Andy was a bit hesitant at the kitchen door, but Justin steered him in. Most of the crowd had finished and gone anyway. Dee and Dianne were busy cleaning up and Kathleen was sitting at the table, drinking coffee with Connors.
“I think they’ve thrown your breakfast away, Justin. Hello Andy. I thought that it was you with him. You all right, are you?”
“Andy didn’t answer, so Justin did it for him. “He’s going to be fine. Andy has had a fight with Marty, and he’s going to be staying here with us for a while.”
“Oh, is he just? Have you had any breakfast, Boy? No? I’ll get you something then. Help yourself to the cereal, you know where it is.”
“Thank you, Gran.”
“You’re welcome, Sweetheart. Excuse me a minute, Connors.”
“Hello Connors,” Justin smiled. “How’s it going?”
“It’s going fine, Superboy. How are you?”
“Oh, I’m good. I’m always good. It’s not the same without you here though. Dee’s nearly as grumpy as Grandmother in the mornings.”
“Shut up, Justin,” came from both ends of the room.
A few minutes later, Justin was reading mail on the computer and Andy sat eating his breakfast, when Jeremy and Junior came bounding in.
“See you later, Grandmother. We’re going around to the Square to watch the girls’ hockey.”
“Goodbye then, Boys. I didn’t know that you were into hockey?”
“Yeah, of course we are. All the girls, long legs and short skirts, what’s not to like? Hey Dad, how’s it?”
“Hey Son. Hey Junior. Goodbye Boys.”
“’Bye Uncle. What are you doing here, Andy-Pandy? Are you coming with us?”
“No, not today. I’m staying here, with Justin.”
“Okay then. Suit yourself. See you when you get home.”
Andy heaved a sigh of relief when they left as quickly as they had come in. He glanced around at Justin who was grinning at him.
“It’s okay, Andy. Things are never as bad as you think they’re going to be.”
“So far anyway.”
Bob came in, stopped behind Andy and squeezed his shoulders. “Feeling better now? Good to see. You stick with Justin, he’ll look after you.”
He carried on and out of the back-door. Billy came in as he went out.
“Damm, it’s wet out there! There you are, Justin. I’ve got to go down to Brownsville today, with Claire. I’ll see you when we get back. Hello Andy.”
“See you then, Sunny. Why are you going to Brownsville with Claire?”
“Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies. It’s your birthday soon, isn’t it?”
Right! Go then. What are you waiting for? Andy’s staying here with me for a while.”
“Good for Andy. See you later.”
Billy left and Justin grinned again. “No problems, Andy. Everything’s sweet.”
“So far, yeah.” Andy nodded. “Here, it’s okay.”
“Of course it is. Now, I’m going around to see your mum and dad. You just wait here for me. You could get those wet clothes into the wash too.”
“All right, I guess. Thanks, Justin.”
“Welcome, my Friend. Stay here, don’t worry and I’ll be back soon.”
It was almost lunchtime, the rain hadn’t stopped and Justin hadn’t returned, when Marty came running into the kitchen.
“Hey, Gran! Where’s my brother?”
“Hello Marty. Junior’s with Jeremy. They went to watch the hockey at the Square.”
“No, not Junior, my other brother.”
“I’m not sure if you’ve got another brother, but, if you’re looking for Andy, I think that he’s up in Justin and Billy’s room.”
“Of course he’s my brother. I’ll go and look up there then. Thanks Gran.”
“All right then. Marty, no more fighting, okay?”
“Not if I can help it. Laters, Gran.”
He left in a hurry. Kathleen looked at Dee and shook her head. “I don’t know. The older I get the harder it is to keep up with these kids!”
“Tell me about it,” said Dee. “Looks like Justin’s been working his old magic.”
“I hope so, Dee. I hope so.”
Marty went up to the uncle’s room and walked straight in. Andy turned around from the computer.
“Oh, it’s you. What do you want, Martin?”
“What do I want? I want you. I’m sorry for yelling at you, Andy. When are you coming home?”
“Fuck you, Marty. This is my home now and I’m staying here.”
“No! You can’t! You’ve gotta come home, where you belong, with me.”
“With you? You told me to get out. You said that you hated me.”
“Well, I was wrong. I was wrong and I’m really sorry. I love you, Andy. Please come back. I need you and I can’t do this without you.”
“You never could. What about the other stuff?”
“Other stuff?”
“You know, about me sucking your dick? Why you yelled at me – why you hit me!”
“I really shouldn’t have done that and I’m sorry. No excuses, but I was mad and I lost it – totally. I’m trying to fix this, Andy. Tell me that I haven’t stuffed up my life – our lives.”
“You don’t hate me?”
“Of course I don’t hate you. I fucking love you!”
“Okay. Prove it then.”
“Prove it? How? You can punch me if you want. I won’t stop you.”
“No, I don’t want to hit you.”
“Good! I’m pleased about that. Do you want me to suck yours?”
“No, I don’t want you to suck me. I shouldn’t have done that to you and I’m sorry too. I do love you, Marty.”
