.
There is something really nice about sitting watching flames in the darkness – when they’re under control, that is. They sat there talking about nothing much, but mostly music. They were both musos and big fans.
“So, where do you see yourself going with Tony?”
“Going? Home of course, it’s getting late.”
“No! Idiot.” She laughed. “Where’s your relationship going? Where do you see yourself in, say, 10 years time?”
“In 10 years? I don’t know where I’ll be, but wherever it is, I’ll be with Tones, the same as I was 10 years ago. Same as I’ll always be – with my Tones.”
“That’s great, Daniel. That’s really cool. I wish that I was as sure about where I’m going to be.”
“You’re not that sure about Robbie then?”
“No. Oh, I dunno. I mean, I really like him – but, who knows?”
“That’s a decisive answer. Hey, the music’s stopped.”
“No it hasn’t. Listen. I can still hear it.”
“No, Doofus. Whozzat’s stopped. That’s a recording – I can hear myself playing and I’m not there.”
“I suppose you’d know. Come on then, we’d better get back. It’s about time they packed it in, it is getting very late.”
“Late? This is not late, Grandma. It’s only 2 o’clock.”
“Grandma yourself. You’re the one who’s been sitting here yawning in my face. On your feet, Guitar-man.”
They left the fire to burn itself out, (or for someone else to adopt it), and walked back across to the Domain where the party was. Whozzat had packed it in. All that was up on the stage now was a CD player, booming out the music. They’d played long enough; it was time to get down and party with their friends and neighbours – they were still kids in this town after all.
Shirley saw Robbie and left Daniel on his own. He walked around looking for Tony, but couldn’t find him anywhere. Jay was there, he was easy to spot in a crowd. Peter was close to him, of course, and Shelley, Kadie and Sandie were close by, but – no Tony. Damm.
Shelley left the group she was with and came over to him.
“Hey, Guitar-man, how’s it hanging?”
“None of your business, Shells. Do you know where Tones is? I can’t find him anywhere.”
“That’s probably because he’s not here – he’s gone.”
“Gone? Where’s he gone? What’s he doing, leaving without me?”
“Maybe he’s running away again.”
“Don’t say that. Not even as a joke. That is not funny.”
“No, it’s not. Seriously, Tony asked me to give you a message. He’s gone back to town with Toddy and Jinks and he said to tell you not to worry about him, he’ll see you in the morning. The room is all yours tonight, and you are to have fun.”
“He what? What on earth is he talking about?”
“I don’t know. It’s your message, I thought you’d understand it.”
“Well I don’t! What’s he on about? What does he mean, the room is all mine? And, how am I supposed to have fun if he’s not there?”
“I told you, I don’t know. Go and find him, Daniel.”
“Yeah, I think I’d better. Thanks, Shells. See you later.”
“Later, Guitar-man. Good luck.”
Shelley went back to her dancing partners and Daniel made his way across and out of the park. He’d only walked a few meters along the road leading back to town, when a car pulled up beside him.
“Hey, Guitar-man. Need a ride back to town?”
“Lucas! Gidday. Hey Margaret. Yeah, I’d love a ride to town, thanks.”
“Jump in the back then. Grant and Dianne can make room for you.”
Daniel got into the back seat, next to the others. “Thanks Guys. I appreciate this.”
“No probs, Dan’l. That’s what friends are for. Where’s Tony?”
“I don’t know. I’ve got to get home and find him.”
“You haven’t lost him again, have you?”
“I bloody hope not. He’s going to be in trouble, wherever he is.”
“So where is he?” asked Margaret. “I thought you guys were sweet these days.”
“So did I. I mean, we are, he’s just gone home without me. I think. I don’t know.”
Lucas dropped Daniel off at George’s and he hurried inside. The place was all in darkness, both houses were, and Tony was not there. Of course. So where was he?
Upset, he sat down on the big bed and tried not to worry. Tony had never done this before. Was he all right? Yes, of course he was.
‘Don’t be stupid, Daniel. This is Westpoint. Tony loves Westpoint and Westpoint loves him. Well, most of them do. Anyhow, who would mess with Whozzat’s front-man and Superboy’s brother? Not likely.
He came back to town with Toddy and Jinks, Shelley said so, so he wasn’t walking. Where the F. are you, Tony Duncan?’
He wouldn’t have stayed with Toddy? No, he wouldn’t – not when Jinks is already there. He wasn’t with Lucas, Jay or Peter. Superboy? No, Justin and Jonathan and their mates were away somewhere.
“Where, Tony?”
What was that message from Shells? Daniel was not to worry, Tony would see him tomorrow, the room was all his and he was to have fun?
“Oh!’ The penny dropped. “Dumbass! You saw me hanging with Shirley and now you think that I want to be with her. Like I’d bring a girl, or anyone, back here to our bed. Tones, you’re nuts!”
