(Early evening on the tiphead).
Monday was a ‘teachers only’ day at school, which made for one last day of the holidays for everyone else. Back up in their room after breakfast, Justin got on the phone and rang Claire.
“Morning Gorgeous. Still love me?”
“Of course I do, Sweetcheeks. When are you going to dump that red-head and come courting me?”
“Not in this life. I love you dearly but I’m in love with my Sunny-boy.”
“What a waste! I hope he appreciates you.”
“Not a problem. I’ve got him fooled, he thinks that I’m worth loving too.”
“That’s not fooling him – you are! Did you want something, Sweetcheeks?”
“Of course I do, I always do. Needy, that’s me. Is Peter there today?”
“No, he’s at Jay’s, as usual. I’m not sure if I’ve gained a brother or lost the one I had.”
“I think you’ve lost him, but, don’t worry, I’ll be your brother, and Billy too of course. We’ll go around to Jay’s then See you later, Girl.”
“’Kay, Sweetie, see you later. You’re probably a bit early though, those two are not early risers you know. ‘Bye Justin.”
He hung up the phone and looked at Billy who was grinning at him.
“He thinks I’m worth loving? I don’t think it – I know it. You are totally worth it and I love you lots.”
“You just keep on thinking that, Sunny.”
He got up and wrapped his arms around Billy, standing quietly and holding him close. Their bodies pressed gently together and his face was by the shorter boy’s ear. Billy hugged him back and they stood quietly, feeling each other’s heartbeats.
“Thanks Sunny. I love you.”
“Oh Justin! If you were 1/10th the person that you are, I’d still love you totally. You’re all my dreams come true – don’t you ever pinch me!”
“If pinching you meant that I was going to lose you, I’d cut all my fingers off. Now, let’s go and see Peter and Jay, I’ve got a proposition for them.”
“A proposition? You’re not going to put the hard word on them are you? I don’t want a four-way.”
“Neither do I, Silly-Billy. I only want you; but I want them in our lives too. We’re never going to have children, you and I. That’s one thing I can’t give you. So we need to build a family in a different way.”
“A family? We’ve got a family. You’ve got a family and so do I. Why do we need more than that?”
“Because we do. We can share our families, but your family will always put you first and mine will always put me first – I think. That’s the way it should be; but we need to build a group who are not mine and not yours, but ours.
It’s like ‘Friends’ – you know, that programme that used to be on TV. They were a family even though they weren’t related – most of them. It’s called an Urban Grouping, or something like that. That’s what we need.”
“I don’t follow you, Justin. You’re getting too deep for me, again. I’ll just go with the flow. It’s easier that way and you’re usually right.”
“Sure I am, and if I’m not, you’ll tell me.”
“That’s my job, isn’t it?”
“Sure it is.”
So, they went to Jay’s. Justin wanted to take the car, but Billy insisted on walking.
“It’s only a few blocks. If we keep driving everywhere we go, we’ll be getting soft and flabby. A bit of walking’s good for you.”
“But we’ve got a car now. We don’t have to walk.”
“You’re not listening. Maybe you don’t need to walk but I do. We’re walking, Justin. What’s with Peter anyway? You’re always on about him. I’m not going to lose you to Peter Lewis am I?”
“Of course not! Peter’s my brother but you are my partner. There’s no competition because there’s no comparison. You are my love, Billy. Just you, always.”
“Cool. You too – Just Justin – forever.”
At Jay’s home, they met Mr. Kynnersley backing out of the drive. He wound his car window down and smiled out at them.
“Good Morning Superboy, Billy. You looking for Jay and Peter? They’re probably still asleep. You know where Jay’s room is? In back of the garage? Good. See you later boys.?”
“Good Morning, Sleepyheads! Rise and shine.” Justin pushed open the bedroom door and walked in. “Oh. I see that you are up. Well, Peter is anyway.”
Two naked boys lay on the bed. Jay was on his back with his bent knees up in the air and Peter was between his spread legs, obviously buried within him.
