Thursday, August 30, 2007

Westpoint Tales - Entangled Tales - 78 Peter & Jay

(Whoops! Still learning here. 1. Blackwater River, 2. Bulls River, 3. Bulls River Gorge)
In the morning, Jay was woken up by the sounds of someone yelling and splashing around outside. He felt a burst of – not fear exactly, but alarm. He scurried around and out of the tent, the sleeping bag peeling off him as he stood up.

He relaxed and grinned – nothing to worry about.

Peter was standing knee-deep halfway out in the small river. His face was beaming, he was grinning from ear to ear as he proudly held up a fish – a fine specimen of a large brown trout.

“Hey Jay. I got the bugger!”

He splashed across to the bank, clinging to the still-flapping fish.

“I did it, Big Guy – I caught it. First fish I’ve ever hooked on a line. It nearly got away, but it didn’t. I got him! He’s a beauty, isn’t he, Jay?” He laid the fish at Jay’s feet.

Jay knelt and killed it with a blow with the axe. “It is a beauty, Elf. Well done!”

“Yeah!” Peter beamed proudly. “I was going to catch and cook your breakfast before you woke up.”

“I’m awake now. I don’t think there’ll be any more fish either, not after all that splashing around.”

“We can cook it though, can’t we?”

“We can cook it. It’s a great fish, Peter. It’s plenty big enough for the two of us. You can gut it; I’ll get the foil to wrap it in. We’ll cook it in the fire. Has the fire been going all night?”

“No, of course not. It was dead, I got it going again. I’ve been up for ages, I was starting to think that you were never going to wake up.”

“Yeah, well. I think I need more sleep than you do.”

“You think? I worked that out months ago. Anyway, you’d better get some clothes on. I’m not complaining about the view, but others might. This is a public walkway through here.”

Jay dressed and tidied up the tent while Peter gutted and cleaned the fish. They wrapped it in foil and buried it in the ashes at the side of the fire. They got towels and the bug spray and went back for a soak in the hot pool while waiting for their breakfast to cook.

They both shed their clothes and adjusted the temperature again, while slapping sandflies, and, blissfully, sank into the warm water. They lay back, Peter in his usual position between Jay’s legs, and relaxed.

In a few minutes, Jay sat upright, pushing Peter forward as he did.

“Hey! Watch it!”

“Shush, Peter. Listen. What’s that noise?”

A babbling, murmuring sound was getting louder as it came towards them. Then they appeared, walking up the track out of the trees – boy scouts, dozens of them!

Peter and Jay sat in the hot water, naked and embarrassed as they were surrounded by a crowd of grinning faces. They were scouts, mostly boys about 10 to 12 years old, but there were a few girls amongst them too. There were about 30 of them, from several different troops by the look of their uniforms.

One of the four troop-leaders was a woman – it was a teacher from their school, Mrs. McElwee. One of these little monsters must be hers. Another teacher, Mr. Squires, was there too. They both looked odd in their over-grown scouts’ uniforms, but not half as odd As Peter and Jay felt in their exposed skin. They kept their arms and legs crossed, covering up the naughty bits, as the scouts grinned at them.

“Hey Kynnersley, Hey Lewis. Forget your swimming togs, did you?”

“Show us your bum!”

“Bugger off! Cheeky little sods.”

“Hello Peter, Jay,” Mrs. McElwee smiled at them. “Fancy seeing you here! Move along, Scouts, nothing to see here.”

“There would be if they stood up!”

“Quiet, Calvin,” Mr. Squires grinned. “It’s perfectly normal to soak in hot pools naked. The sulphur rots bathing togs. Move along now, Boys. We’ve got a long way to go.”

They sat and watched them go, yearning now to get out of the water. “I’m bloody cooking in here now. I thought they were never going. Cheeky little sods!”

“Yeah, well, they’re boys, Jay, most of them. You were a scout once yourself, we both were.”

“Yeah, I was for a while, until I figured that I’d rather sleep on a Saturday morning. I don’t remember seeing you in the scouts, Peter.”

“I was there. I was standing down the back, probably. I remember you there. I think that I had a crush on you even then.”

“You did? I wish you’d told me.”

“You probably would have laughed at me. You were cute though – still are actually.”

“Shut up, Elf. Be quiet or I’ll kiss you.”

“Promises! Next time we’re in here, I’m keeping the towel where I can reach it.”

They got out, scooped up their clothes and ran, naked, back to dry by the fire.

Peter scraped the ashes and embers away and carefully extracted the foil-wrapped fish from the fire. He laid it on a flat rock and delicately opened the foil. Jay joined him with knives, forks, bread and butter and a lemon. They squatted side-by-side in front of the rock to eat their hot fish breakfast.

The skin peeled off easily – so easily that it almost fell off, and the soft white flesh lifted off the bones in bite-sized chunks.

They’d both eaten hundreds of fish meals in their short lives – fish was cheap and plentiful in Westpoint, a small town with a relatively large and industrious fishing fleet. Peter’s dad was a fisherman and he was always bringing sea-food home from his boat. However, it wasn’t so often that they got fresh-water fish for breakfast, and this was brilliant! Freshly caught and cooked in foil in a wood fire and eaten in the fresh air and the great outdoors. Just brilliant! The best breakfast ever.

They finished eating and Jay poured two OJ’s, topping them off with boiling water from the pot on the fire. He handed one to Peter as he sat down again. “All right, Elf?”

“No, it’s not. It’s not all right – it’s fucking perfect. Everything’s perfect – the food, the place, the company – everything! Thanks.”

“Thanks? Thank you, you caught the fish.”

“Yeah, I did, didn’t I?” he grinned proudly. “But it’s more than that. The best thing that I’ve ever caught was you, Jay. I’ll never need any more than this.”

“Ah! You’re too much. Thanks, Peter. I love you too.”

“You really do, don’t you? Thanks, Big Guy, that’s so cool. My life can’t get any better. I love you – yesterday, today and always. I wish we could just stay here like this forever.”

“Well, we can’t. You wouldn’t want to really, you’d get bored eventually and start missing our friends and family and everything. Variety is the spice of life, or so they say. But this is really cool. We’ll do this again – often.”

“We will. I’d love to have a house out in a place like this.”

“Maybe you can someday. Crispian says that we’re going to be rich.”

“I’m already rich, Big Guy – I’ve got you.”

“You have. I’m rich too, even richer than you are because I’ve got you.”


“Thank you, I try. What do you want to do, Peter?”

“Do? I don’t want to do anything. I just want to lie back here like this and do nothing all day. There is one thing that could make it better though.”

He scooted around so that he could lie on an angle, with his head on Jay’s chest.

“There, now it’s perfect. Let’s do nothing.”

Jay raised one hand and lazily stroked Peter’s spiky hair. “This is cool, but I didn’t mean just today. What do you want to do with the rest of your life, I mean.”

“This, Jay. Just this.”

“Right! I’m being serious, Elf. Where do you see yourself in 10 or 20 years time?”

“Twenty years? That’s a long time. I hope that I’m still right here. No? Okay, seriously, what I’d like is to live in Westpoint. I’d like to have a business, a shop in the main street, selling music – Cd’s and stuff, whatever they’ve got in 20 years time. – I-pods or MP3’s or whatever. I’d like to sell instruments and music equipment, stereos, and computers too, probably.

I don’t want anything huge, just enough for a comfortable living and a laid-back sort of lifestyle. I’d like to be like Crispian and have a bunch of kids to hang out and make music with. I’d teach them everything I know.”

“That won’t take long.”

“Shut it, Jay, we’re being serious. What else? I’d like to have a flat to live in, up above the shop. That’d be cool. No lawns or gardens or anything. I hate lawns, hate mowing them. It’s just a lot of work and next week you have to do it all over again.

A flat upstairs, a shop downstairs, and maybe a recording studio out the back. It’d be good to be involved with Crispian’s record business, if it’s still going. He’ll be retired by then and I’ll be the wise old guy.”

“It’s not Crispian’s you know. It’s our business – Whozzat’s.”

“I know, we all own it, but it’s Crispian’s first. Plus, I’d like to have a holiday home, somewhere like this or down the Coast Road somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. But, not far away from town and with a road up to the back-door. Bugger tramping every weekend.

I’d like to have good friends about, like Superboy and his Billy, and I’d like to have enough for regular holidays overseas. That’s about it really. What do you want with your life?”

“I dunno, I haven’t worked it out. But, there’s one thing you haven’t mentioned. You don’t want to be just like Crispian do you? He goes back to an empty home every night – just him and no-one to share it with.”

“What?? No! Of course I don’t want that. How could you even ask me that? I don’t ever want to live on my own. Don’t want to and I don’t intend to either!”

“Who do you intend to live with then?”

“Again, what??” He sat up and glared down at Jay. “What a question! You’re cruising for a bruising Jacob Francis Kynnersley! I’ll be living with you, of course. I may never have a shop or anything else, but I WILL be living with you – that much I know.”

“I don’t get a choice in this.”

“No, you don’t. You’re stuck with me, I told you that.”

“That’s cool. I wouldn’t want it any other way. You and me Kid, together forever.”

“Bloody right, Big Guy. Forever!”

The end of their wilderness weekend came around all too quickly. Sunday afternoon, they were back in the carpark at the side of the road, by the Blackwater River bridge. They hadn’t walked half as far as they had planned, but it was far enough and it was a great weekend.