There was no way that Daniel would ever want to be with anyone like that, except for Tones. Why couldn’t he believe that?
It was after 3am now and he was no closer to finding him. “He said he’ll see me tomorrow, so I will see him. He’s not going anywhere. But I want to see him now. Where is he?”
He kept thinking of places where Tony would not be, and he was certain that he was right in every case. Why was he so certain?
“Tones thinks like me, of course. He’s just like me. Where would I go and sleep if I decided to leave the room for him?”
It was far too late to check into any hotels or motels, so – where?
“Of course! I’d go and sleep in the stables at the racecourse. We’ve done it before and they never close. That’s where he’ll be – in the stables, in the hay.”
Okay, so now he had somewhere to look, but he needed a plan. What was he going to do when he found him? And, how was he going to stop him from doing it again, ever?
Daniel sat on the bed and thought. Then, he had an idea, he had a plan. He dragged out his school-bag and rummaged through it for pens and paper and made his preparations. He left to go to Pattinson Park, borrowing George’s flashlight from its shelf by the back-door, on the way out.
Arriving at the racecourse, he stopped and looked along the long, moonlit, rows of stable doors, considering.
‘Well, if I know my boy, he’ll be in number 1, of course. That’s where we slept last time. You’d better be, Tones!’
He went across the sealed access way and along the long row of stables – down to no.1. Many of the doors were open, top half only, usually. No.1’s doors were both closed, but not locked. Daniel opened the bottom half of the door and ducked inside, flicking on the flashlight as he did.
There was a rustling movement in the big heap of straw. Not rats, he hoped! But, no, there was too much moving. Then a figure, a slight figure, arose up and his head and shoulders emerged from the straw. A tousled, sleepy Tony sat up.
“Tony. What are you doing here?”
“Danny? Is that you, Danny? Oh, thank goodness. You scared me.”
“You deserve to be scared. Come on, Tones. Get out of there, we’re going home.”
“Home? To bed?”
“Yes, of course to bed. I’m not sleeping in there, it’s bloody uncomfortable and it’s probably full of rats too.”
“Rats???” Tony shot up out of the straw. “I HATE rats!”
“Yeah. I know you do,” Daniel laughed. “Come on, Tones. We’re going home.”
They left the racecourse in silence, until Daniel said, “There really are rats in those old stables you know. Jinks said that the place is crawling with them.”
“I’m not going back there then.” Tony replied with a shudder.
“No. You’re not.” Daniel just kept walking and didn’t say any more.
Tony walked along quietly, glancing at Daniel and wondering. What was going on here? Was he in trouble, or what? Danny was being strange.
They got back to the house and quietly slipped inside in the dark. When Tony reached out to open the bedroom door, Daniel stopped and shone the flashlight on it. There was a piece of paper taped to the outside of the door – a notice. Tony read, “Tony and Daniel’s Room. Private. Everyone else, keep out.”
There was no reply, he opened the door and went in, turning on the light. Taped to the wall at the head of the bed, there was another notice.
“Tones and Danny’s Bed. Private. Everyone else, keep out.”
Now he was getting the message.
“Oh, Danny! Thanks.” He turned and smiled.
Daniel was still not smiling. “Tomorrow, I’m going uptown and I’m going to get a tattoo.”
“A tattoo? You hate tattoos.”
“I do, but I’m still getting one.”
“But why? What sort of tattoo?”
“Something like this.” Daniel pulled his shirt up and lifted it over his head. Tony looked at his smooth, bare, chest and read the bold, red, letters written across it.
“Property of Anthony J. Duncan. Keep out.”
Tony’s eyes teared up, but he was smiling. “Danny? Thank you, Danny. You’re an idiot, but I love you.”
“You’re a bigger idiot, but I love you more.” Daniel grinned.
“You do not,” Tony smiled. “You can’t.”
“I do so. I love you more. I always have.”
“I always will.”
They kissed. They’d sort it out tomorrow.
Short but oh so sweet. I take back what I wrote before. Maybe trust just needs a little push now and then.
Well, thank goodness common-sense prevailed (and that it got a chance to prevail - thanks, David). I am sooooo jealous of the lucky people who get to live in Westpoint. Can there really be anywhere so perfect?
Great chapter and the author get´s better if he keeps this up!!
Kids, sometimes it takes a while.
Always a great story from a superb author! Good job, David!
What's a little doubt in your life? It sure helps the world go round, and David loves it! Sure has us readers in a knot. What else can happen in Westpoint?
Hey Guys,
Sometimes a big push, Bumble
I wish, Alastair
Thanks Joah!!
So true, Jerry
Very cool, Mark
What else? Danny (nice to see you btw. Wb?)
Stay tuned - i hope to have something special soon.
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