“Justin!!” Peter pulled out and slumped down on Jay, covering him with his own body. He turned his bright-red face away, towards the wall.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Jay yelled at him as he covered Peter’s head with his arms. “Fuck off, Reynolds! Get the fuck out of my room! Haven’t you ever heard of knocking? Pervert!”
“Hey! Don’t be like that, Jay. We just came to see you. Didn’t think we’d be seeing this much though,” Justin grinned.
Billy picked up the crumpled sheet from the floor and spread it over the two on the bed. Jay just glared at him as he pulled it over Peter’s head.
“You deaf or something? I said, Fuck off. Get the fuck out of here and don’t come back. You’re not welcome here any more, not after that. Fuck off the pair of you.”
“Nope. Can’t do that. If we leave now, I lose two of my best friends and I’m not going to do that.”
“It’s a bit late now. You’ve got no fucking friends here, Reynolds. Get out. I hate you!”
“No you don’t, Jay. Don’t be like this. Look, you’re just pissed because we saw your pee-pee. Well -” Justin dropped his trousers and boxers to the floor and stood there holding his shirt up. “Now you’ve seen mine, okay? I’m sorry, Jay, really sorry. Please don’t hate me. I love Peter and I love you too. I can’t afford to lose you guys, I need you in my life.
I’m sorry. Do you want to see Billy’s pee-pee too?”
“Piss off, Reynolds. We don’t want to see that thing and we don’t want to see your faggot girlfriend’s cock either!”
Now, the smile fell from Justin’s face and his eyes hardened. He dropped the shirt and pulled up his pants. “Enough, Kynnersley!” He snarled. “You can say what you like to me, I stuffed up, but Billy did nothing. You start on him and I’ll do you. You’ll be dancing with your drumsticks shoved up your arse because you’ll have no hands to hold them!”
“Justin, don’t!” Peter struggled out from under the sheet and sat up. “Don’t do this. Just go away. Piss off until everyone calms down. We’ll talk later.”
“Piss off yourself!” Justin snapped at him. “We don’t need you either. Come on Billy, we’re outta here.”
Billy looked around at the three angry, red, faces. He sighed and then he took control. He stopped Justin from walking out by wrapping his arms around him and stood silently holding him in his embrace.
Justin stood rigid, but he slowly relaxed as Billy held him. “I’m sorry, Sunny. I’m sorry, but nobody speaks to you like that!”
“It’s okay, Sweetcheeks. It’s okay, just cool it. Jay, Peter, I’m sorry. Justin’s sorry. If we go now, he won’t ever come back. Is that what you want?”
“Bloody right, that’s what we want! Fuck off then.”
“No, Jay. That’s not what I want. That’s not what I want at all!” Peter fought his way up out of the bed and came, naked, across to the pair in the doorway. Even soft as it was, his cock was an impressive sight dangling from his small body. “Justin?”
Billy released Justin and gave him a small shove towards Peter. He closed on him and they embraced tightly.
“I love you, Justin Reynolds. One stuff-up doesn’t make for a divorce. Besides, who’s going to record your beautiful music? I’m sorry if you don’t like it, Jay, but this is Superboy here. He’s the nearest thing I’ve got to a brother, and I need him.”
Billy looked at the pair standing beside him, standing there bonding together, and then he looked across at the still-angry boy on the bed. “Right then,” he sighed and he started stripping off his clothes.
“Billy? What are you doing?”
“Shut up, Justin.’ He kicked his shoes off and removed his trousers, and then walked naked across to the bed.
“What are you? You’re NOT getting in here, Mathieson!”
“Shut up, Jay. Move over.” Billy lay on the big bed and pulled the edge of the sheet over. “Peter, get back into bed with your mate. Justin, get your clothes off and come in here with me.”
They all looked aghast at him, and then did what they were told. The three watched Justin strip off and come over to climb into the bed next to Billy. Jay released his side of the sheet and Justin pulled it across. Four naked teens lay side by side – Jay, Peter, Billy then Justin.
Peter, finally, broke the awkward silence. “Billy? What are we doing here?”
“Fixing things. Bonding together and fixing things. You’re okay, Peter. Justin’s getting there. I don’t know about Jay though?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Jay sighed. “Sorry Guys.”