They perched together on a big rock at the side, idly tossing stones into the water below them.

“What do they call it the Blackwater River for? It’s not black – it’s brown.”

“Probably just because it’s dark-coloured water. Or, maybe a Mr. Black discovered it.”

“Discovered it? That wouldn’t be hard to do. All you have to do is to look down from the bridge and there it is.”

“Shut up, Peter. You Dork! The bridge wasn’t here then.”

“You think? Actually, it would’ve been hard country to get through before the roads were built. They used to row boats up the big river, didn’t they?”

“Something like that. I think it was canoes though.”

“Sounds like a lot of hard work to me. I’m glad we’re living now and not back then.”

“Yeah. Roads are good. I’m getting a car as soon as Crispian lets some of the money go.”

“That’ll be great. Do you think that you’ll have room for a passenger – a small passenger?”

“Sure I will, if he’s nice to me.”

“I’m always nice to you, Big Guy.”

“You are! Thank you, my Elf. I love you, Peter Lewis.”

“You do? I love you too. Thanks for the weekend, Jay. It’s been great, but every weekend with you is great.”

“Thank you, Elf. Peter, what would you do if you could choose between Superboy and me?”

“What?? Are you kidding me?”

“No, seriously. Say that Justin and Billy were to split up – it could happen, it has before. But say they really did split for good and say he was to come around and tell you that he was in love with you. What would you do?”

“Well, I guess that I’d hug him and kiss him and tell him that I love him, and then I’d tell him to get lost because I’m in love with Jay Kynnersley. You are my mate, JFK. You are the only one that I want to be with. You are what they claim that Billy’s burgers are – simply the best. No-one, not even Superboy compares to you.

What about you? Why are you thinking about Justin anyway? Got a secret crush on him, have you?”

“No, of course not. You are the best, Peter and you’re the one – the one I love. It’s just that – well it could happen, Elf. Superboy’s happy with his Carver Kid now, but they could finish. They’re both as stubborn as mules and he does love you, you know.”

“I know he does. Buggered if I know why, but he does. There’s nothing for you to worry about, you’re the one for me and Justin loves me like a brother. He said that he doesn’t come on to his brothers.”

“I wish he’d come on to me.”

“Jay!! Why?”

“So that I could turn him down and tell him that I love my Elf.”

“Cool. You’re an idiot, but I still love you.”

Jay’s dad arrived to collect them and they drove back to Westpoint. By the time they arrived back in the town it was raining. It was coming down in bucketfuls. Mr. K commented.

“Wow! Talk about good timing. Did you have any rain in the weekend?”

“No Dad. None at all. The weather was great – couldn’t have been better.”

“Someone up there likes you guys.”

“Sure does, Mr. K. Life is sweet.”

“Yeah, Elf. Sweet.’

“The hot springs are still going are they? I camped up there a few times when I was a kid.”

“They’re still bubbling away, Dad. Guess they’ve been going forever then?”

“Careful, Jacob, I’m not that old. I can still remember what it was like to be a teenager. Believe it or not, I was 16 once too. I never had a friend like Peter though. You’re a lucky kid, Jay. Don’t stuff it up.”

“I try not to, and Dad?”


“Thanks Dad.”

“You’re welcome, Son. Be happy Boys, both of you. That’s all I want for you.”

“Mr. K?”


“Thanks, Mr. K. I really love Jay, you know.”

“I know you do, Son. That’s good. So do I.”

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

WestpointTales - Entangled Tales - 77 Peter and Jay

(These are much better - Thanks to Jim.)

(Blackwater River)
Peter raised his head to look at him. “You all right, Big Guy? Bloody idiot! You’re not a pack-horse you know.”

“No, I’m not, am I? I guess that you were the straw that broke the donkey’s back.”

“That’s the camel’s back, you Dork.” Peter darted forward and he kissed Jay on the side of his mouth. “I love you, you know.”

“I know. I love you too. Now, get off! I can’t get up.”

Peter disentangled himself, stood and offered a hand to help Jay to his feet. He kept one foot firmly placed on his own backpack to keep it away from him.

Jay glanced down and grinned. “Stubborn little bugger aren’t you? Come on, Elf.” He walked on.

Peter picked up his pack and followed. They walked about 200 meters upstream until they came to a spot where rings of fire-blackened stones showed where previous campers had stayed. They dropped their packs and lay back in the late afternoon sunshine.


“Whoah is right. Pretty cool isn’t it, Elf?”

Peter sat up, looking around at the heavy bush-clad hills around their valley, the river flowing busily past them and a couple of small birds darting around over the other side.

“This is just beautiful. A whole new world just a couple of hours away from home. It’s a pity that there’s no road into here.”

Jay sat up behind Peter and draped his arms around him. “A road would spoil it. Then there’d be people and noise and trash and everything.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Can we stay here, Jay? Forget about walking on any further. I don’t want to see the top-hut and everything. Let’s just hang around here, I’ve done enough tramping.”

“But we were going tramping for the weekend. There’s lots more to see yet. But . . . yeah, okay, let’s just stay here. We’ll go up to the top-hut some other time.”

“Great! Thanks. I’ve done enough tramping for today and for tomorrow too.”

“Yeah. Don’t want to wear you out too soon, or me either come to think of it. We’ll need some energy for the making love bit.”

“Yeah. We’ll need that for sure. Come on and I’ll show you how to put the tent up. Ow! Bloody sandflies! They’ve followed us.”

“No they haven’t. It’s just their cousins. This is foreign territory to the ones back by the pool. Some bug spray will keep them away.”

A spray with the can from the side-pocket of Jay’s pack drove the insects off, and then they pulled the two-man hiking tent out and erected it. Peter unpacked their food and cooking gear. He laid out the bed-rolls and the double sleeping bag in the tent. While he was busy sorting their accommodation, Jay busied himself collecting firewood from around the area. A couple of small, dead, trees were easily smashed up by pulling them over and stomping on them.

When their campsite was all tidied and organized and the fireplace was loaded up and ready to go, they took towels and the bug spray and went back to the hot-springs pool. They took their boots and jeans off, (spraying their legs carefully), and waded into the water to open up the rock-wall and let the river water flow through to cool the pool.

When Peter was finally satisfied with the temperature, they repaired the wall, stripped off the rest of their clothes and gingerly lowered themselves into the warm water.

“Great, Big Guy. Really great, this is fantastic. Who would have thought it? – a rock-lined pool in the middle of nowhere and it’s sheer luxury!”

“Sure is. Stinks though, doesn’t it? It smells like Mother Nature farted.”

“It stinks – rotten eggs and fart smells, but it’s not that bad. It’s just natural, all hot springs smell like this. Have you ever been to Rotorua? That stinks at first but you soon get used to it.”

“I’ve never been there. Maybe you could take me one day.”

“Okay, sure.”

“Why do they stink, Elf? It’s the sulphur or something isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it’s sulphur. I’m not sure why. Something to do with fire and brimstone and volcanoes and cracks in the earth – something like that.”

“That’d be why the water’s hot then – coming up from a crack in the earth.”

“Yeah, something like that. And the gas too – there’s bubbles if you look. That’s what stinks.”

“I guess we’ll be smelling like it too then.”

“That’s all right, as long as we both smell the same.”

“Oh yes! Between this and the bug spray, we’ll be smelling great! Get out of it! You blood-sucking Mothers!”

Peter took a deep breath and deliberately sunk below the water, lying flat on the bottom, to get away from the sandflies. Jay reached over and lifted his head and shoulders back up out of the water.

“Hey! I was just drowning the sandflies.”

“You don’t do that, Elf. Don’t ever put your head under in a hot pool.”

“Why not then?”

“It’s dangerous. There’s some sort of bug that lives in hot pools, if it gets up your nose it could make you sick or kill you even.”

“You serious? Who told you that?”

“I’m serious. Dad told me – when we came up here last time.”

“That was when you were what, 10 or something? It sounds like a story that you tell little kids to scare them.”

“It’s real, Peter. I’ve read about it too. Don’t take the risk anyway. Keep your head out of the water.”

“Oh – kay. I’ll believe you, thousands wouldn’t.”

“Peter, I’m serious.”

“I know you are. I won’t do it anyway, just to keep you happy.”

“Good! I don’t want you getting sick. Not now, not ever.”

“Yeah, I love you too. Keep your own head out of the water, Jay.”

The sun disappeared behind the hills and the valley was swathed in shadows. They came out of the pool, dried off and started getting dressed.

“You think we should plunge into the river now?”

“Not bloody likely! It’s cold in there.”

They sprayed each other’s exposed skin and then went back to their campsite. Peter got the fire going while Jay cut and trimmed some sticks for fishing-poles.

There were no fish, or, they weren’t biting anyway. After an hour of dangling their bait in the water to no avail, they gave up and cooked sausages for their tea. It was nothing fancy, just half-burnt sausages wrapped in bread with billy-tea and biscuits to follow.

Afterwards, they sat by the fire sharing the headphones to listen to music on Peter’s old Walkman, and watched the moon come up from behind the hill. The whole valley was bathed in silver light and super-black shadows.

“Now that looks good – really good.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool. It’s like our own magic kingdom.”

“Or Queendom.”

“Don’t, Peter, there’s no queens here. There’s just you and me – a pair of kings maybe but no queens.”

“You’re a king, Jay. I’m a queen.”

“You are not! Don’t think like that. You’re not a queen, you’re a boy – a beautiful boy and I love you very much.”

