(Brushing the cobwebs away & hoping i can remember how to do this - here's an Experiment)
“So, what are you going to do about it?”
“I dunno. What do you think I should do?”
“I think you should go see a doctor, or something.”
“A doctor? What for? I’m not sick, I’m just gay.”
“Just gay? There’s no ‘just’ about it. It’s a pretty big deal you know – a really big deal. What would you want to be gay for?”
“Who said I wanted to? Who would ever want to be gay? I never asked for it. I just am.”
“You just are. This is a joke, right? You’re not gay.”
“I bloody am!”
“You bloody are not! Come on, Man, I’ve known you since forever. I can’t ever remember not knowing you. I’ve never seen you do anything gay. What makes you think that you are?”
“You know that new kid in town, Barry Saunders? He makes me think that I am.”
“Barry Saunders? What’s that little shit done? Did he rape you or something?”
“What? No!!! But . . I kinda wish that he would.”
“Ewww! You do not. That’s so gay! Damm! You are, aren’t you?”
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you – I’m gay.”
“Yeah. What about me then? You ever think about doing that stuff with me?”
“With you? No thanks.”
“I wasn’t offering. But, why not anyway? I’m not ugly.”
“Yeah you are. You’re gross and you’re a dork.”
“Well, thanks! Looked in a mirror lately? You know what they say about birds of a feather flying together, well, we do. We’ve always hung out together.”
“Yeah, we have. Thanks. Okay, you’re not ugly, I’ve just never thought about you like that. You’re my mate, my best mate, but I haven’t got the hots for you. No way.”
“So you don’t want to kiss me all over my hot, sexy body? Good job too, ‘cause you’re not going to. I’m keeping it for the ladies.”
“The ladies? In your dreams!”
“They always are. I hope I’m not in yours.”
“You in my dreams? Not likely!”
“But Barry Saunders is? Eww!”
“There’s no ‘eww’ about it. He’s a cool kid. He’s cute and . . . I dunno, I just think he’s sexy. I really like him.”
“He’s sexy and you really like him. That’s so gay.
“Maybe it is.”
“It is! You’ve never talked like this before. What about Sandra then?”
“What about her?”
“Sandra’s really hot. I’d give her one. I would, but I never have, I’ve never even tried to and, do you know why? Because she’s your bloody girlfriend, that’s why.”
“Sandra’s not my girlfriend.”
“She thinks she is, doesn’t she?”
“No she doesn’t. We’re just friends – good friends. Not as good as you and me though.”
“Well, of course not! I’m the best.”
“You are. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.
“I am! You’re so lucky! Luckier than me, all I’ve got for a best mate is you.”
“I’m not that lucky. Well, yeah, I am really. You’re a good mate – always have been.”
“Aaaah! You’re pretty cool too – for a gay-boy.”
“Know a lot of gay-boys, do you?”
“No. I don’t know any. Or, I thought I didn’t – looks like I was wrong there.”
“You often are.”
“Am not! Shut up, Dork!”
“Takes one to know one, and – “I wasn’t shut-up, I was brought-up.”
“And when I look at you, I throw-up.”
“And then your mother comes along and licks it up.”
“Eww! You’d better not let my mum hear you say that, she’d kick your arse.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time. She’s kicked my arse a few times over the years.”
“Only when you needed it. Anyway, your mum’s done the same to me.”
“You always need it. You think they got together and planned that? – “You kick my one’s arse and I’ll kick your one’s”.”
“Probably. Mothers are like that – really cunning. Well, ours are anyway.”
“They are! But, they’d say that they have to be.”
“They would.”
“Anywho. That’s enough lying around in the sun. Much more of this and we’ll be getting burnt again. You want another swim, or shall we just go home?”
“Let’s go home. Time we got something to eat.”
“Sounds good. What do gay-boys eat anyway? Pink stuff, I suppose.”
“Shut up! They do not. I dunno, I just eat what I always have – same as you – anything and everything.”
“Still sounds good. There’s limits though. Some things I wouldn’t eat – like, you.”
“Eat me? Not a chance! We’ve already agreed on that.”
“No we didn’t. I said you’re not eating me, not the other way around.”
“You’re not anyway. Told you – I’m not interested in you like that.”
“My feelings could get hurt here – only gay-boy I know and he doesn’t want me.”
“I can’t fucking win, can I? You don’t want me to want you and then you get all hurt when I don’t anyway. You’re bloody impossible!”
“My name’s not Impossible – it’s Hayes, Clint Hayes.
“Hayes, Clint Hayes. You’ve been watching too many old James Bond movies. Got a licence to kill, have you?”
“Licence to thrill, maybe. Oh, damm! Speaking of which, here comes that bloody Katie Gray. Let’s go back up this way and avoid the silly little girls.”
“No arguments there. But, if you’re the straight one, shouldn’t you be running towards the girls, not away from them? You could score there.”
“Shut up! I like girls, just not those ones. Silly little cow’s always had a crush on me. Come on up the bank through the trees here. We can get back on the track up at the top.”
“Right. I do know where the track goes, you know. I’ve lived around here for as long as you have.”
“No you haven’t. I’m older than you are.”
“By two months you are. Big deal! Want me to give you a hand up here, Old Boy?”
“I think I can manage, Junior. Get your butt out of my face. I don’t want to smell that thing.”
“You’re the one shoving your nose up against it.”
“Actually you know, your legs are not that different to a girl’s really. You’ve got nice legs.”
“Get off! I’m not a girl; I’m a boy!”
“Yeah, a gayboy. I didn’t say that you were a girl; I said that your legs are like a girl’s, kind of. Maybe they’re a bit thinner. Most girls have got fat legs, especially around the thighs. Your’s aren’t – they’re just long and thin – all golden and hairless too. You’ve got no hairs at all on your legs. Got any around your dick yet?”
“Shut up! None of your business. What are you looking at my legs for?”
“I can’t help it, can I? They’re right in my bloody face!”
“Not my fault. Do you want to swap places with me?”
“And have you perving at my legs? No, I’ll just stay here.”
“And perve at mine? Enjoy the show then.”
“I am. Actually, umm . . when we get back to my place, there won’t be anybody at home. Do you want to – umm – try an experiment, maybe?”
“An experiment? What experiment? What are you talking about, Clint?”
“You know. I just thought . . . maybe . . . we could try . . . well, do you want to suck my dick?”
“What?? Are you serious? Me, suck your dick?”
“Yeah, I’m serious. Why not anyway? A blow-job’s a blow-job. I’ve never had one. They say that they’re awesome, and, I do like you – I could trust you with the ‘family jewels’. So . . . do you want to?”
“Seriously? Really?? Yeah, all right, we could do that, but you have to suck mine as well. I want to know what a blow-job’s like too. We could ‘69’, that’s, like, both doing it at the same time.”
“Yeah, okay. We’ll try that, just you and me – as an experiment.”
“All right – just us. An experiment.”