“Jay?” Justin sat up to look at him. “I really am sorry. I love you, you know. I just see red when anyone disses my boy.”
“I know, Superboy. I feel exactly the same way about my Elf. I do love you too. Friends?”
He reached a hand across Peter and Billy and Justin grasped it and squeezed.
“Friends,” he smiled. “No, not friends – brothers, okay.”
“Yeah, okay, brothers,” Jay grinned back. “I’d hug you now, but some people might get the wrong idea.”
“Right,” Billy agreed. “You two just stay where you are. This is as close as we need to get.”
“Speaking of getting the wrong idea.” Justin got out and went over and locked the door. He came back to the bed. “We don’t want anyone walking in here do we?”
“All right!” said Billy. “Now we’re getting there. We came here for a purpose, Guys. I didn’t really get what Justin was on about for a start, but now I think I do. This meeting had a bad start but it’s turning out okay now.”
“And, this is how you hold a meeting?”
“Today it is – a family meeting. Justin, I think the floor is yours; start talking.”
“Okay, Boss. Jay, Peter, Billy - I want us to be a family, like real brothers and not just friends. Not lovers and no sex involved, but closer than brothers. I’ve got my brother, Jonathan, Peter’s got his sister and Billy’s got heaps of both. Jay’s got none, but. . .”
“Hold on a minute, Superboy. I’ve got some too; two sisters and a brother. They don’t live here anymore and they’re all years older than me, but I have got siblings.”
“Okay, sorry. I didn’t know that. That shows something too. We need to find out more about each other. I want to know everything about you guys. I want us to last forever, or, for the rest of our lives anyway.
We, gentlemen, are gay – or, I am anyway. We’re never going to get married, have kids and build a family like our siblings will. I’m pretty sure that Jonathan’s going to be a daddy soon. Claude has got that look about her – we’ll see.”
“Wait up, Justin,” Peter grinned. “Who says we can’t get married? Jay and I are already married.”
“You are? When did that happen?”
Jay agreed. “Yeah, we’re married, Peter and I. Married together for life. It happened a while ago, it just happened but we know it’s real.”
“Cool. That’s great! Congratulations. I hope you’ll be happy.”
“Oh, we are and we will be.”
“Justin,” said Peter. “I’m with you and I want what you want too. There’s an old saying that home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in. Families are like that. I want it so that you have to let me in, even when you don’t want to – even when I’m being a dipshit and pissing you off.”
“Peter, you don’t piss me off – ever. I don’t think you could. But, if you do, I’ll still let you in because I love you.”
“Thanks.” Peter leant across Billy and kissed Justin. “I’ll always welcome you in too.”
“Hey,” Billy protested. “No sex, remember?”
“Shut up, Billy. This is not sexual.” Peter kissed him as well. “Just brothers, okay?”
“Okay, Brother.” Billy sat up and looked down at Jay. “Brothers?” he queried.
Jay grinned and pulled him down and kissed him. “Brothers,” he agreed. “Closer than brothers, better than best friends.”
“All right!” Justin beamed. “This is what we need. Jay, I need to kiss you now.”
Jay sat up and they leaned across the others to kiss briefly.
“Now,” Justin continued. “The way I see it, we can only build this by spending time together, at least one evening every week, weekends away together sometimes and a family holiday at least once a year; just us four, doing things together.”
“Yeah!” Peter agreed. “That will be time well spent. We need to be comfortable with each other, to know that we can just walk in anytime, anywhere.”
“ANYtime?” Billy grinned.
“Yeah, anytime,” Jay sighed. “But try to keep it decent, Guys. Leave us with some privacy.”
“You’ve got it, Jay,” Justin said. “I’ll knock next time.”
“One more thing,” said Jay. “We need to look after each other – to know that if one’s in trouble then we’ll all be there – like the Carvers would.”
“That goes without saying,” Billy nodded. “All for one, one for all.”
“That’s good,” Peter said. “But there’s one more thing I want – well, two more things actually.”
“What do you want, Little Brother?” Justin grinned. “and, the answer’s “yes” by the way.”
“Thanks, Superboy. I’d like Daniel and Tony to be part of this too. They’re just like us and they need a family as well.”