He turned around from his spot between Jay’s legs, kissed him briefly and then buried his face below Jay’s chin and hugged him fiercely.

“I love you so much, Jay. You are my every dream come true.”

“Oh, my Elf! Sometimes I’m scared that it’s all going to come crashing down. My life just can’t be this good. But it is, every day is better and I love you more every single day!”

Peter quietly disengaged, got up, went around the fire and sat facing him from the other side.

“What’re you doing, Elf? Come back here.”

“In a minute, Jay. I just want to look at you for a while.”

“From away over here?” (It was all of 2 meters away). “Come back and sit with me.”

“In a minute, Jay. I heard you talking to Dad before.”


“And it’s right, what he said. You weren’t my first boyfriend.”

“I know that. I don’t care – I’ll be your last.”

“You will. There’ll never be another after you, no matter what happens.”

“Nothing’s going to happen. Come and sit with me.”

“Soon, Jay. I need to tell you about it – about what happened and what went wrong.”

“Peter, I don’t care. All that matters is you and me, here, now and for always.”

“It does matter. I need to tell you.”

“Okay then. If you have to, I’ll listen, but nothing’s going to change the way I feel about you.”

“I hope so, Jay, I really hope so. But you’ve got to know.”

Jay sat quietly, watching Peter’s face in the flickering firelight as he poured out his story.

“When I was a kid, I was pretty ordinary – just one of the dozens of boys around town. I did all the normal things that kids do. I went to Play Centre, went to school, joined the Boy scouts and played sports – when I had to. I had friends and had enemies too.

They weren’t really serious enemies, just rivals really – kids from other areas of town. My friends were mostly people my own age from close to my home. Relationships grew from being close in age and location.

Sometimes my enemies became friends and sometimes friends became enemies. Nothing was really serious – there were no deadly enemies and no really close friends either. It was all quite casual and superficial – childish, I suppose.

As we grew older, I started to realise that I wasn’t really just another boy; I was a bit different to the rest. For one thing, I was smaller than most kids my age, but that didn’t worry me – there was nothing I could do about it. It was just the way it was.

Then, from about age 10 or 11, other boys started to take an interest in girls and sex. Everyone except me – I only wanted to be with the boys. Girls didn’t interest me at all, no more than horses did. Gradually, I started to lose what friends I had as our interests grew further and further apart.

By age 12, I had pretty much figured out that I was gay. I never told anyone, but by searching on the net, I’d learnt all about gays and came to realise that I was one. I thought that I was the only gayboy in Westpoint.

I knew the statistics, that 1 in 9 people are gay, but it didn’t seem to apply around here. There was no-one else like me that I could see. Then, I found one. On the day I started Highschool, I knew that we’d be joined by lots of new kids from the country schools. I was eager to check them out and, hopefully, find someone like me. And, I did.

On the first day, in the very first class, I was looking around the room, checking out the new kids, and I saw him. It was like that song – “You may see a stranger across a crowded room, and suddenly you’ll know.”

I did see a stranger, a really cute blond boy and he was looking straight back at me. Our eyes met and I knew – I knew that he was just like me. I smiled at him and he smiled at me and we made a connection without ever having said a word.

I went and found him at the recess and, sure enough, he was just as eager to know me as I was to know him. Over the next couple of weeks, we got to know each other really well. He, Dwyane, pushed the sex thing faster than I would have liked, but it was good. I did want to try out all the things I’d read about.

Within 2 weeks we were going all the way. Or, rather, Dwyane was. He was fucking me every chance we got, and we found plenty of chances. The only trouble was that he was treating me like a girl. Sometimes he’d jack me off, but usually it was just me doing him and he fucked me, regularly, but he’d never let me fuck him.

The most I got was when we were rubbing together – fronting – but usually, he’d cut that short once he was all excited and he’d flip my legs up and start fucking. It was definitely not the mutual loving relationship that I was looking for, but it was all that I had and it was better than nothing at all.

By then, I had no trouble accepting that I was gay, but Dwyane never did. As far as he was concerned, he was just fucking. That’s probably why he always had to be the top. If, even once, he’d let me do him then he’d have to admit that he was maybe gay as well.

My parents had a pretty good idea what was going on. They never said anything at the time, but they told me later that they thought that we were having sex. Then, after just a couple of weeks, not even one school term, it all went to hell.

Dwyane came to stay for a weekend. We slept together Friday night, then, Saturday afternoon, we went out to the North Beach for a swim. I wasn’t keen, with the salt and the sand and everything, but he was horny and insistent, so we went into the bushes at the back of the beach.

It was Dwyane’s fault. If he’d just kept quiet, no-one would have known that we were there, but he was always very vocal when screwing, if he had the chance. Anyway, he was roaring and we got caught . . and . .”

Peter’s voice faded away, he dropped his head down and there was silence. Jay was concerned now.

“Elf? Peter, are you okay?”

“No. No I’m not okay!”

Jay jumped up and went around to sit with him. Peter turned and sobbed into Jay’s chest.

“Hold me, Jay. Please hold me. Don’t let go.”

Jay wrapped his long arms around his friend and held on tight. “I’ve got you, Elf. I won’t EVER let go! Never!”

“Oh Jay! I love you so much! I can’t do it, I’m sorry, I just can’t. I wanted to tell you what happened that day, but I can’t do it.”

Jay rocked him and kissed his hair as he held him. “It doesn’t matter, Peter. I know, roughly, what happened to you and I’m sorry for you, but it doesn’t matter, not any more. We’re here now, you’re with me and you’re safe. I would die before I’d let anything like that happen to you again.”

Peter burrowed his face into him and clung on as he cried. Calming down, he sat back, wiped his own tears and then wiped Jay’s. “Thanks. Thank you, Jay. I’m glad all that shit happened to me. I’m glad it happened because it brought me here, with you, and I don’t ever want to be anywhere else.”

“I love you, Peter.”

“I know you do. I don’t know why, but I know that you do. Thank you. I love you, Jacob Francis Kynnersley, and I always will. Always!”

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Westpoint Tales - Entangled Tales - 76 - Peter and Jay

(Here we go again. this is Westpoint from the air - sorry if it's blurry. Did you know that if you click on a blog photo, it brings up a larger image? - well now you do.) Friday afternoon, Peter and Jay cut school. It wasn't actually wagging, Their parents all knew and they were okay with it, even Mrs. Lewis the teacher.

Friday afternoons were largely devoted to sports anyway and, while they both participated, neither of them were huge sports-fans. This weekend they were going away together, tramping in the bush, so by leaving at lunchtime Friday, they'd get a good start.
Peter's dad, home for once from his busy life at sea, was going to drive them up the Gorge to the start of the track, and Jay's dad would be there at lunchtime on Sunday to pick them up again.

As soon as school broke for lunch, they met outside and hurried along the short walk along Williamson Road to Peter’s home. In the bedroom, they stripped off their school clothes and put on the waiting jeans, shirts and jackets, and then they grabbed a bite to eat in the kitchen.

“All ready, Guys?” Don Lewis walked into the room. “Are you sure that you’ve got everything? Cells, firelighters, toilet paper?”

“Toilet paper?” Peter squeaked. “No. I never even thought of that!”

“Peter, you’re going for two days. You’re going to have to take a dump sometime. There’s not a lot of public conveniences out in the bush you know.”

“I’ll get some. Wait here.” Peter rushed off to the bathroom.

Don turned to Jay with a grin. “Never thought that I’d see my boy so excited about sleeping outdoors. His world has really opened up since you’ve been around. Thanks Jay.”

“This was all Peter’s idea, Mr. Lewis. I’m just going along.”

“Maybe it was, but he couldn’t do it without you. And – I’m tired of telling you, Mr. Kynnersley, my name’s ‘Face”, don’t call me Mr. Lewis. Hell, Jay, you’re not a little kid and you’re part of our family now. Call me Face, or Don if you’d rather.”

“Okay, I’ll try. Thanks, umm, Face.”

“That’s better. Jay, I’ve never told you this, and I may never again, but I, we all, really appreciate everything that you’ve done for our boy. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him.”

“Peter’s the best thing that ever happened to me. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had and I’m very grateful for the way that you are all so accepting of us being together.”

“I always dreamed that our son was going to grow up and settle down with a wife and kids, but that’s obviously not going to happen – Peter’s gay. The best thing for him is to have someone who loves him, and he really loves you, Jay, you’re the best there is. We’re never going to have a daughter-in-law, unless Claire really shocks us, but I don’t mind having another son. Don’t mind a bit.”

“Thanks. I just love Peter too.”

“Yeah, I know you do. I’ve got eyes you know. Anyway, enough of this embarrassing talk. Please tell me that you’ve got no guns hidden away in all that gear you’ve packed.”

“We’ve got no guns. We’re not planning on killing anything. Well, maybe a fish or two.”

“Good. I’ll take you boys out shooting any time you like, but I’d rather that you didn’t do it without me around to keep an eye on you. When I was a teenager, many years ago, a close friend of mine was shot and killed in a hunting accident.”

“That’s awful. Must’ve been hard on you.”

“You don’t know the half of it, Jay. I was the one who shot him. I thought I saw a deer in the trees and I shot my friend. I still have nightmares about it. So, no guns, okay?”

“Definitely not! I’d die if anything happened to Peter. Seriously – I’d shoot myself.”

“That would be serious. To tell the truth, I thought about it myself, but I didn’t. Just as well too.”