“Well good. And, no, you shouldn’t have done that, not without asking me first. I woke up and it felt like I was being raped.”
“Yeah, I know and I know that it was wrong. Sorry. But?? Are you saying that it would be all right if I asked you first?”
“Well, maybe. You’ll never know until you try.” Marty grinned for the first time.
“Oh, wow! Marty, if I come home with you, can I suck your dick?”
“I thought you’d never ask. Sure you can, but only if I can suck yours too.”
“You want to? Wow! Let’s go and do it then. But we’re not making a habit of it – just this once.”
“Yeah, just this once. This will be the last time.”
The boys hurried down the stairs. Both of them knew that another argument could blow up at any time and they didn’t want that! They passed Bob on the way out of the front door.
“’Bye Granddad,” Andy grinned. “I’m going home with my brother.”
“So I see and it’s good to see too. Boys, try to get through one day without squabbling.”
“Of course we will! See you, Granddad.”
They hurried off, down the main street, to their home at the ‘Beachhouse’, (which was a stupid name really; it was miles away from any beaches).
Bob went back to the kitchen to report that the war was over – for now.
Back at the Beachhouse, there were raised voices coming from the down-stairs lounge. Justin, Jonathan, Claudette and Lana were still talking, loudly.
“Shocking eh?” Marty grinned. “You’d think that brothers could get on better than that.”
“Shut up, Marty. It’ll be us that they’re talking about.”
“Oh, right! Come on upstairs quick, before they see that we’re here.”
They rushed up to their room, locked the door and fell, giggling, on a bed, together. They lay close, facing each other and looking into each other’s eyes. The giggles stopped and there was a moment of awkwardness.
“How are we going to go about this?” Andy asked.
“What d’you mean?”
“Well. It’s us, isn’t it? It’s a bit strange being here like this, with you.”
“Maybe. I think it’s just because this is something new – we’ve never done this before.”
“Dunno what we’ve been waiting for. You do still want to do it, don’t you?”
“Bloody oath I do! You?”
“Double bloody oath! Let’s just do it – whatever feels good.”
Their lips drifted together and they kissed. It was almost like kissing a mirror, but not quite – this was better – much better! Andy slid a hand forward, into Marty’s crutch, and he was hard. They both were.
“Oh, yes,” Marty breathed. “That feels good.” He did the same back to Andy.
They continued kissing deeply while their busy hands opened the clothes and fondled each other.
“Oh yes! Oh, yes, yes, yes! This is so good, Marty. We’re going to do everything, right?”
“You’ve got it. Well, almost everything. There’s no butt-fucking, but anything else that feels good.”
“No fucking? Why not?”
“Because we’re not. We can do anything else, but not that. I’m keeping that for when I’m with the one who I’ll be spending the rest of my life with.”
“Fair enough. No butt-fucking then, but everything else.”
They kissed again, and then kissed all around each other’s faces, grinning broadly. “This is just a bit of fun but we’re not making a habit of it. I’m still going to get me a boyfriend.”
“So am I. This is just, like, a practice.”
“It is. A fun time and the last time.”
“The last time. Best make the most of it then.”
And, they did.
They forgot about lunch, for once in their lives. They were far too busy to even think about it. However, in the late afternoon, they cleaned up and went down for dinner with the family. There was a limit to how long they could go without eating.
They weren’t allowed food of any description up in their room. That had been banned, way back, when they were 11 years old. Their mother had found a family of mice up there, living on scraps and left-overs. The boys thought that that was a good idea – having living garbage disposals. Their mother didn’t – “Disgusting creatures!” So, no more food and no more mice.
After dinner, they took care of some chores and then went to choir practice, at the Community Centre. Marty was an exceptionally good singer. Shades of his uncle Justin, perhaps? Andy was not so hot. He was average at best, but he was in the choir because Marty didn’t go anywhere without him.
On returning home, they had a bite of supper. Left-over pizza tastes better when it is re-heated. Justin came into the kitchen and looked at them sitting there together.
“Everything all right, Boys?”
“Yeah, thanks Uncle.”
“We’re sweet.”
“You are sweet, both of you, especially when you’re not fighting. Later Boys, stay good.”
“Laters, Justin. We will. Thanks.”
Justin left. Marty said, “He’s a good guy, is Justin.”
“He is a good guy. He’s the best uncle ever.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“I never am.”
Yeah, right. Let’s go to bed.”
Back up in their room, they got undressed and climbed into bed in the dark. Or, as dark as it ever got with a street-light right below their window.
“Thanks for coming and getting me today.”
“Thanks for coming back.”
“I love you, Marty.”
“I love you too. Shut up and go to sleep.”
“Can I sleep with you?”
“In my bed? Yeah, okay. Come on then.”
Andy climbed in and cuddled up to his twin.
“No sex now. We’ve done that Go to sleep.”
“Couldn’t we – you know – just one more time?”
“One more time? Well, why not? But this is going to be the last time.”
“Oh yes! The last time.”