“That’s no problem. I was already thinking about them too; as long as they want to. Is everyone agreed?”
“Yes, Agreed.”
“Yes, of course I agree, Justin.”
“Great. Thank you, my Family. Now we should put some clothes on and we’ll go and find the Guitar-man and his Tones. One more thing - stop calling me ‘Superboy’. Billy already has, he knows that I’m not.”
“We know that you are, but – okay, if you really don’t like it.”
“I don’t, Jay. Thanks.”
They went and found Daniel and Tony, at the Union Hall, took them for a walk down by the lagoon, and proposed to them. It took a while, Tony was scared that they really wanted orgies. But, when they got the message across, Daniel and Tony were only too happy to be in the family as well.
In the evening, after a light and early dinner, Justin and Billy went for a run out to the
There were a lot of people along the beach, for once. It was the last day of the holidays and there was a brilliant flaming red and orange sunset as if to celebrate. It was not the end of the summer, barely the beginning really, but, tomorrow it was back to school.
They ran out to the end of the tiphead and Justin made Billy pose against the sunset sky while he sat on the ground before him, framing his fingers and “making memories.” Billy protested that there was no need for him to do that; he was going nowhere.
They sat together on the rocks, watching the sunset fade into night, and then slowly ran back home in the twilight. They left Daniel and Tony, with brotherly hugs, and carried on through the streets of the town.
On the way back up
Billy grabbed his arm. “Stay out of it, Justin. That’s Graeme Johnson and he deserves whatever he gets.”
A big man came roaring out of the house and started kicking the boy on the ground.
“No, Sunny. Nobody deserves that.”
Justin ran across the road, hurdled the low front fence, and stood astride the figure on the ground, with his hands up in a defensive stance and glaring at the red-faced, angry man who stepped back.
“Back off!” Justin snarled.
“Back off yourself!” The man yelled at him. “Fuck off and mind your own business. I knew you were a bloody wuss, Boy. Fancy needing a fucking Fairy to do your fighting for you!”
Justin took one step towards him. He backed off, and then went back inside, slamming the door after him. Justin turned to look at the youth, now on his knees and gagging into the flower-bed. He knelt beside him.
“You all right, Graeme?”
“Yeah,” he said, wiping his mouth with the back off his hand. “I’m all right. What the fuck did you do that for?”
“I don’t like seeing anyone getting a beating. Not even you.”
“Not even me? Piss off, Reynolds. I don’t need you to look after me.”
“Okay. You sure that you’re all right?”
“I’m all right.” He got up and walked up on to the verandah. “Just another fight with my father. Go home. I can handle it.”
“Oh – kay.” He walked back to the front gate. “As long as you’re sure.”
“I’m sure. Piss off. Superboy’s not needed here.”
Justin went out the gate, closing it behind him, and walked back over to where Billy was standing. Johnson called out after him. “Reynolds!”
He looked back. The boy raised one hand, grinned and said, “Thanks.”
They ran off up the street. Graeme Johnson stood and watched them go – as did his father from inside the house. He wasn’t going to admit it, but he was worried that he’d be on Superboy’s shit-list from now on.
Graeme didn’t know what to think. He was pissed and pleased, grateful, embarrassed – amazed.
Justin and Billy ran on, matching strides and glancing at each other.
“I’m sorry, Billy. I couldn’t just watch that.”
“No, you couldn’t, could you? It’s okay, Justin. You did the right thing. I wouldn’t have, but I’m not Superboy.”
Justin stopped. Billy stopped and looked back.
“Don’t say that, Billy. You know that I’m not Superboy.”
“I’m not too sure, Sweetcheeks. Sometimes you look pretty damm super to me.”
“I’m just me, Billy.”
“I know. But you’re really something Justin. You really are you know.”
“You’re the Super-kid, Billy.”
“Am not!”
“Are so!”
They grinned happily at each other and ran on home.
I feel so god.
I think I know what Jerry means.
Justin can be so naive with the best of intentions, just another part in the jigsaw which makes him real.
Great! Thanks Tom and Jerry.
"Tom & Jerry"?? lol.
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