“Yes, just as well. I’d have no best friend.”

“Yeah. Funny how life can go, but I’m sure you’d always have someone, jay.”

“I wouldn’t. I never looked at a boy in my life until Peter came along.”

“Is that true? Never? Anyone?”

“Never. And I never will either.”

“Jay, umm, you’re not Peter’s first boyfriend you know.”

“I know that, but I’ll be his last one.”

“I think you’re right. The best one too – you’ve got my vote anyway. Enough of this, get Peter and we’re out of here.”

They loaded up their gear and got into the car, Jay in the backseat and Peter riding shotgun, next to his dad. Face sat waiting patiently as he listened to the boys each making sure that the other was comfortable.

“You sure that you don’t need more leg-room, Big Guy? I could move my seat forward a bit. You need more room than I do.”

“If you were sitting any further forward, you’d have your knees under the dash. Push your seat back, Elf. I’ve got more than enough room. I can sit sideways you know.”

“Well – I – you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine. Push the seat back and let’s get going.”

They finally settled in and buckled up, Don started the car and they were off! – through the streets in Westpoint, out of town and over the river and away 30k up the Gorge Road to the carpark by the bridge over the Blackwater River.

They unloaded their gear from the car, said thanks and goodbye and then stood watching as Don drove away back to town. As soon as the car was out of sight, Peter slid his hands around Jay and hugged him. They kissed, standing there in the graveled carpark next to the main road.

“Cool. What was that for, Elf?”

“Do I need a reason? No, actually I do have two reasons. Number one, thanks Jay. Thanks for this weekend, it’s going to be great.”

“Sure is. Thank you, Elf. What was the second reason?”

“Just because I wanted to. I love you, Big Guy.”

“Very Cool. I love you too. You can do that anytime.”

“Oh, I will, don’t worry. But, we’d better get going, we can’t stand here all weekend.”

They swung their packs up onto their shoulders and shrugged into the straps, and then stood there, having the inevitable argument about whether Peter was carrying too much.

“Enough, Jay! We’ve sorted this and I’m carrying my share. I’m not a girl you know.”

“Okay. I know you’re not a girl. I just worry about you, you know.”

“Yeah, I know. Thanks, but stop it. Start walking, Jay.”

“Right. You sure that you don’t want to go first?”

“No I don’t. You know the way, you’ve been here before, I haven’t. Besides, if I go second, I get to watch your legs and things.”

“But I don’t. We’ll take turns.”

“Well it’s your turn first. Start walking.”

They crossed the carpark and down the steep start to the track, stepping carefully on the big rocks, down to the flat track at the side of the small river.

The track followed along beside the dark-brown river as it tumbled along in its bed, carrying small rafts of white foam down to their demise in the larger Bulls River out beyond the bridge on the far side of the road.

They headed upstream, passing under the trees hanging off the sides of the narrow gully. The track was mostly level with just a few climbs over old rock-falls and fallen logs, but they were slowly climbing steadily uphill.

The gorge widened as they came out into a wide, bush-covered valley. The trees were old, tall and green and the undergrowth was a mass of baby trees, ferns, rotting logs and moss-covered rocks. There was an occasional small pool of black water, miles of mud, dead leaves and twigs underfoot.

Shafts of sunlight pierced the forest canopy and it was quiet and peaceful. The only sounds were the gurgling water and a few birds sounding alarms. The whole scene was like something from Jurassic Park and Peter wouldn’t have been surprised to see a dinosaur appear – the setting was right.

After a couple of hours walking, he was struggling to keep up the pace. Maybe he had taken on more than he should have? He wasn’t going to admit that though. He wasn’t a weakling.

Nevertheless, he was relieved when they emerged into a huge, grassy clearing and Jay spoke.

“At last! This is it, Elf, we’re nearly there. Just over here, by the river somewhere.”

At the side of the river, which was now much wider and shallower, there was a small roughly rectangular pool, about 2 meters by 3 meters. It was separated from the river by a wall of rocks, obviously stacked by hands, and there were small wisps of steam across the placid surface.

“This is it,” Jay grinned. “The hot springs. It has got a name but I can’t remember what it is. So, what do you think?”

“Is this all there is? We’ve come all this way to see a puddle at the side of the river? Even I couldn’t swim in there, it’s only a couple of feet deep.”

“You don’t swim in it, Elf, you just sit in it. Feel the temperature – stick your hand in and see how warm it is.”

Peter, thankfully, undid the buckle at his waist, slid the straps from his shoulders and lowered the heavy pack to the ground with a sigh.

“It was too heavy, wasn’t it? I told you that you were carrying too much.”

“It’s not too much. Okay, it was heavy, but I did it. My pack’s only half the size of yours, Jay.”

“That’s fair enough. I’m twice as big as you are.”

“You are not – not quite. Anyway, you look fair buggered yourself.”

“I’m not buggered, not yet. We’ll talk about that later.”

“Yes, later. How warm is this water anyway?” He bent down, ran his fingers through the water, and then jerked back, shaking his hand in the air.

“Whoah! That’s frigging hot! We’re not sitting in there, Jay. We’d cook.”

“What do you mean?” Jay bent, put his own hand in the water and then jerked it out. “Okay, that’s hot! It’s not a problem, we’ll just open the wall up and let some river-water in to fix it.”

“We can do that? Cool.”

“Yeah, cool’s the word. We’ll cool it down. Come on then, pick up your not-too-heavy pack and well go and set up camp.”

“More walking?” Peter groaned. “Couldn’t we just put the tent up here?”

“No we can’t.” Jay picked up Peter’s pack himself. “The sandflies hang around the springs, we’d get eaten alive here. We’ve just got to go a few meters upstream to get away from them. Come on Elf.”

“Okay then. Anything to get away from these things.” Peter stood slapping at the small midges attacking his bare arms, (he’d taken his heavy jacket off an hour ago). “Vicious little mothers, aren’t they?”

“Vicious is right, and they are mothers too. Apparently it’s only the female ones that bite you. They need your blood to make fertile eggs or something.”

“They vant to suck my blood?” Peter showed how bad a German accent he could do. “Get off me, you Mothers! They’re worse than mosquitoes, at least you can hear them coming.”

“The mossies will be around later. The sandflies do the day-shift and then the mosquitoes take over for the night-shift.”

“Something to look forward to then. Give me my pack and we’ll get going.”

“Come on, Elf. I’ve got your pack, don’t worry about it.”

Jay started off, his own pack on his back and Peter’s held in front of him.

“Stop thief! Gimme my pack!” Peter ran and leapt onto Jay’s back. His legs locked around his waist as he hung off the big back-pack.

“Whoah!” Jay staggered at the impact, and then he regained his balance and started walking, ponderously, carrying both the packs and the boy hanging off his back.

“I’ll carry you too then. Hold on, Elf.”

“Jay, you can’t! Stop, you idiot!”

“I can too!” Jay gasped. In another couple of steps, he collapsed and they fell down on the grass, laughing.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Westpoint Tales - Entangled Tales 75 - Daniel & Tony

(The end of Romney Street. Toddy's house on the left, the Peter's at centre right & George's next door, with the red roof.)

They had dinner, and then George arrived home from work and he came over to see them.

“Tony! Welcome home.” He held out a hand and Tony shook it.

“I’m not into hugging like all you kids are, but it’s really good to see you, Boy. You’re welcome to use the room at my house for as long as you like – stay there for the rest of your life if you want .”

“Thanks George. I need your room, I’ve got no other home to go to. I can pay you board, Jonathan has made my father send money to support me while I’m at school.”

“There’s no need for board, I’m not feeding you. Pay Nita something. I don’t need your money, as long as my power bill doesn’t go through the roof. I’ll carry a little bit, no worries.”

“George?” Daniel spoke up. “You do realise that I’ll be sleeping over there as well, don’t you?”

“Well, of course you are, Daniel. As long as it’s just you two – I’m not running a hotel. I’ve got another room you can use if you want to.”

“No, I don’t want another room. I’ll be sleeping with Tones. Um, George, Aunty, this is the hard bit – but it’s got to be said.” (He took Tony’s hand and held it. Tony squeezed, reassuringly.) “We’re gay, Tones and I; we’re gay and we’re in love with each other.”

“Well, Duh!” Nita smiled. “How blind do you think we are? Tell us something that we don’t know.”

“And you don’t mind?”

“Of course I don’t mind. Why should I? You just be good to each other, be careful and what goes on behind closed doors stays there, okay? Keep your hands off each other when you’re in public. And, I wouldn’t tell Tom – He probably knows, he just won’t want to talk about it.”

“That’s great. Thanks Aunty, thanks George. We will be careful, Tones has been hurt enough for one lifetime.”

“One more thing, Boys.”

“Yes, Aunty?”

“I’d rather Barney Todd doesn’t come sneaking across the road every night, especially schoolnights.”

They were both bright red now as they realised that Nita knew everything. “That, umm. That won’t be happening, not any more.”

“Good. I’m pleased to hear that then. A couple might last forever, a threesome never will. Somebody always gets hurt. Now, can we talk about something else? Tony, I want you to call me ‘Aunty’, okay?”

“Yeah, okay. Thanks, Aunty. My life’s never been so good,” he sighed.

“That’s because you’re out west, where you belong, Tones.”

“No, Danny. It’s because I’m with you.”

“We don’t want to hear that, Tony. We know it – just don’t want to hear it.”

“Sorry Aunty. But it’s true.”

Tom arrived home and, after greeting Tony with a hand-shake, he buried his nose in the evening paper.

“I think he’s really happy to see you Tones.”

After eating, they went across the road to the Todd’s house. Mavis greeted him with a hug and a kiss. Grant just punched his shoulder. “Good to see you.” Then he disappeared into his room, with John.

Toddy stood back and waited while the others greeted him, and then – “Hey Tones.”

“Hey Toddy.”

“Come on up the front – we need to talk. Need some privacy here, Mum.”

“Don’t you always,” she sighed. “Go and talk then. Great to see you, Tony, come and visit with me sometime.”

Toddy led the others into his bedroom and locked the door. They stood looking awkwardly at each other, and then he burst out. “I’ve got a girlfriend now! Sherry and me, we’re back together. We’re going to give it another try.”

“That’s cool, Toddy. I hope it works out for you. Danny and me – we’re going to try again too.”

“What do you mean, try again? You two were never separated really. The Guitar-man’s been thinking about you, every minute of every day. You two belong together, the Terrible Twosome rules!”

“Yeah!” Daniel agreed, “It takes two.”

“Does that. It takes two, not three. We had a lot of fun, Guys, and we got really close – about as close as you can get. But it takes two.”

“So, Toddy? Can I still call you my friend?”

“You can call me anything you like, Tones, as long as we can be friends.”

“That’s good, really good. I’ve been dreading meeting up with you. I like you, Toddy, but I’m in love with Danny.”

“Of course you are. You’ve always loved your Danny. I was just a bit on the side.”

“Bloody hot bit, though.”

Frustrated, Daniel burst out. “Well, stop tip-toeing around and give the bloody boy a hug, already!”

“Who are you talking to?” Toddy’s trademark eyebrow rose.

“Both of you. Hug him.”

They did.

“Welcome home, Tony. Good to see you back.”

“Thanks Toddy. It’s good to be back. I need you for my friend, Toddy.”

“Sure you do! After what we’ve done together, we can only be friends or enemies – I’d rather have a friend.” He kissed him, briefly – as a friend.

Toddy came with them when Daniel and Tony walked back to the Union Hall. He separated from them at Peel Street to go and see Jinks.

In the entrance to the hall, Daniel pulled Tony into the small Gent’s Cloakroom. He shut the door, leaned Tony back against it and kissed him.

“Happy now, Tones?”

“Oh yes, Danny. You? Cool. Let’s go and make music.”

And they danced all night at the Union Hall. The doors were wide open and a crowd slowly gathered, drawn by the music. Crispian filmed as an impromptu dance-party developed. Everyone was having fun, but none more so than the slender blond-haired singer who bounced off and on the stage. And they danced.

Dawn was breaking when they finished. Most of the crowd had gone hours ago, but they kept playing for their own enjoyment. When they were walking home in the early morning light, Peter and Jay were with them as far as Romney Street.

Peter summed it up. “Tones – it’s so good to have you back. Superboy can sing. Oh boy! Can he sing! But we’d rather have you. I wouldn’t trade you for 10 Superboys. Look out, World – here comes Whozzat.”

(And that’s book 4. That’s the History, the Background and the Introduction – Now the story begins :))

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Westpoint Tales - Entangled Tales - 74 Daniel & Tony

Lucas' House.

Lucas put sunglasses on Tony and a big cap on his long blond hair, pulling it well down over his face. They all went around to the Peter’s house so Daniel could change into his own clothes. Marcie had walked to work and left her car for them, which was really cool of her.

Nita greeted Tony with hugs and kisses and told him that this was his home now. She’d talked to George before he went to work and he’d agreed that they could move back into his room. John could have his room back to himself. John protested but was told to get over it.

They went around to the hospital to be greeted by Nurse Marcie Sheridan. She got Doctor Miller to examine Tony. There’d be no charge, but he’d have to wait a few days for the results.

On the way out of the hospital, Daniel said that they’d have to use condoms then and asked Lucas if he had any.

“Yeah, sure I have. Don’t tell Billy that. How many will you need for three or four days?”

“Oh, three or four hundred should be enough.”

“In your dreams, Danny.”

“You’re always in my dreams, Tones.”

“Shut up, the pair of you!”

John sighed as he got back into the car. “I so want a boyfriend! Are you sure that you’re straight, Lucas?”

“Positive, John-boy.”

Approaching the Union Hall, Tony was getting nervous again.

“Settle down, Tones. They love you, you’ll see. Lucas, I’ll get out, you go drive around for 10 minutes, and then, come back, toot your horn and walk in. You come in singing, Tones. We’ll knock them flat.”

Daniel got out of the car and went into the hall by himself. The other members of Whozzat were all buzzing and wanting to know what the big mystery was about. It took all of his self-control to maintain his usual, glum, face and not burst out smiling. That would have given the game away for sure.

He got them all up on the stage, just saying that he wanted to try something different with the music – something great, they’d see. He nodded to Crispian and pointed to the camera that he had beside him. When a car tooted out in the street, Daniel took up his beloved guitar and started playing the long involved introduction to North’n West Coast Sun.

The others all picked up the tune and Crispian started the camera, puzzled. He couldn’t see what was different.

When Lucas Sheridan walked in, accompanied by two slender, blond youths – one in a cap and sunglasses – Crispian focused on them as they approached the stage.

At the right place in the song, exactly on cue, the strange youth flashed a big grin and sang. “I’m going out West where I belong.”

All eyes were on him, wondering, but they continued to play as he sang. “Where the days are short and the nights are long.”

He got no further as Sandie dropped her bass and flew at him. “TONY!!”

They all left their instruments and flew off the stage at him. He was almost knocked over in the rush, then stood weeping happily in the middle of a big group hugging.

He was spun around as each one individually hugged and greeted him with lots of tears and kisses. Daniel finally pulled him away. “Enough. Don’t take all the kisses. I haven’t had my share yet.”

Tony sat on the edge of the stage and Daniel sat behind with arms and legs draped around him. Everyone was talking at once. Tony leaned back and whispered, “Who’s the hot kid with the camera?”

“Think he’s hot, do you?” Daniel whispered back.

“Well, yeah. He is, but not as hot as you though.”

“It’s Crispian, you twit!”

“Crispian? No! Crispian, what happened to you? You’re looking hot.”

“Looking good, do you think? I’m not really young, just look it. Blame the R&R system, it really works.”

Jonathan and his girls arrived. (Lucas had been on his cellphone). They walked straight up to him. “Tony Duncan! Look at you. Where’ve you been? I’d kick your arse, Boy, but the Guitar-man would kill me.”

“Hey Jonathan, Lana, Claudette. Nice to see you too. Thanks for sorting my old man.”

“Sorted him? I’ll fucking kill him if he touches you again. Told him that too. Are you going to stand up so that we can give you a hug, or do we have to peel the Guitar-man off you first?”

“Everyone’s so into hugging in this town.”

“You can blame Justin for that – he started it.”

“But, where are Justin and Billy? Don’t they want to?”

“Don’t be silly, Tony. Of course they want to see you. They’ll be back later. They’ve gone down to Hoki. Justin claims that they’re on business, but that’s just his excuse. They’ve bought a car and Billy’s got his licence, so there’s not stopping them now.”

“Billy’s got a licence? What about Superboy then, doesn’t he drive too?”

“No, he can’t. He says that it scares the shit out of him. Justin may never drive – though maybe, one day he will. Billy’s trying to teach him, but he reckons that he doesn’t need to now that he’s got Billy to drive him around.”

“So, you think that they’ll stay together?”

“Those two? Yeah. As long as the sun keeps coming up in the mornings, they’ll be together.”

“That’s great! They’re happy then?”

“Tony,” Claudette interposed. “Anyone can tell the twins apart these days. Justin’s the one with a huge grin from ear to ear and a redhead right next to him.”

“And what do people think about that? Do they get a hard time?”

“Who’s going to give Superboy a hard time? Or his no.1 friend either? I don’t think they give a toss about what anyone thinks anyway. They’re just happy being together.”

“That’s cool. Really cool.” Tony leant back against Daniel’s chest. “You think we’re going to be happy together, Danny?”

Daniel leaned forward, bent around him and kissed him on the cheek. “I think.” He purred.

Jonathan pulled out his cell, found a number and dialed. “Hello John Duncan, Jonathan Reynolds here. You’ll be pleased to know that Tony has shown up safe and well. Tony will be living with us, here in Westpoint from now on. You can deposit money for his bed and board in his bank account – you know the number, it’s the one that you stole all his money out of.

He’ll be going back to school and you’ll be supporting him until he leaves. I think that $150 a week should be enough. $150 a week, every week, without fail or I’ll be coming back to see you. Have a nice day.”

He switched off and winked at Tony. “Don’t think that your father likes me very much.”

“Thanks, Jonathan. Really thank you, but, if what Danny says is true, we’ve got money now – we don’t need his.”

“Maybe you don’t, but he needs to pay, and pay and pay, for what he’s put you through.”

“Let the bastard pay, Tones,” Daniel agreed. “He can afford it and he needs a lesson. Thanks, Jonathan. The Iceman’s our no.1 hero.”

“Tony” said Crispian. “Daniel is right, you have got money, lots of money. Whozzat’s music is selling amazingly well and your share will be quite a lot.” He stopped and took a breath, then he and the entire group, all said “However!”

“Well, excuse me!” Crispian continued. “However – I’ve got a plan and it’s even more important now that you’re here at last. I’ll let you have some money if you need it, but the others have all agreed to leave their shares with me. We’re going to make a movie, an old-fashioned musical documentary to tell the story of Whozzat. It can go on tour and promote the group while you all carry-on being normal schoolkids.”

“A movie sounds great, Lordship. But, who’s normal anyway?”

“No, you’re not are you? But you can try to lead a normal sort of life.”

Peter said, “Crispian wants to protect us from the big bad world out there.”

“I do indeed. But, we can make a fortune by being the rebels outside of the business.”

“We’ve made a good start. Our fortune is in your hands, Lordship.”

“Trust me, Children. I’ll be your Fagin, we’ll all be rich and, hopefully, happy in spite of that.”

There was no more music, for a while anyway. They sat around in a circle, talking and planning. Tony told them his story and they updated him on theirs. They finally broke up and went their separate ways, after agreeing to meet back at the hall , at 7pm, to make music. Daniel and Tony walked back around to the Peters’.

“Haven’t you got any clothes at all, Tones?”

“No. Just the messy ones I arrived in last night.”

“Just as well you can fit into mine then. We’ll get some money off Crispian tomorrow and go and buy you a whole new wardrobe.”

“Cool. That’ll be fun.”

“Will be if I can come into the changing-room with you.”

“Down boy. We have to behave for a few days.”

“Fuck that. I want to fuck you now.”

“Well you can’t. Danny, what about Toddy?”

“What about Toddy? I don’t want to fuck Toddy anymore – just you. But if you want to carry-on with him, that’s up to you.”

“I don’t want to be with anyone but you, Danny. Never again. But I would like to keep Toddy as a friend, if that’s okay with you. And him too of course.”

“Sure it’s okay, Tones. Toddy and I are still friends. He’s been worrying about you too. We’ll go and find him later.”

“Toddy’s been worrying? I never dreamed that so many people cared. They’re your friends, Danny, but they care about me too. I wouldn’t have stayed so long at Flossie’s if I’d known. I thought no-one would want to know me – not even you.”

“Shut up, Tones. You can’t break-up with me, can’t be done. You belong to me and I belong to you.”

“I love you more.”

“Do not!”

“Do so!”

They walked along, happily sneaking glances at each other and grinning.



“Thanks. Today’s been the best day of my life.”

“It’s not over yet.”

They walked along quietly for a bit, then Daniel said, “Tones?”

“Yeah, Danny?”

“Thank you. Today’s been the best day of my life too.”

“It’s not over yet.”

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Westpoint Tales - Entangled Tales - 73 - Daniel & Tony

They showered together, soaping each other up and kissing often as they whispered words of ‘never again.’ But when Daniel’s hands slid to Tony’s balls, he pulled away.

“Danny, don’t. Please don’t.”

“Tones, I want you so bad!”

“”No, please – not now, we’ve got to talk. I was raped, Danny. Fucked up the arse by homeless derelicts.”

“I’m sorry, Tones. I’m so sorry.”

They stood under the running water and embraced totally until Tony pulled away.

“Come on. We’ve got to finish here – they’ll be waiting.”

Out of the shower and dressed in Lucas’ clothes, which were big and baggy on both of them, especially Tony, they went to the kitchen where Marcie was waiting for them.

“Sit down, boys. Nothing fancy here, just fry-ups with eggs – fast and filling. Sit down, Lucas. There’s enough for everyone. I don’t imagine that you and Daniel will just want to watch Tony eating. Feeling better now, are you Tony?”

“Oh yes. Thanks, Mrs. Sheridan, 100% better. It’s so nice to be clean and it’s great, just great to be home.”

“Home. There’s a lot to sort out, but that can wait until tomorrow. Your Aunt rang, Daniel. I told her that you’ll be sleeping here tonight.”

“You did? Thanks, Mrs. Sheridan. That’s terrific.”

“Tony, I don’t know where you’ll be living, but until something better turns up you’re welcome to stay here with us.”

Tony looked down at the plate of hot food that she put down in front of him and burst into tears. Marcie put a box of tissues in front of him, and then stood bent over, and held him against her.

“It’s all right, Tony. Everything’s all right – you’re home now.”

Daniel knelt on his other side and Tony slumped down against him and clung while he cried.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, it’s just. . .I didn’t know if anyone would even want to see me! Oh, Danny, thank you.”

“Shut up, Dork. I love you. Always have, always will. I’m still going to kick your arse, we’ll just wait until you’re feeling better first.”

“I am feeling better! I was so alone. I thought I’d be living on the beach or something. Thanks Mrs. Sheridan. I’ll get a job somewhere to pay my way.”

“There’s no need to worry about that now. Anyway, I doubt if you’ll need a job. You haven’t finished with school yet.”

“I do need a job, I’ve got no money. School will just have to wait.”

“You are out of touch, aren’t you?” Daniel said. “Your parents will support you while you’re at school.”

“My parents? Doubt it! They wouldn’t send a cent for me.”

“They will if Jonathan tells them too.”


“Yeah, they’re shit-scared of him – especially your father. He’s been up to see them. We all did - Lucas too. Jonathan really scared them.”

“He did?”

“Yeah, the Iceman. You should have seen him, Tones. He was awesome. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his tongue when he’s mad.”

“He did that for me? And you, Lucas? Thanks.”

“No problem, Tony. I was worried about my little fat friend too. It’s great to have you back, and looking good too! I think I should ring Jonathan, and Justin, and Crispian , and Peter and Jay – everyone really.”

“You will not, Lucas. Leave it until tomorrow. This boy needs a good night’s sleep. And I do mean sleep, Daniel. You’ve got a lot of friends here, Tony, people who care about you, but none more so than this boy. Daniel’s been going mad with worry about you.”

“Danny, I’m sorry. I didn’t know – I didn’t think.”

“No, you didn’t did you? Don’t worry, I’m still going to kick your arse from now until next week – anything to stop you leaving.”

“I’m not leaving, not if I can stay here.”

“Shut up Tones, eat.”

They ate, talking rapidly, but Tony was almost asleep at the table. Lucas showed them to the guest-room and everyone went to bed. There were two single beds in the room but they both slid into the one bed and clung to each other.

Daniel so wanted to have sex, but Tony wouldn’t let him. “I was raped, Danny. I was fucked by three different men.”

“Bastards! I’ll kill them. But I still want you, Tones. Nothing changes that.”

“I want you too. I so want you, but we can’t – not until we know it’s safe. They could have given me any sort of diseases. I might even have Aids, Danny.”

“I don’t care! Well, that’s not right – of course I care, but, if you’ve got something, I don’t care if I get it too. I don’t want to live without you, Tones. Not ever again.”

“Oh Danny, I love you so much. Now go to sleep. I’ll see a doctor in the morning. I’m not going to infect you with anything.”

“I love you, Tones. I really love you. You can infect me with anything you’ve got.”

I won’t! Shut up, Danny. Go to sleep.”

Tony was asleep in no time at all. Daniel lay studying this blond boy, in the moonlight, and then, blissfully happy at last, he drifted off as well.

They woke late in the morning. Marcie had already left for work – with instructions to keep her mouth shut. Lucas was waiting for them, in the kitchen, and he started by hugging Tony again.

“Sit down, the pair of you. I’m the cook this morning. You sleep all right?”

“Oh yes! Great sleep – clean and dry and warm and with my Danny!”

“You’ll get used to it,” Daniel grinned. “You’re not sleeping any other way, ever again.”

“Never again!”

“Shut up, the both of you. You’ll have me looking for a boyfriend of my own next.”

“Boyfriend, Lucas? I don’t think so. What about Margaret?”

“Margaret? Who’s Margaret? What happened to Shelley?”

“Shelley’s history. Oh, they’re still friends, but Lucas has hooked up with Margaret now – Billy’s sister.”

“Billy’s sister? That’s cool. What about Billy? Is he with Justin yet?”

“Oh yes!” Lucas grinned. “Billy’s great and he is so with Justin. They’re living together, full-time, now.”

“They are? Really? That’s great, really great, for them.” Tony glanced shyly at Daniel.

“Don’t worry, Tones. If they can do it, so can we. We’ll work something out.”

“That’d be wonderful, Danny.”

“Anyway,” Lucas interrupted. “If we can all come back to earth for a minute. I’ve got a plan. No-one knows that Tony’s here. I’ve told Mum and the Peters not to say a word to anyone. Nita wants to see you too, by the way. We’ll go around there soon.

Guitar-man, you get on the phone and ring around Whozzat, but don’t tell them he’s here – we’ll surprise them. Just get them all to go around to the Union Hall, tell them that you want to try something new with your music. They’ll be there. You’re all desperate to do something now that Cody’s gone and you’ve got no singer. We’ll just walk in on them, they’ll wet themselves!”

“Yeah, cool. I’ll start ringing them. I’ll get Crispian to get his camera out too, catch their reactions on tape, that’ll be great!”

“Great, Lucas. You think they’ll be happy to see me though? And, Cody’s gone?”

“Yeah, gone and forgotten. Good riddance too. Jay threw him out.’

“Jay did? Why?”

“Because he’s a creep and because he was bad-mouthing you. Of course they’ll be happy to see you – not as much as Daniel though.”

“No. Thanks Danny. We’ll do it, but first, can we go and see a doctor? I need to have a check-over, urgently, and then we’ll go to the Hall. Have you got enough money for a doctor, Danny. I’ll pay you back as soon as I can.”

“I’ve got money, but you don’t have to pay me back. What’s mine is yours, remember. Anyway, I’ll gladly pay – it’s for me too you know.”

“You need a check-up too?” Lucas queried.

“No. Bloody Tones won’t have sex with me until we find out if he’s got any STD’s or anything. Not that it matters, we’re going to do it anyway.”

“We are not, Danny! Not if it’s not safe.”

“Shut up, Tones. We are. Anyway, you have got money you know – pots of it.”

“No I haven’t. I haven’t got a cent to my name. All I’ve got is a watch that I can’t even give away.”

“You’re rich, Doofus. Whozzat’s music is selling on the internet – seven songs with you on them. It’s been amazing, with the news of your disappearance and everything, our songs are selling like crazy. I don’t know how much it is, Crispian will know, but it’s big-time. You’ll be getting about 6 or 7 cents for every song sold.

“That’s great. But it will take a lot of 6 or 7 cents’s to pay for a doctor. That costs about $50 doesn’t it?”

“You still don’t get it, do you? I said the songs are selling big-time – big-time! - we’re talking hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars.”

“Thousands of dollars? It couldn’t be, could it?”

“Bloody could be – it is. There’s been so much publicity and Crispian has been brilliant at marketing it. We’re rich – well we will be if Crispian ever lets it go.”

They took their breakfasts into the living-room and ate there while Daniel got on the phone. They hadn’t finished eating when the door-bell rang. Lucas went and answered it and came back with John Peters.

He stood there, looking around the room. Daniel was still on the phone. Tony stood up, smiling. “John, Hey.”

“Shut up, you.” John watched and waited while Daniel finished his call. “Everything all right, Cuz?”

“Everything’s great, John. Never been better.”

“That’s all right then.” He turned on Tony. “My cousin’s been crying himself to sleep for weeks and weeks. If you ever disappear and hurt him like that again, I’ll fucking do you, Man!”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Tony sighed. “Not ever again.”

“Okay then. See that you don’t. Can I have a hug?”

“A hug? You?”

“Tones.” Daniel put a hand on John’s shoulder. “Things have changed, okay? John’s the best cousin ever. I love him like a brother – a really cool brother. Now, give the kid a hug before he hits you.”

They hugged, awkwardly. Tony asked, “Are we going to be friends then?”

“Sure we are. As long as you’re with Daniel, we’ll be friends.”

“We’ll be friends forever then. Thanks John.” They hugged again, comfortably this time.

John grinned, “I guess I’ve got two big brothers now.”

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Westpoint Tales - Entangled Tales - 72 . Daniel

In the morning, after an immense cooked breakfast, (which Crispian was sure would fill even this lot up for the day), they checked out of the hotel, piled back into the van and went off, up the hill, to the university.

After a lot of searching and getting confusing directions, they made their way around the huge place and finally found the studio for the radio station – Student FX.

Whozzat were interviewed, collectively, live on air and four of their songs were played as they told their story and appealed for any information about their missing singer and friend. The announcer held Tony’s photograph up to the microphone, but that didn’t help.

From there, they went on to the TV studios and were interviewed again. This time, it was taped for showing later. Then, it was back to the airport and home to Westpoint.

They were all home in plenty of time to watch themselves on the television. The interview with Whozzat, and Crispian, was shown on the current affairs programme after the 6 o’clock news. Tony’s photo and the reward being offered were featured prominently.

There was a surprise at the end of the item. The camera focused on Justin and Jonathan, outside the studio, looking through the window. The voiceover said, “Here’s some friends of theirs, also up today from Westpoint. Remember these guys? These are the Reynolds twins. One of them is Jonathan who found his long-lost brother when watching this very programme.

The other is Justin. You must remember him; he’s the one who intervened in the Westpoint School shooting and hostage drama. After the gunman died, it was Justin who sung at his funeral and told us that he was a victim there as well.”

A short clip of the film of Justin singing Danny Boy, in the church was shown.

The interviewer came back on. “Indeed, it must be a special place, this Westpoint.”

Tony’s photo and a phone number came up on the screen with a final appeal for help and offer of a reward.

The programme closed to the sound of North’n West Coast Sun.

In the TV lounge of the Adelphi Hotel, Jonathan nudged his brother. “Just can’t stay out of the news, can you, Superboy?”

“That was old news. Besides, you were there too and they talked about you first. Have you thought any more about changing your name, Mr. Reynolds-twin?”

“Changing my name back to Reynolds? No, I hadn’t. But, after that, I think that I will. I’ll do it, but I’d better talk to the Shaws first. I’ll go and do that now in case they watched that as well.”

In the following days, they were all, especially Daniel, anxiously waiting for a response to their appeals for information; but there were none. The sales of Whozzat’s songs, on the internet, went through the roof.

All seven songs featuring Tony were selling well, especially North’n West Coast sun. They put up another song with Cody singing the Beatle’s Revolution. That went down well too. People seemed ready for a revolution.

Crispian was kept busy with calls from the media – both national and international. He also refused several offers of recording contracts from music industry executives.

“These kids are not in business. Music is just their hobby, they’re school-kids, school is their business for now.”

By the end of the week, Whozzat were the biggest selling act in the country, several times over.

Crispian put adverts in the Sunday papers around the country. These featured a large close-up of Tony’s face and were captioned – “Tony Duncan. He’s the current biggest-selling singer in the country. He’s a model for J&J’s R&R skin repair systems. He’s a 15 year old schoolboy in trouble. He’s our friend and he’s missing. Where is Tony? A reward will be paid to anyone who can tell us where Tony is.”

Again, they waited anxiously in the days that followed. The adverts were repeated in Wednesday’s papers, but there was no response.

Daniel was a mess. He was really worried and getting depressed, despite everyone’s constant support and forced encouragement, especially John’s. The weeks dragged on with no news.

Whozzat lost their singer. A huge argument blew up during a Saturday night practice at the Union Hall. Cody was a bit drunk and he snapped when someone told him, (once again!), that he just didn’t put the life into the music like Tony did.

“I’m sick of hearing about this wonderful singer that you used to have. When are you going to face it? Tony Bloody Duncan’s gone. I’m sick of competing against a fucking dead kid!”

Daniel crumpled like he’d been hit in the guts.

“Don’t you say that!” Sandie yelled at him. “Tones is NOT dead. Don’t you say that! He’s a far better singer – and person – than you’ll ever be. Creep!”

“Oh, fuck off, you Butch Bitch. There’s plenty more faggots where he came from.”

Sandie hit him; she punched him in the face. He punched her back, knocking her off her feet. Jay got up and dropped him with a hay-maker punch. He slid off the edge of the low stage and landed on the floor. Jay stood glaring down at him.

“Get out, Cody. Get out and don’t come back. We don’t want to know you.”

“I’m going. I’m outta here. I can do better than a bunch of baby queers like you lot.”

“Fuck off, Harrison!” Peter yelled. “We don’t want crap like you around here.”

Cody left town that night and they didn’t see him again. They went ahead and did their first public show anyway – a dance for the local teens. All of Whozzat took turns at the vocals. None of them were very good at it, except Sandie (Suzie Quatro) Evans, but they had a lot of fun. Except Daniel.

By now, he was really low and would happily have given up the music if not for all the others’ constant pushing and pleading. He did love his guitar – Tones’ guitar – so he persisted even though he was 90% sure that Harrison was right when he said that Tony was dead. It was only a small country, surely they would have heard something by now? He thought it, but he didn’t dare say it out loud, in case that made it real. Tony was probably dead and he’d never hear from him again.

Weeks dragged on. Carl Douglas was killed in a stupid, tragic, accident. The school musical, Oliver, and Justin and Billy’s reunion provided some high spots. Also, Justin and Billy’s radical moving in together. Shelley and Lucas broke up and Lucas started seeing Billy’s sister, Margaret. School finished for the year. Christmas came and went. New Year came and went. (Whozzat did an open-air, free, concert at the Shingle Beach on New Year’s Eve, Peter and Crispian videoed it.)

The new year began and days went past. Daniel, (and Tony’s), sixteenth birthday was approaching on the 16th of January. Daniel didn’t want to know. He’d never had a birthday without Tones – ever!

On Sunday night, the 11th of January, the Peters, (and O’Brien), family had all gone to bed early. Daniel had cried himself to sleep while John lay on his bed and held him. This was an all too usual pattern now.

It was almost 11.30 when the phone rang, waking up the household. Nita answered the phone next to her bed, and then called out to Daniel that the call was for him – Lucas Sheridan wanted to talk to him urgently. He stumbled out to the kitchen and picked up the phone by the door.


Half-awake, he winced at the cheerful, loud voice coming through the phone.

“Guitar-man? This is Lucas. I think you might want to come around to my place.”

“You what? It’s late, Lucas. I was in bed.”

“I’ve got something here for you.”

“For me? What are you talking about?”

“Tony just walked in here.”

“Tony? My Tony?” Daniel yelled, 100% awake now.

“Yes, Tony Duncan.”

“Yes!” He dropped the phone and took off out the door.

Daniel and Lucas both lived in the same street, but several blocks apart. Daniel was at no.3, Lucas at no. 88. He streaked up the road, running as fast as he ever could, bare feet pounding the asphalt in the middle of the street. He arrived at the Sheridan’s in record time – a car couldn’t have done it faster.

The lights were on and he crashed straight in through the front door. The door flew back and banged on the wall.

Lucas called out, “In here, Guitar-man. We’re in the living room.”

He burst in through the door and wildly looked around the room. Lucas was saying something about Justin Reynolds, but he wasn’t listening. Daniel only had eyes for the boy rising up from the couch, behind Mrs. Sheridan. She stepped back out of the way.

(‘Tony!’) He stood trying to catch his breath. He’d never run so hard in his life and his chest was heaving. Feet were bloody sore too!

Tony stood facing him. He was wet and dirty and dressed in ragged clothes. Taller? Perhaps. Definitely thinner, long and lean. He was much thinner and what had he done to his hair? He looked different, but it was him – Tony!

He wasn’t moving – looked like a possum caught in the headlights, so Daniel walked over to him. He was so relieved to see him. Relieved from months of worry, and mad with him for not calling or something. Not a bloody word!

He raised a hand. He felt like slapping him, but, no – he couldn’t do that. So he grabbed his shoulders and shook him as he yelled in his face.

“Where. The. Fuck. Have you BEEN?”

Then he burst into tears in joy and relief as he hugged him tight. “Tony. Tones. Oh my Tones. Where were you? I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead!”
He pulled back to look into his eyes. He brushed the tears away with his fingertips. “If you ever, EVER! do that to me again, I’m fucking going to kill you, Man. Oh, Tones. I love you so much.”

“Daniel? Danny. Oh Danny. I nearly was dead. I need you, Danny. I really, really need you. I love you, Danny.”

"Of course you do!"

Friday, August 17, 2007

Westpoint Tales - Entangled Tales - 71 - Vignettes

Hey, this blog is to continue posting, & hopefully complete, the Westpoint Tales which is hosted at It's Only Me from Across the Sea ( if you need to see what's gone before). Hope this works.

cheers, david

Entangled Tales - 71 - Vignettes

Crispian went off to sleep alone, as usual. He was dead-beat. He might look like a kid but he wasn’t one and he didn’t have their energy.

Jonathan and Justin both showered, then stripped to their boxer shorts, climbed into bed, turned out the lights, cuddled-up together and went straight off to sleep.

Sandie and Kadie stripped to their underwear and got into bed. They ordered up a late-night snack from room-service, (luxury!), and sat eating pizza, watching videos and talking and giggling until far too late.

Lucas and Shelley, in their underwear, climbed into bed and lay back with the TV going. Neither of them intended anything to happen, but, being young, healthy and in bed together, it did.

When, ‘in the throes of passion’, Lucas gasped, “I didn’t bring any condoms Shell.” Shelley said, “No worries. There’s plenty in my jeans pocket.”

“There is? What are you doing carrying condoms around, Miss Buckingham?”

“I always do, Mr. Sheridan. A girl’s got to be prepared. I know how forgetful you can be and there’s no way I’m getting pregnant.”

“Wouldn’t be that bad, would it? We could have a little baby of our own.”

“No way Jose. I’ve got a career now, I think. I’m not taking any chances anyway. Are you getting the rubbers out or not?”

“Oh, I’m getting them. Hope you brought enough.”

“Yeah, right! Studmaster.”

Peter grabbed the remote, dived on to the bed and lay there, flicking through the TV channels, while Jay stripped off for a shower.

Jay stopped at the door of the bathroom and looked back at the skinny boy sprawled across the bed. “Peter?”

“Yeah, Jay?”

“Some of those guys up in K. Road were plastered with make-up.”

“You want me to start wearing make-up, Jacob?”

“No I don’t. They looked grotesque. Don’t you ever do that to yourself.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t – not if you don’t like it.”

“I don’t like it. I like you just the way you are, Little Elf.”

“I love you too, Big Guy. Hurry up and have a shower, we haven’t got all night.”

“We have actually. Okay – I’m hurrying.”

When Jay came back, with the towel around his neck, Peter’s eyes popped as he admired the sight, and then he hurried into the shower himself.

When he came back, towel modestly around his waist and his hair still standing up even though it was damp, he stopped and looked at Jay – lying on his back on the bed, hands behind his head, the sheet across his waist.

Peter turned and studied himself in the full-length mirror on the wall beside him. A skinny, undersized kid with spiky, dark-blond hair, freckles across his small, stub nose, big blue eyes and over-sized square white teeth. He let the towel drop to the floor and stood there naked, studying his form.

“Why me, Jay?”

“Why you what, Peter?”

“Why is it me that’s here with you?”

“Who else would it be? I love you.”

“But why do you love me? I mean, look at you, Jay. You’re big and strong and just totally gorgeous. You’re very good-looking and you’re such a great person – you could have anyone you wanted. Why do you bother with a skinny little runt like me?”

“You stop that, Peter Lewis! You’re not a skinny little runt. You’re small but you’re cute. You’re beautiful, Peter and you’re smart – well, usually. You’re talented in so many ways and you’re warm and caring, loving and funny and smart and strong. You’re the nicest person I know and I love everything about you.

The question is not why you, but why do you bother with a big ordinary klutz like me?”

Peter came over and knelt on the bed. He picked up Jay’s hand and kissed it tenderly. “You’re not a klutz, JFK. and you’re not ordinary either. You’re a star, a superstar. I’ll never know why you love me, but I do know that I love you - totally - and I always will.

Jay sat up and kissed his forehead. “I love you more, Little Elf. I’ll always love you – just you and only you, always.”

“I just can’t believe that, after all these years, I got so lucky!”

“We got lucky, Elf. Come to bed.”

John also lay across the bed, flicking through the TV channels. He looked back as Daniel came out of the shower with the towel around his waist.

“You’re not going to sleep like that are you?”

“Sleep like what, John-boy?”

“You know – naked. You’re not getting into bed with me with no clothes on.”

“No worries, Cuz. I’ve got no intentions of sleeping naked with you.”

Daniel bent and picked up his boxers and stepped into them, sliding them up his long legs under the towel. He wriggled the shorts into place, dropped the towel and got into bed.

“Gimme the remote. I’ll find something to watch while you go and have a shower.”

“I wasn’t going to have a shower.”

“Well you have to. I’m all clean now and I don’t want you stinking up the bed.”

“I’ve heard you farting in bed. You can stink it up all by yourself. Okay, don’t hit me – I’m showering. See if you can find a porn channel we can watch.”

“I will not. You’re far too young to be watching porn.”

“I’m not you know. I’ve done it too.” John went off for a shower.

When he came back, he dropped the towel at his side of the bed and quickly slid, naked, under the covers.

“Hey! How come you can sleep in the nude when I’m not allowed to?”

John grinned his cheekiest smile. “As long as one of us has got pants on, my arse should be safe.”

“Your arse is safe, Little Boy. I’m not interested.”

“So you say. I don’t want to wake up and find that you’re dreaming that you’ve got Tony in here with you – or Toddy either.”

“Or Toddy?”

“Yeah. We know what you’ve been doing, naughty little boys. We saw you too.”

“Whadda you mean, you saw us?”

“We saw you. Grant and me, we watched you going at it. We snuck out to the Todd’s garage when you and Toddy were up in his so-called secret place up in the rafters. Grant made a periscope and we watched you.”

“You dirty little shits! What did you want to spy on us for?”

“Just checking it out. We thought we might learn something. Didn’t though.”

“Didn’t learn anything. So you’ve been doing that? You and Grant?”

“Yeah, of course we have. Lotsafun.”

“I’m gay, John.”

“Well, Duh! Didn’t think that we were here looking for Tones because you liked his singing.”

“I do like his singing, but I love him. Are you gay? You and Grant?”

“Dunno. Maybe. Grant says that he’s not, but he doesn’t mind practicing with me.”

“You be careful, Kid. Don’t go getting hurt.”

“I know what I’m doing. I didn’t think you cared anyway.”

“Once I wouldn’t have. I didn’t like you at all for a start, but I do now.”

“I didn’t like you either, but I do now, you’re okay. As a matter of fact, I love you, Cousin.”

“John! I’m shocked. And, I love you too, Cousin, but not like that – you know?’

“Not like that. Nobody loves me like that. I even offered it to Superboy, but he doesn’t love me like that either.”

“Now I’m really shocked. You offered to have sex with Justin? Why?”

“Because he’s Superboy and because I thought he looked sad and lonely.”

“Of course he’s sad and lonely. He’s in love with someone who’s not here, same as I am.”

“But, you’ve still got Toddy though.”

“No I haven’t. We’re finished, Toddy and me. The sex is all finished anyway.”

“You’re finished? Maybe Toddy would like someone blonder and younger?”

“No he wouldn’t. Toddy’s too old for you, Kid. Find someone your own age.”

“I’m looking but I can’t find anyone.”

“You’ll find someone, there’s no hurry. But please be careful and stay the hell away from that Cody – he’s bad news.”

“Cody? No, he’s creepy anyway.”

“He is. He’d chew you up and spit you out. I don’t want you getting hurt, John.”

“Thanks, Cuz. You can do me if you like – seeing as we’re here in bed together anyway.”

“No. I don’t want to ‘do’ you. I do love you and we’ve got a good thing going, finally. I don’t want to stuff it up.”

“Cool. Can I have a hug anyway?”

“Yeah, come here. We can do that.”

They hugged, long and hard, but chastely, and then they went to sleep together.